Español Grammar Review

  1. Present Tense of Regular Verbs

    Trabajar (-ar verbs)

    Yo (I work)
    Tú (You work)
    Él (He works)
    Ella (She works)
    Usted (You (form.) work)
    Nosotros (We work)
    Ellos y Ellas (They work)
    Ustedes (You all work)
    • Yo trabajo
    • Tú trabajas
    • Él trabaja
    • Ella trabaja
    • Usted trabaja
    • Nosotros trabajamos
    • Ellos trabajan
    • Ellas trabajan
    • Ustedes trabajan
  2. Present Tense of Regular Verbs

    Aprender (-er verbs)

    Yo (I learn)
    Tú (You learn)
    Él (He learns)
    Ella (She learns)
    Usted (You (form.) learn)
    Nosotros (We learn)
    Ellos y Ellas (They learn)
    Ustedes (You all learn)
    • Yo aprendo
    • Tú aprendes
    • Él aprende
    • Ella aprende
    • Usted aprende
    • Nosotros aprendemos
    • Ellos y Ellas aprenden
    • Ustedes aprenden
  3. Present Tense of Regular Verbs

    escribir (-ir verbs)

    Yo (I write)
    Tú (You write)
    Él (He writes)
    Ella (She writes)
    Usted (You (form.) write)
    Nosotros (We write)
    Ellos y Ellas (They write)
    Ustedes (You all write)
    • Yo escribo
    • Tú escribes
    • Él escribe
    • Ella escribe
    • Usted escribe
    • Nosotros escribimos
    • Ellos y Ellas escriben
    • Ustedes escriben
  4. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo hago
    Hacer = To do/to make

    I do/make
  5. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo pongo
    Poner = to put/place

    I put/place
  6. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo salgo
    Salir = to leave

    I leave
  7. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo traigo
    Traer = to bring

    I bring
  8. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo sé
    Saber = to know

    I know
  9. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs


    Yo veo
    Ver = to see

    I see
  10. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs
    -cer verbs

    Aparecer = Yo aparezco
    Conocer = Yo conozco
    Merecer = Yo merezco
    Obedecer = Yo obedezco
    Ofrecer = Yo ofrezco
    Parecer = Yo parezco
    Reconocer = Yo reconozco
    • Aprarecer = to appear
    • Conocer = to know, be aquainted with
    • Merecer = to merit, deserve
    • Obedecer = to obey
    • Ofrecer = to offer
    • Parecer = to seem
    • Reconocer = to recognize
  11. Present tense of Irregular Yo form Verbs
    -cir ending verbs

    Conducir = Yo conduzco
    Producir = Yo produzco
    Traducir = Yo traduzco
    • Conducir = to drive
    • Producir = to produce
    • Traducir = to translate
  12. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo doy
    Tú das
    Él da
    Ella da
    Usted da
    Nosotros/as damos
    Ellos/Ellas dan
    Ustedes dan
    Dar = to give

    • I give
    • You give
    • He gives
    • She gives
    • You (formal) give
    • We give
    • They give
    • You all give
  13. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo digo
    Tú dices
    Él dice
    Ella dice
    Usted dice
    Nosotros/as decimos
    Ellos/Ellas dicen
    Ustedes dicen
    Decir = to say, tell

    • I say
    • You say
    • He says
    • She says
    • You (formal) say
    • We say
    • They say
    • You all say
  14. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo estoy
    Tú estás
    Él está
    Ella está
    Usted está
    Nosotros/as estamos
    Ellos/Ellas están
    Ustedes están
    Estar = to be (not permanant, changable)

    • I am
    • You are
    • He is
    • She is
    • You (formal) are
    • We are
    • They are
    • You all are
  15. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo voy
    Tú vas
    Él va
    Ella va
    Usted va
    Nosotros/as vamos
    Ellos/Ellas van
    Ustedes van
    Ir = to go

    • I go
    • You go
    • He goes
    • She goes
    • You (formal) go
    • We go
    • They go
    • You all go
  16. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo oigo
    Tú oyes
    Él oye
    Ella oye
    Usted oye
    Nosotros/as oímos
    Ellos/Ellas oyen
    Ustedes oyen
    Oír = to hear

    • I hear
    • You hear
    • He hears
    • She hears
    • You (formal) hear
    • We hear
    • They hear
    • You all hear
  17. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo soy
    Tú eres
    Él es
    Ella es
    Usted es
    Nosotros/as somos
    Ellos/Ellas son
    Ustedes son
    Ser = to be (always is)

    • I am
    • You are
    • He is
    • She is
    • You (formal) are
    • We are
    • They are
    • You all are
  18. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo tengo
    Tú tienes
    Él tiene
    Ella tiene
    Usted tiene
    Nosotros/as tenemos
    Ellos/Ellas tienen
    Ustedes tienen
    Tener = to have

    • I have
    • You have
    • He has
    • She has
    • You (formal) have
    • We have
    • They have
    • You all have
  19. Common Irregular Verbs


    Yo vengo
    Tú vienes
    Él viene
    Ella viene
    Usted viene
    Nosotros/as venimos
    Ellos/Ellas vienen
    Ustedes vienen
    Venir = to come

    • I come
    • You come
    • He comes
    • She comes
    • You (formal) come
    • We come
    • They come
    • You all come
  20. Common Irregular Verbs
    (-uir ending verbs)


    Yo construyo
    Tú construyes
    Él construye
    Ella construye
    Usted construye
    Nosotros/as construimos
    Ellos/Ellas construyen
    Ustedes construyen
    construir = to construct

    • I construct
    • You construct
    • He constructs
    • She constructs
    • You (formal) constructs
    • We construct
    • They construct
    • You all construct
  21. Common Irregular Verbs
    (-uir ending verbs)


    Yo contribuyo
    Tú contribuyes
    Él contribuye
    Ella contribuye
    Usted contribuye
    Nosotros/as contribuimos
    Ellos/Ellas contribuyen
    Ustedes contribuyen
    contribuir = to contribute

    • I contribute
    • You contribute
    • He contributes
    • She contributes
    • You (formal) contribute
    • We contribute
    • They contribute
    • You all contribute
  22. Common Irregular Verbs
    (-uir ending verbs)


    Yo destruyo
    Tú destruyes
    Él destruye
    Ella destruye
    Usted destruye
    Nosotros/as destruimos
    Ellos/Ellas destruyen
    Ustedes destruyen
    Destruir = to destroy

    • I destroy
    • You destroy
    • He destroys
    • She destroys
    • You (formal) destroy
    • We destroy
    • They destroy
    • You all destroy
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Español Grammar Review
Español Grammar Review