
  1. Bridge
    Network segements that typically use the same communication potocol use bridges to pass info from 1 network segment to the other.
  2. Gateway
    When diff communications protocols are by networks, gateways are used to convert the data from the sender's
  3. Hub
    AKA concentrator. Hubs reside in the core of the LAN cabling system. The hub connects workstations & send every transmission to all the connected workstations.
  4. MDA ~
    Media Dependant Adapter
    Is a plug- in module allowing selection amoung fiber-optic, tp, & coaxial cable.
  5. Media filter
    When the electrical characteristic various networks are different, media filter adapter connectors make thenconnection
  6. attenuation is
    The weaking of the signal
  7. MAUs (Mutltstation Access Unit)
    R special concentrators or hubs fornToken Ring networks instead of Ethernet networks
  8. NICs (Network Interface Cards)
    R printed circuirt boards that r installed in pc workstations. They privide the physical connection & circuitry required to access the network
  9. Repeaters
    Connectivity devices used to regenerate & amplify weak signals, thus extending the lenght of the network. Repeaters preform no other action on the data
  10. Routers
    • Link 2 od more networks together, i. E IP network. A router recieves packets & selects the optimum path to forward the packet to other networks.
    • WAN, Internetwork
  11. Switch
    A connection device in a network that functions much like a bridge, but directs transmissions to a specific workstation rather than forwarding to all workstations on the network
  12. Transceiver
    Is a combo of the words transmitter & receiver. It is a device that both transmits & recieves signals & connects a pc to the network. A transceiver may be external or located internally on the NIC.
  13. Connectivity devices work on layer of the OSI model
  14. NICs work on layer of the OSI model
  15. Transceivers work on layer of the OSI model
  16. Repeaters work on layer of the OSI model
  17. Hubs work on layer of the OSI model
  18. MDA (Media Dependent Adapter) work on layer of the OSI model
  19. Media Filters work on layer of the OSI model
  20. Bridges work on layer of the OSI model
    Data Link
  21. Switches work on layer of the OSI model
    Data Link
  22. Layer 3 switch work on layer of the OSI model
  23. Layer 2 switch work on layer of the OSI model
    Data Link
  24. Routers work on layer of the OSI model
  25. Connectivity devices r those devices used to make _________ _________ connections.
    Physical network
  26. Connectivity devices work on layer of the OSI model
  27. The lower 3 layers deal mostly w/ _______-_______ functions
    Network-dependant (hardware) functions
  28. The lower layers of the OSI model r?
    • 1. Physical
    • 2. Data Link
    • 3. Network
  29. The 4 upper layers deal w/ _________-_______ functions.
    Application-oriented (user or software) functions.
  30. The upper layers ofnthe OSI model r?
    • 7. Application
    • 6. Presentation
    • 5. Session
    • 4. Transport
  31. Transceivers are now
    Built into the NICs
  32. Repeaters just what?
    Repeat the signal
  33. The receptacles on the front of the hub are called?
    Ports 4 - 32 ports
  34. Some hubs have an additional ____ port that connects to another hub, thus increasing the size of the network.
    Interface ~ uplink port
  35. If no uplink port use a what?
    Crossover cable
  36. Bridges look at the what?
    MAC address
  37. Routers build a table of all the device addresses (____ _____) across the network
    Routing table
  38. Router uses the table to ____ a transmission from sending station to the receiving station across the best _____.
    Forward ; path
  39. Logical addresses
    IP address
Card Set
all about the network devices