______ represents how much info can be sent at 1 time over a specific cable type, or the measure of info capacity of transmission over a cable.
Bandwidth is the difference between the ______ & ______ frequencies of the transmission, measured in hertz.
Higest & lowest
Bandwidth is a factor used to ________ cable.
BNC~ British Naval Connector
Is the connector used w/ coaxial cables. (tv cabel connector)
Is the ability to increase the size of a network after the inital install. It is a factor used to evaluate cable. Alway leave room to grow like 20%
Fiber Optic Cable how does it transmit
Uses light to transmin into across a network.
Fiber Optic Cable is made:
The core of tje cable is made of glass, which is protected by a layer of gel or plastic. The plastic cover surrounds the entire cable.
Hertz (Hz)
The unit of frequency measurement, which is = to 1 cycle per sec. Pcs & related devices r often measured in kilohertz (kHz= 1,000 Hz), megahertz (mHz= 1,000 kHz), & gigahertz (GHz= 1,000 MHz)
EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference) is
- The interference of electri al signals across a cable by oitside electrical or magnetic
- Devices. It is a factor that is used to evaluate cable. Copy mach is the biggest factor.
What is the biggies EMI thing
Copy machines
A registered jack 11 is used fir telephone connectios used on modern telephone lines
Registered jack 45 is an 8-wire connector used to connect pc to CAT 5 UTP cables in a network.
Signal Attenuation
Is a factor used to evaluate cable that relates to how long a signal can travel across a cable before the signal becomes too weak to be recognized in a network.
Thin Coaxial Cable is AKA
ThinNet. 10Base2
ThinNet consists of:
A copper wire surrounded by the 1st layer of plastic, then a layer of metal mesh & a final layer of protective plastic. It is used for peer-to-peer networking.
What is ThinNet used for?
Peer-to-peer networking
Thick Coaxial Cable-AKA
ThickNet 10Base5
Transmission Media is the?
Physical pathway used to connect 2 or more pcs together as a network & includes air & space in addition to cable
UTP (Unshielded Twisted-Pair Cable is:
A network cable that consists of up to 4 pairs of wires. Each pair is twisted around each other at diff rates & the entire cable is encased in a protective plastic covering.
Decision Factors in choosing cable for a network: (5)
- 1. bandwidth
- 2. attenuation
- 3. EMI
- 4. expansion capability of the cable
- 5. cost
Thin Coaxial Cable AKA?
ThinNet 10Base2
ThinNet is made of:
- 1. a core of copper wire surrounded by a layer of plastic
- 2. a layer of metal mesh
- 3. an outer protective plastic insulated sheath
ThinNet is used for?
cable T.V,
desion factors for ThinNet cable
- 1. max bandwidth 10 mbps
- 2. EMI significate problems
- 3. max distance is 185 meters (200 - 15 due to loss b/c of the connectors)
- 4. expansion is difficult b/c each pc must be comnnected directly on to the cable in a chain fashion AKA bus topology. The cable is thicker and less flexable, best for peer-to-peer networking in a sm workgroup LAN.
10Base2 ThinNet is best for what type on network?
peer-to-peer networking in a small workgroup LAN
UTP (Unshilded Twisted-pair Cable) 8 categories designated by the TIA/EIA 568-A standard.
- 1. CAT 1- telephone cable
- 2. CAT 2- was use for Token Ring
- 3. CAT 3- can be used for Ethernet networks, suffers EMI more than CAT 5; 2 twist per foot
- 4. CAT 4- can be used for Ethernet networks, suffers EMI more than CAT 5; more twist per foot but less than CAT 5
- 5. CAT 5- used in LAN. most typical connector RJ-45; has a very high twist per foot
- 6. CAT 5e-
- 7. CAT 6-
- 8. CAT 7-
decision factors UTP: CAT 5
- 1. max bandwith: 100 mbps
- 2. EMI: is reduced b/c of the amount of twist
- 3. signal attenuation: max distance is 100 meters
- 4. expansion issues: the cable is thin & flexible easy to expand, but equipment is needed to boost the signal, which increases the cost of expansion.
- 5. cost least expensive
CAT 5 UPT cable has _____ pairs of wires?
- 4
- 1. 1 orange pair
- 2. 1 brown pair
- 3. 1 blue pair
- 4. 1 green
- 1 is solid & the other os white w/ a stripe
data network usually use what wiring standard?
T568A Cabling color standard
- white/green
- green
- white/orange
- blue
- white/blue
- orange
- white/brown
- brown
T568B cabling standard
- white/orange
- orange
- white/green
- blue
- white/blue
- green
- white/brown
- brown
Fiber-Optic Cable uses?
light pulses rather than electrical signals to transmit info across the network.
Fiber-Optic may be used over miles b/c there is no ___ and the _____ is very high.
Fiber-Optic is usually used for the _____ of a network.
Since glass & plastic cores can be cracked or broken, install requires care. Special ____ equipment is required to locate a break in the fiber optic cable.
decision factors fiber optic cable
- 1. Max Bandwidth 10 Gbps through 1.6 Terabits per second
- 2. EMI none
- 3. Signal Attenuation: this is laid over several miles
- 4. Expansion usually used as the backbone or the main cable of LANs, WANs & MANs
- 5. most expensive
some experts estimate that ___ % of network failures are primarily cause by what?
- 70%
- cable-related problems
Backbone Wiring-
encompasses all wring between telecommunications closets, equip rooms, & enterence facilities, including all cables, mechanical cable terminations, & intermediate & main cross-connects
Backbone wiring runs between telecommunications closets, equip rooms & entrence facilities on the same floor, from floor to floor, & even between buildings. the main cable that everything collapses to
Horizontal wiring- encompasses all cable from the work-area wallplate or network connectiojn to the telcomm closet. the outlets, cable, & crossconnections in the closet are all part of the horizontal wiring, which gets its name b/c the cable typically runs horizontally above ceilings or along the floor.
The work area- includes all cable components between a
horizontal-wiring wallplate or LAN outlet & the end-user telecoms
devices, I.E telephone, data terminals, pcs, modems, ect. Work-area
components can include connectors, cables, adapters, terminators
An equipment room-
houses building telecommunications systems such as PBXs, servers, and
the mechanical terminations of the telecomm wiring system. Considered
different than a wiring closet because of the complexity of the
components it contains, an equipment room nonetheless may take the
place of a building's wiring closet or it may be a separate entity.
Unlike the other five components of premise wiring systems, cabling administration
isn't a place. It's a thing—a process that includes all aspects of
premise wiring related to documenting and managing the system, testing
the system, as well as the architectural plans for the system.