Week 1 Lec 2

  1. Listening
    • Hearing what the client has to say.
    • Takes a lot of practice.
    • Nonverberal cues of the nurse are especially important in conveying a listening attitude.
    • Not natural.
  2. What is physical attending
  3. What is SOLER
    • S- face the person squarely
    • O- adopt an open posture
    • L- lean toward the other person
    • E- keep good eye contact
    • R- try to be relaxed
  4. What is psychological attending
    • Thinking about what the client is saying as well as feeling he is trying to convey.
    • Try not to let you mind wonder.
  5. Silence
    • Allows the client and nurse time to think.
    • It gives the nurse an opurtunity to observe the client closely.
    • It invite a response from the client.
  6. Observation
    A factual report of something in our physical world coneveyed through one or more of our senses.
  7. Disadvantages of observations
    • It takes time.
    • It can take place only in the present.
    • We see what we want to see.
    • It is not possible to obsevere every action.
  8. Open ended or indirect questions are
    Encourage description and elaboration
  9. Closed or direct questsions
    Useful when specific information is needed
  10. Leading questions
    contain a suggestion, the answer is implied
  11. Seeking clarification
    Seekin to make clear that which is vague or not meaningful.
  12. Restatement or paraphrasing
    • Putting into your own words what you think the client is saying.
    • Permits validation.
  13. Reflection of content
    • Echoing.
    • Repeating the client words as he says them.
    • Use sparingly.
  14. Refleton of feeling
    Idenify and reflect back the feeling that the client seemed to express.
  15. Summerarizing
    A brief review of of the content and feelings discussed during and interaction.
  16. Broad opening
    Allows client to choose topic of discussion.
  17. Offering a general lead
    • Encourage the client to continue.
    • Go on.
    • Tell me more.
  18. Things to avoid in communication
    • Avoid unnecessarily change of subject.
    • Avoid false reassurance.
    • Avoid making judgmental comments.
Card Set
Week 1 Lec 2
Unit 1