RTM qc

  1. United States Air Force Mission
    To defend the United States and protect its interestes throough aerospace power.
  2. Air Force Material Command Mission
    Through integrated management of research, development, test, acquisition and support, we advance and use technology to acquire and sustain superiour systems in partnership with our customer and suppliers. As an integral part of the Air Force warfighting team, we contribute to affordable combat superiourity, readiness, and sustainability.
  3. 96th Air Base Wing Mission
    Maintain combat ready forces and provide superior support to TEAM EGLIN... to defend the United States of America.
  4. 96th Support Group Mission
    We provide essential base support services to the Eglin community.
  5. 96th Security Forces Squadron Mission
    Committed to ensuring the safest and most secure environment, while maintaining a constat state of readiness to support any contingency operation.
  6. 96th Security Forces Squadron Objectives
    • To be recognized as:
    • 1. the model of excellence for police services.
    • 2. a dedicated security police force capable of deploying to any contingency, in war and peace.
    • 3. a valued member and partner by the people we sere: striving together to make a more safe and secure environment.
  7. 96th Security Forces Squadron Guiding Principles
    • As professionals, personnel assigned must:
    • 1. Be recognized and respected as the model of excellence for security police service in the Air Force.
    • 2. Recognize the community as our focal point for service and strive to build a continuting parternship to achieve our common goals.
    • 3. Utilize all resources to provide and sustain a balanced, well-trained and motivated response force, deployable to any contingency operation at any time.
  8. Security Forces Creed
    • I am a Security Forces member.
    • I hold allegiance to my country, devotion to duty and personal integrity above all.
    • I wear my badge of authority with dignity and restraint and promote by example high standards of conduct, appearance, courtesy, and performance.
    • I seek no favor because of my position.
    • I perform by duties in a firm, courteous, and impartial manner, irrespective of a person's grade, color, race, religion, national origin, or sex.
    • I strive to merit the respect of my fellow airmena dna ll with whom I come in contact.
  9. Security Forces Duties and Responsibilities (General Orders)
    • 1. I will take charge of my post and protect personnel and property for which I am responsbile until properly relieved. Comply with orders and instructions given. These responsibilitiies continue until relieved by proper authority.
    • 2. I will report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce and call my superior in any case not covered by instruction. You have the authority to apprehhend anyone violating the orders you are instructed to enforce. Notify the appropriate control cener of the apprehension and detain the apprehended person until assistance arrives.
    • 3. I will sound the alarm in case of disorder or emergency. Report any unusual event that threaten the security of the installation or endanger life or property. Take reasonable counteraction to save life and property or lessen danger. At the same time, you must maintain the security of your post and remain alert for other possible violations during an emergency.

    Note: Unforseen situations sometimes occur which are not covered by written procedures. In such situations, you must exercise discretion and act according to best judgment. Immediately contact your superior for instructions.
  10. Security Forces Code of Conduct
    No code or set of rules will specify exactly what you should do in every incident. However, the following code provides general duties:

    Exercising Authority: As on-duty security forces members you are the visible representatives of the US Government, the Air Force, the installation commander, and the installation Chief of Security Forces. It is your duty to accept authority with which you have been entrusted and to carry out this important trust impartially, firmly, and in a manner, whcih commands respect from the public.

    Fulfilling the Mission: The enforcement of laws and regulations dealing with members of the US Armed Forces brings Security Forces, you must deal with offenders in a dignified manner. Refrain from being disobedient, insulting or offensive to the public.

    Personal Appearance: Maintain a high standard of appearance according to AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of Air Force Personnel. Set the example for all to follow.

    Personal Attitude: Perform your duties in an impartial, just, friendly, and helpful manner. Biases based on age, physical disability, race, religion, national origin, creed, or sex cannot and will not be tolerated. Do not discuss offenses or incidents, except in the line of duty. In addition, you can not accept any advantage, gratuity or reward for performing official duties.

    Assistance to Others: Render assistance to the public. Promptly assist anyone that is injured or ill.

    Attention to Duty: Remain mindful of your duty commitments. Do not consume any form of intoxicant while on duty or 8 hours before a scheduled tour of duty.

    Seekign favor: Do not seek personal advantage through your status as security forces members. Don't try to gain favor or popularity by using easy going methods, overlooking violations or otherwise failing to enforce the law.

    Punishment of Offenders: As security force members you have authority only to apprehend, based on reasonable grounds. You are not empowered to punish an offender. Use your discretion to correct, caution or ward someone for minor violatons of the law, but you may not admonish or reprimand.

    Apprehension of Suspects: Protect the health and welfare of all apprehended suspects. You are authorized to use force only as a last resort according to AFI 31-207, Arming and Use of Force by Air Force Personnel. The intentional mistreatment of an apprehended suspect cannot and will not be tolerated. Don't use abusive, profane or insulting language toward a suspect or show disregard for the suspect's valuables, personal property or physical well being.

    Dealing with Intoxicated Persons: Apprehened personnel obviously intoxicated beyond any senseof self-control and mobility. As the apprehending person, make every effort to avoid verbal and physical confrontations.

    Off-duty Conduct: You represent the Security Forces 24 hours a day, regardless of the duty schedule. Therefore, your conduct must remain above reproach at all times.
  11. Customs and Courtesies
    • 1. Dress and Appearance: All personnel will conform to military standards as prescribed in AFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance for Air Force Personnel.
    • 2. Post Checks/ Post Visits:
    • Post Checks: On-duty supervisory personnel conduct post checks to ensure Security Forces are alert and knowledgeable of all assigned duties and responsbilities. Additionally, post checks include an inspection of facilities and equipment.
    • Post Visits: Post visits are similar to post checks. However, senior security forces representatives conduct post visits. Visits are conducted to verify job knowledge and work performance. It is also a way to inspect facilities, take questions, detect problem areas, and ascertain the welfare of personnel. Post visits are conducted during both duty and non-duty hours.
    • 3. Post Reporting/ Post Briefings:
    • Post Reporting: Report your post, at the position of attention, to the senior person conducting the post check or visit. If individual is an officer, you will salute (indoors as well as outdoors). You will comply with all military standards, custom and courtesies during all visits/checks of your posts.
    • **Report your post to the following: All senior SF NCOs (MSgt and above) and officers, all SF EET members, key personnel outside the squadron**
    • Post Briefing: All personnel must be familiar with the posts they are assigned and be prepared to provide a post briefing upon request.
    • 4. Dereliction of Duty: Loitering, lseeping, or in a position where alertness and observation of assigned areas is in question is not permissible at any time. This includes the use of any unauthorized reading material or video source.
  12. Example of a Post Briefing (Charlie 1)
    Sir/Ma'am, Airman Lasater reports Charlie-1 all secure. Do you request a post briefing?

    Sir/Ma'am, I am posted at the Site C-g Internal Security Response Team Leader and Site Area Suervisor.

    My post limits are within Building #8640, and all fenced areas surrounding the facility.

    My primary duties as an ISRT leader are to provide command and control and immediate armed response to any situation affecting the security of the facility. The use of deadly force is authorized in this area, in accordance with AFI 31-207, and only as a last resort.

    I am armed with an M4 rifle with 120 rounds of 5.56 ammunition. Additionally, I am armed with an M9 pistol with 30 rounds of 9mm ammunition.

    My primary means of communication is the hand-held portable radio. My secondary means of communication are landlines, whistle, flashlight, and manual signals.

    Additionaly, I am equipped with a restricted area badge, handcuffs, whistle, flashlight, ear protection and foul weather gear.

    (Recide General Orders)

    Sir/Ma'am, this concludes my post briefing. Do you have any questions?
  13. Guardmount is...
    a formal military formation and is the first call of duty for SF personnel.
  14. Required items at guardmount:
    • Appropriate weapons and ammunition
    • flashlight
    • handcuffs w/key
    • whistle
    • restricted area badge
    • foul weather gear
    • specialized equipment (flak vest, gas mask, helmet, etc.)
  15. Information passed out at guardmount could include:
    • changes in procedures or new policy
    • noted discrepancies
    • upcoming appointments
    • roll call training on various subjects
    • commendations
    • weapons and vehicle safety
    • pick-up restriction orders
    • active BOLOs
  16. Sources of Military Jurisdiction
    United States Constitution: the specific provisions of the constitution relating to military jurisdiction are found in the powers of Congress, in the authority vested in the President, and in the provisions of the 5th Amendment.

    Federal Statutes: Laws passed by Congress.

    International laws: Customs, agreements between nations, international conventions and dcisions of national or international courts or tribunals (i.e., the Geneva Conventions, Status of Forces Agreements)
  17. Article 2
    States who is subject to military jurisdiction
  18. Article 5
    States the UCMJ applies in all places. Not only does the code apply in all cases, but also there are no restrictions on where a case may be heard. Where
  19. Articles 77-134
    • Articles 77-134 are the Punitive Articles
    • Artile 134- General Article
  20. Types of Military Jurisdiction
    Exclusive: Only Federal laws- the United States codea pplies. The state has not authority over the base except to serve civil or criminal warrants and subpoenas resulting from acts occuring off base. Eglin Main Base, Poquito Bayou Housing, Camp Pinchot, and Field #4.

    Concurrent: Local law enforcement authorities have the right to enforce laws on federal property, although the government also has jurisdiction (it is normal practice for local law enforcement authorities to enforce laws in these areas) When there is a conflict, the federal government prevails under the Supremacy Claus of the Constitution. State Hwy 123 from the airport to range road 628, state hwy 85 from val p city limits to the shalimar city limits, general bond cutoff, state hwy 189 from the west gate to general bond cutoff, both poquito road, and sunset road to the longwood subdivision.

    Partial: Both the state and federal government have some legislative authority, but neither has exclusive power. For example, a state may have retained criminal jurisdiction over an installation or part of an installation (housing areas, for example). Again, in conflict, federal supremacy applies.

    Proprietarial: The US has the same rights as any property owner. The US and its personnel on base are treated as tenants, subject to the state law (and federal laws that do not rely on territorial jurisdiction, such as espionage, bank robbery, tax fraud, counterfeiting, etc.) The federal governent still maintains sovereign immunity and supremacy for inherently governmental functions. Duke Field, Santa Rosa Island and all other areas of the Eglin reservation not included under exclusive or concurrent jurisdictions.
  21. Martial law
    Involves military jurisdiction over the civilian population in time of emergency. There are two categories, qualified and absolute.

    Qualified: The civilian government never relinquishes control of its functions. SF members only have the right to detain individuals, not apprehend.

    Absolute: Involves the total replacement of civilian authority by military authority. SF members have authority to apprehend.
  22. What gives SF the authority to apprehend
    Rule 302(b)(1), Manual for Courts-Martial and Article 7b
  23. Apprehension definition
    The military equivalent of the civilian term "arrest". In the military, the term "arrest" is a moral restraint imposed by an individual's commander. Apprehension is the taking of a person into custody.
  24. Custody definition
    Custody is the restraint of a person's free movement, whether it be verbal or physical.
  25. Apprehensions are made on...
    probable cause, which means a reasonable belief that a person committed an offense. Facts and circustances must indicate a person committed an offense before an apprehension is justified. Facts and circumstances may be established by observation (witnessing the event) or by report (complaints or when ordered by authorized higher authority) You effect an apprehension by stating, "You are under apprehension," or "I am taking you into custody." Never leave doubt as to a suspect's status.
  26. Section 1382, Title 18, United States Code, authorizes...
    authroizes you to detain civilians for on-base offenses when such action is reasonable and necessary for the preservation of law and order. If a civilian is detained for an on base offense, he or she must be turned over to civil authorities as soon as possible.
  27. Posse Comittatus Act
    Prevents the use of any part of the federal armed forces to execute the laws of the state, or the United States, ecept when acting under the authority of the US Constitution, an act of Congress, or when directed by the President. Governs the use of military personnel only within the continental United States (CONUS)
  28. Article 136(b)(6), UCMJ
    Gives SF the authority to administer oaths to witnesses and suspects
  29. Rights Advisement serves a three-fold purpose:
    • protects the suspect's constitutional rights
    • ensures any statement made is admissable in court
    • protects SF personnel and the government against civil suits.

    Always give the rights advicement warning prior to questioning, admissions or confessions. Observe the suspect while giving the warning and ask questions to be sure individual understand everything throughly. If a suspect is too intoxicated to understand or does not understand English well enough to understand his/her rights, any statement made by them will be inadmissible.

    Use the AF Form 189, Advisements of Rights, or the AF Form 1168, Statement of Suspect/Witness/Complainant, to ensure rights are administered properly (don't try to memorize it). Remember that one side of the AF Form 189 is for military suspects and the other is for civilian suspects.
  30. Evidence is....
    anything that may be admitted in court to prove or disprove facts in an issue.
  31. Rules of evidence....(definition)
    to be admissible in court, it must be handled according to rules established by law. Laws on rules of evidence are subject to change as court decisions are made.
  32. Rules of evidence... evidence must be...
    • Admissibility
    • burden of proof
    • character evidence
    • opinion testimony
    • expert testimony
    • hearsay rule
  33. admissibility
    to be admissible, evidence must be relevant and competent. Relevancy requires that an item of evidence be of value to a courts-martial or trial. Competency is the reliability of worthiness of evidence. Competency applies to both physical evidence and witnesses.
  34. Burden of proof
    Rests with the prosecution. The prosecution has the responsbility to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did in fact commit the offense in question.
  35. Character Evidence
    Evidence of bad character of an accused individual is not allowed except if the accused first introduces evidence of good character
  36. opinion testimony
    if the witness is not testifying as an expert, the testimony of the witness is the form of opinions or inference is limited to those opinions or inferences which are (a) rationally based on the perception of the witness and (b) helpful to a clear understanding of the testimony of the witness of the determination of a fact in issue, i.e. speed, distance, sobriety,etc..
  37. Expert Testimony
    Primary function of an expert witness is to assist the court in interpreting evidence relevant to a case in question
  38. Hearsay Rule
    Primary reason for the hearsay rule is the right of both the prosecution and defense to cross examine opposing witnesses under oath at trial.
  39. Types of Evidence:
    • direct
    • circumstantial
    • real
    • testimonial
    • documentary
  40. Direct evidence
    tends directly to prove or disprove a fact in an issue. If witnesses say they saw person A shoot person B, the testimony would be direct evidence.
  41. Circumstantial evidence
    Tends indirectly to involve a person in an offense
  42. Real evidence
    Any physical object, such as clothing, jewelry, weapons, and marks or wounds on a person's body may be received or exhibited as evidence if they are relevant to an issue in a case.
  43. Testimonial evidence
    Given orally, under oath, and in a court of law. Testimonial evidence may be either direct or circumstantial evidence. A witness giving testimonial evidence gives only their personal, first-hand knowledge of facts and circumstances about a case.
  44. Documentary evidence
    Anything in writing (such as confessions, admissions, official records, and business records)
  45. When it comes to evidence..SF must do what?
    • 1. Record information at the time the evidence was discovered (place, time, and witnesses present)
    • 2. Place his/her initials along with the date and time on the evidence where it will not ruin or deface the property
    • 3. Mark it with an AF FM 52, Evidence or Acquired Property Tag
    • 4. Store object in a clean, dry container and place his/her initials along with the date and time on container only
    • 5. Chain of custody
    • 6. Secured at all times
    • 7. Should be turned in to a designated property custodian as soon as possible
    • 8. Should be handled by the minimum amount of personnel in order to easily establish and maintain the chain of custody
  46. Chain of custody
    from the time that the evidence is found until the time it is admitted in court, there must be a complete accounting of everyone who handled it.
  47. Jencks Act
    A federal law dealing with evidence. It requires you to save all field notes, rough drafts, and statements made by you, other SF, any witnesses or victims, or the suspect. Any statement made or adopted by a witness must be produced if the defense amkes a motion under the Jencks Act. A "statement" can include tape recordings and videotapes as well as written statements. If these cannot be saved, the witness may not testify. Destruction of the statement in good faith is not a defense for the prosecution. When investigating, always check, to see whether someone has already taken statements.
  48. The 4th Amendment of the US Constitution states:
    "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
  49. Exclusionary Rule
    Principal means used to restrain police conduct. The Exclusionary Rule provies that all evidence obtained by illegal searches and seizures is inadmissable in criminal trials.
  50. Probable Cause
    Circumstances that would lead a reasonable person to believe a specific offense has occured, that a specific person committed the offense, and that the fruit or instruments of the offense are in a specific place. SF members will obtain the installation commander's (or appointed military magistrate's) permission to conduct a probably cause search (AF FM 1176, Authority to Search and Seize)
  51. Search
    A search is an examination of a person, property, or premise to uncover evidence of a crime or criminal intent.
  52. Seizure
    A seizure is the taking of items by authorities, for evidence at a Courts-Martial or other judicial proceedings
  53. Search with Consent
    SF members may conduct a search based on consent to search by an individual. If a person consents to a search of his or her property or person, prior search authority is not required. When consent to search is obtained, it must be freely and voluntarily given. The law does not require the advisement of Article 31 of Fifth Admendment rights to persons who voluntarily give permission for a search. Consent will be given orally (you must receive a "yes" or "no" as an answer) or in writing. Use AF FM 1364, Consent for Search and Seizure, to obtain written consent to search. If the person refuses the search and then changes their mind, follow the fule of thumb, "Once refused, always refused."
  54. Exceptions to warrant requirements of the 4th Amendment:
    If you make a warrantless search, you have to be able to "later" explain why. Two ways not to have a warrant:

    • 1. Search Incident to Apprehension: A search may be conducted incident to an apprehension without obtaining search authority, and may include the immediate area over which the apprehended person exercises control.
    • a. apprehension must be lawful or valid
    • b. apprehension must precede the search
    • c. apprehension must be together or as soon as possible
    • d. search must be limited to the area under subject's immediate control.

    • 2. Doctrine of Plain View: Instance in which police can search for and seize evidence without benefit of a warrant if it's in plain view. The following are some exceptions:
    • a. When you have another person who may aid the subject then your area within a home may expand
    • b. When the subject is allowed to go to another part of the house to get clothing, identification, etc., then you can precede the subject and search the route and place(s) that the subject is going.
  55. Terry Stop (Terry vs. Ohio, 1968)
    Supreme Court determined that police may briefly detain a person if they have a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, is committing, or is about to commit a crime. Because of the important interest in protecting the safety of police officers, police may perform a quick surface search of the person's outer clothing for weapons if the yhave reasonable suspicion that the person stopped is armed. This reasonable suspicion must be based on "specific and articulable facts" and not merely upon an officer's hunch. This permitted police actins has subsequently been referred to in short as a "stop and frisk" or simply a "Terry stop". The Terry standard was later extended to temporary detentions of persons in vehicles, known as traffic stops.
  56. AFI 31-207
    Arming and Use of Force by Air Force Personnel
  57. Air Force personnel engaged in force protection duties will use only that force which is ______
    reasonably necessary
  58. What sets the limits for the use of force by personnel engaged in effecting arrest or other seizures of persons?
    the fourth amendment of the US Consitution
  59. What court case established the fourth amendment standard of "objective reasonableness" as the appropriate standard for assessing the use of force in the context of making an arrest or other seizure of a person
    Graham V. Connor, (1989)
  60. objectively reasonable
    The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a reasonable officer on scene, rather than with the 20/20 hindsight ... the "reasonableness" inquiry... is an objective one..
  61. The criteria supporting "objective reasonableness" is provided from three essential areas within the confrontational environment:
    • a. the subject(s) action(s)
    • b. the risk perception
    • c. the officer response
  62. Circumstances to use deadly force:
    • 1. When you reasonably believe yourself or others to be in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm.
    • 2. Protection of DoD assets designated as vital to national security. DoD designates its assets as "vital to the national security" only when their loss, damanage, or compromise would seriously jeopardize the fulfillment of a national defense mission. This includes protection level 1, 2, or 3 assets as defined in AFI 31-101, Air Force Physical Security Program, and other assets specifically designated by the installation commander.
    • 3. Protection of DoD assets not involving the national security but inherently dangerous to others. (weapons, ammo, missiles, etc.)
    • 4. To prevent serious violent offense that could result in death or serious bodily harm.
    • 5. When it reasonably appears necessary to detain, apprehend, or prevent the escape of a person suspected of committing an offense of the nature specified in above paragraphs.
    • 6. Competent authority may specifically authorize the use of deadly force when it reasonably appears necessary to prevent the escape of a prisoner who threatens serious bodily harm or death to escorting personnel or other persons. During an escape attempt, you must have probably cause to believe the prisoner is attempting to escape and the escaping prisoner poses a threat of serious bodily harm to yourself or others.
  63. AFMAN 31-229
    USAF Weapons Loading Procedures
  64. Special Rules of Engagement for the Protection of USAF Protection Level 1, 2, or 3 resources
    • a. When faced with a hostile attempt to penetrate a restricted area boundary or to gain access to a protection level 1-3 resource and you encounter no hostile weapon fire, you must challenge, detain, and identify all intruders or suspected intruders.
    • b. If compliant on the use of force model and the challenge is obeyed, turn over the suspects to SF
    • c. If resistant on the use of force model, the challenge is not obeyed and the intruders or suspected intruders penetrate a resticted area boundary or are inside a restricted area and do not endanger a protection level 1, 2, or 3 resource, use compliance techniques to isolate the intruders and physically apprehend them You must base the level of force you employ on your perception of risk to the assets.
    • d. When faced witha hostile attempt to penetrate a resticted area boundary, to gain access to a pl 1-3, or to steal, damage, or destroy such areas orresources, and hostile weapons fire is involved, or weapons are displayed, you may use deadly force if necessary to stop the hostile act.
    • e. When faced with a hostile attempt to seize a nuclear asset, you must take all possible actions, including the use of deadly force, to stop such an act. If hostages are involved, their safety and welfare must not leter you from taking prompt, decisive, and effective action, including the use of deadly force, to preventthe unauthorized access to, removal of, or recovery of a nuclear weapon.
  65. handcuffing is ____ automatic
  66. Considerations for handcuffing:
    • 1. nature of the offense
    • 2. demeanor/violence potential of the suspect (cooperative, hostile, combative, frightened)
    • 3. number of suspects
    • 4. need for control
    • 5. your perception of the threat to your own safety and that of innocent third parties.
  67. Precautionary check
    made prior to the actual search. The precautionary check will consist of verbal commuication with the suspect. Ask the suspect if he/she has any sharp objects on their person. Regardless of the suspect's reply, proceed with caution to determine the location of any objects. SF members are in a hgih-risk environment to health hazards such as: exposure to HIV, hepatitis virus, or other blood-borne pathogens, resulting from a "stick" or cut.
  68. Primary Means of Communication (Intrabase radio)
    • 1. Base stations
    • 2. Base Station Remotes
    • 3. Mobile Two-Way Radio
    • 4. Portable Radios
  69. Base stations
    a fixed, two-way radio located at the SFCC, used to send and receive calls
  70. Base Statin Remotes
    connected to the base station by telephone lines and use the base station to send and receive calls, installed on fixed posts
  71. Mobile Two-Way Radio
    installed in SF vehicles, enables patrols to talk with the base station and other posts/patrols when approved by the SFCC
  72. Portable Radios
    small, hand-held radios used to talk over a short distance
  73. First Back-up to the Primary (Landlines/Telephones)
    • 1. Operational Type Telephone Service (4-digit lines)
    • 2. Direct Line Telephone Service (Hot Lines)
  74. Secondary Back-up to the Primary (manual signal techniques)
    • 1. hand and arm signals
    • 2. flashlights
    • 3. flares
    • 4. smoke
    • 5. whistle
    • 6. weapons (as a last resort)
  75. Positive Duress
    A positive duress is the activation of a manual duress alarm system or using a duress word.
  76. Duress code 100
  77. duress code 100a
    SF armory
  78. duress cod 101
    20 SPCS Space Operations Center
  79. duress code 102
    Eglin Command Post
  80. duress code 104 (E,W,A,H,N)
    Gates (East, West, ACC, Hospital, North)
  81. duress code 105 (call sign)
    mobile patrols
  82. passive duress
    failing to follow established procedures, miss-authentificating, failing to report or reporting late for communication checks, failing to answer a radio transmission after three tries or telephone after ten rings, using an unathorized radio call sign, or any other action that is out of the ordinary may be taken as a form of passive duress. When a passive duress is indicated, the SFCC will dispatch a patrol to determine the person's security status.
  83. Response to Duress Indications
    When given a duress indication, responding units will be dispatched in a manner that will not alert or compromise the post/patrol under duress. Response units will make every effort to make their arrival look as normal as possible and take direct action based upon the situation at the scene. UPon arrival, notify the SFCC of the situation and on arrival of backup immediately place all personnel in teh group at a disadvantage. Separate theperson indicating duress from the group to a neutral area.
  84. Two up-channel reports:
    • Helping hand
    • Covered Wagon
  85. Helping hand
    An unclassified telephonic message relayed to the installation command post informing them that an unusual incident, possibly hostile and affecting protection level resources has been detected. Incidents are reported to the SFCC by any means available by anyone who witnesses or discovers the problem. The installation command post shouldn't immediately relay the information to higher headquarters. The SF immediately investigates the situation. EXCEPTION: If you believe a hostile event occured involving a protection level resource, immediately up-channel COVERED WAGON reports.

    When no hostile event occured, the SFCC must request the authority to terminate the HELPING HAND through the Eglin Command Post.
  86. Covered Wagon
    Initially a COVERED WAGON report is an unclassified up-channel telephone report (designator immediate or flash) sent up the same communication channel and in the same format as a HELPING HAND report. COVERED WAGON reports inform higher-level headquarters than an unusual incident affecting priority resources, probably or actually hostile occured at an installation or dispersed site. The installation commander or designee may cancel the COVERED WAGON.
  87. Down Channel Report
    Threat Condition Alerting Message (TCAM)
  88. Threat Condition Alerting Message (TCAM)
    A down-channel alerting order that sets in motion an increase in readiness posture generated from higher headquarters, which is a result of evaluating COVERED WAGON reports on current intelligence information that may cause an increased state of readiness at a variety of levels. It may affect only one or two installations or installations Air Force wide. Upon receipt of a FORCE PROTECTION CONDITION (FPCON) alerting message, the SFCC will implement the appropriate FPCON as directed.
  89. FPCON Normal
    Applies when a general threat of possible terrorist activity exists, but warrants only a routine security posture.
  90. FPCON Alpha
    Applies when there is an increased general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel or facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, and circumstances do not justify full implementation of FPCON BRAVO measures. However, it may be necessary to implement certain measures from higher FPCONs measures resulting from intelligence received or as a deterrent.
  91. FPCON Bravo
    Applies when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measure in this FPCON must be capable of being maintained for weeks without causing undo hardship, affecting operational capability, or aggravating relations with local authorities.
  92. FPCON Charlie
    This condition applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action or targeting against personnel or facilities is likely. Implementation of this measure for more than a short period will probably create hardship and affect the activities of the unit and its personnel.
  93. FPCON Delta
    Applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is imminent. Normally, this FPCON is declared as a localized condition. FPCON DELTA measures are not intended to be sustained for substantial periods.
  94. What starts a recall?
    usually the result of receipt of a TCAM
  95. Upon notification of a recall, an individual will immediately notify the next person in the pyramid. If contact cannot be made...
    continue on until contact is made with the next available person.
  96. Primary meeting point for a recall is:
    SF Squadron, Building 272
  97. Alternate meeting place for a recall is
    SF Mobility, Building 883
  98. When recalled, do not shower, eat, shave, etc., and you must have the following items with you:
    • Restricted Area Badge (in serviceable condition)
    • Government Driver's license
    • Weapons cards (for all weapons currently certified on)
    • whistle
    • flashlight (in working condition)
    • foul weather gear
    • all issued web gear
    • flak vest
    • helmet (with cover)
    • gas mask
  99. Types of Recalls
    • Alpha
    • Bravo
    • Charlie
    • Delta
  100. Recall type Alpha
    Nothing more than a notification of telephone standby. Initiated to preapare the force for immediate response in anticipation of a mission or a Bravo recall. This recall requires each person to notify their supervisor when they will be out of contact. If a pager or cell phone is assigned this will satisfy the "in contact" requirement
  101. Recall type Bravo
    Initiated to support personnel only. Requires all support personnel to report immediately to their place of duty. As with any recall that requires an immediate response, a sense of emergency is required, therefore, showers, shaves, breakfast, and other non-essentials are not a priority.
  102. Recall type Charlie
    Full squadron recall. Normally initiated through the command post via telephone message to the SFCC. The SFCC in turn notifies the appropriate personnel to implement the pyramid recall.
  103. Recall type Delta
    Initiated when a recall is necessary but there is a total or partial communication outage. Alternate sources include runners, patrols, PA systems and other police agencies. The runner system will be implemented.
  104. Code 1
    Routine; When a call is not given a priority it is assumed routine. Respond by observing all applicable traffic laws. Never use emergency lights or sirens for any routine call. If you become aware of circumstances unknown to the dispatching agency, you may upgrade to response to Code 2 or Code 3. The responsibility for upgrading the call in the fashion rests solely with the responding patrol.
  105. Code 2
    Urgent; A call requiring an immediate response to a non life-threatening emergency will normally be assigned an urgent priority. Respond by observing all applicable traffic laws, except the posted speed limit, which may be exceeded in a safe and reasonable manner. Use emergency lights for all urgent calls. Sirens are not authorized. The urgent call is also known as the silent response. Check local, state, territorial, or host nation traffic codes for limitations on use of lights and sirens (some traffic codes do not support code 2 responses)
  106. Code 3
    Emergency; A call requiring an immediate response to a life-threatening emergency or in response to an emergency involving Air Force protection level resources is normally assigned an emergency priority. The use of emergency lights and siren is mandatory; however, use common sense when approaching the scene of the emergency. IF THE EMERGENCY LGIHTS AND SIREN PUT SF MEMBERS, VICTIMS, OR BYSTANDERS IN PERIL, TURN THEM OFF A SAFE DISTANCE FROM THE SCENE.
  107. Code 4
    Request for Wants and Warrants; Use this code to obtain outstanding wants and warrant check on a specific person or vehicle. Immediately follow this transmission by listing: the complete name and social security number of the person (if known) or complete vehicle description and license plate number of the vehicle to be checked. code 4 is also used by the control station in response to a request from the patrol number for a wants and warrants check, alerting the SF member that the person is wanted for a major offense. When a person is wanted for a major offense, a backup is dispatched, Code 2.
  108. The purpose for a restricted area badge is:
    serves as an official document issued to a person who has been granted unescorted entry authority into restricted areas.
  109. Five different types of Restricted Area Badges
    • AF Form 1199 (blue)
    • AF Form 1199A (green)
    • AF Form 1199B (pink)
    • AF Form 1199C (yellow)
    • AF Form 1199D (computer generated badge)
    • used here at Eglin
    • maintained by the individual to whom issued

    Bring Grandpa Pat Yams
  110. ART-OFF means
    Air Reserve Technician-Officer
  111. ART ENL means
    Air Reserve Technical- Enlisted
  112. Areas open on the AF Form 1199CD
    • 3- Eglin Command Post
    • 4- 334d Fighter Wing Mass Parking Apron/ WSEP Area
    • 9- 46th Test Wing Munitions Area (Controlled Area)
    • 10- 46th Test Wing (AAC) Flightline/ Hot Gun Line
    • 13- Duke Field, 919th Special Operations Wing Command Post
    • 14- Duke Field, 9th Special Operations Squadron C-130 Parking Ramp
    • 15- Site C-6, Building 8640 and Surrounding Fenced Areas
    • 16- Site C-6, 20th Space Surveillance Squadron Space Operations Center (SOC)
    • 18- Duke Field, 919th Special Operations Wing Parking Ramp
    • 20- 33rd Fighter Wing Munitions Area (Controlled Area)
  113. Open Area 3
    Eglin Command Post
  114. Open Area 4
    33rd Fighter Wing Mass Parking Apron/ WSEP
  115. Open Area 9
    9- 46th Test Wing Munitions Area (Controlled Area)
  116. Open Area 10
    10- 46th Test Wing (AAC) Flightline/ Hot Gun Line
  117. Open area 13
    13- Duke Field, 919th Special Operations Wing Command Post
  118. Open area 14
    Duke Field, 9th Special Operations Squadron C-130 Parking Ramp
  119. Open Area 16
    Site C-6, 20th Space Surveillance Squadron Space Operations Center (SOC)
  120. Open Area 18
    18- Duke Field, 919th Special Operations Wing Parking Ramp
  121. Open Area 20
    33rd Fighter Wing Munitions Area (Controlled Area)
  122. Two different types of entry control
    • exchange badge system
    • single badge system
  123. Exchange badge system
    This type is used when stringent means of entry are needed. It requires the use of two restricted area badges, one basic badge and an exchange badge maintained at a restricted area entry control point.
  124. Single Badge System
    This entry is utilized at Eglin AFB and involves only one restricted area badge. When an individual requests entry into a restricted area,this technicque is used by comparing the person's physical features displayed on the badge to the individual. This type of entry is relatively easy to defeat; therefore, whenever the single badge procedures are used to control entry, one of the following supporting techniques for identification and verification will be used:

    • personal recognition
    • signature and credential check
    • master entry authorization listing check
    • entry authority lists
    • telephone or radio confirmation
  125. Who responds to a bomb threat
    • On-Scene Commander
    • SF personnel
    • Fire Department Personnel
  126. What to do in a bomb threat situation:
    • establish and secure a 500 foot cordon
    • evacuate nonessential personnel
    • MWD
    • EOD
  127. When do you expand to a 1000 foot cordon?
    When a suspected explosive device is discovered.
  128. SQUAWK 7500/7700
    Unauthorized aircraft movement/ anti-hijacking
  129. If crewmembers are unable to change the transponder setting, they will do what?
    Transmit a radio message "Aircraft call sign-- Transponder 7500" (this means they are being hijacked.
  130. If the pilot is under duress, what ways can he signal to responding personnel?
    • -If he leaves full flaps down after landing or lowers full flaps while on ground
    • -transmits "Aircraft call sign- flaps are full down"
    • -turns of all exterior lights of the helicopter

    all of this means "situation desperate, want armed intervention and aircraft immobilized."
  131. hours of all gates
    • East- 24 hrs
    • West- 24 hrs
    • ACC-0600-1900 (weekdays)
    • JSF- 0600-1800 (weekdays)
    • Hospital- 0600-0800 (weekdays)
    • North- 0600-1800 (weekdays)
    • Duke Field- 24 hrs
  132. Newspaper delivery vehicles are not marked with the company logo, however, their vehicles will have number __, __, or ___ on the side of the vehicle. Access will be granted once the employee shows their company picture id
    • 1
    • 92-1
    • 94-1
  133. Bob Hope and Teresa Village vehicles (normally a small bus) are authorized entry provided the driver is what?
    wearing the Air Force Village nametag and properly identified.
  134. When placing a 1408 on the windshield of a car, how long does the violator have to report to the SFCC?
    72 hours
  135. AF Form 52
    Evidence Tag
  136. AF Form 53
    Desk Blotter
  137. AF Form 75
    Vehicle/ Visitor Pass
  138. AF Form 523
    USAF Authorization to bear arms
  139. AF Form 629
    Small arms hand receipt
  140. AF Form 1109
    Visitor Register Log
  141. AF Form 1168
    Statement of Suspect/Witness/Complainant
  142. AF Form 1176
    Authority to Search and Seize
  143. AF Form 1199C/CD
    USAF Restricted Area Badge
  144. AF Form 1315
    Accident Report
  145. AF Form 1361
    Pick up/restriction order
  146. AF Form 1364
    Consent to search and seizure
  147. AF Form 3226
    Authority to Apprehend in Private Dwelling
  148. AF Form 3545
    Incident Report
  149. AFMC Form 625
    Minor Accident Worksheet
  150. DD Form 460
    Provisional Pass
  151. DD Form 497
    Confinement Order
  152. DD Form 1408
    Armed Forces Traffic Ticket
  153. DD Form 1805
    Violation Notice
  154. DD Form 1920
    Alcholic Influence Report
  155. DD Form 2504
    Abandoned Vehicle Notice
  156. DD Form 2701
    Victim's rights pamphlet
  157. DD Form 2707
    Receipt for prisoner or detained person
  158. Alarm Signals
    • 3-5 minute steady tone- natural disasters
    • 3-5 minute wavering tone- attack warning (actual attack against the US detected)
  159. Life-Saving Steps...
    • Establish an open airway
    • ensure breathing
    • stop the bleeding
    • prevent or treat for shock
    • dress and bandage wounds and splint fractures
  160. HURCON 1
    destructive winds of 50 knowts or greater are possible within 72 hours
  161. HURCON 2
    destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are possible within 48 hours
  162. HURCON 2
    destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are expected within 24 hours
  163. HURCON 1
    destructive winds of 50 knots or greater are expected within 12 hours
  164. Cordon for nuclear or conventional weapons or radioactive material
    2000 ft radius
  165. cordon for chemical agents
    1 mile upwind, crosswind, and 2 miles downwind
  166. cordon for bomb threat
    initial 500 feet, expand to 1000 feet if device is found
  167. cordon for biological agents, toxic industrial chemicals and missile repellents
    2000 ft upwind and crosswind, downwind distance is determined by accident situation
  168. weight of an m-9 unloaded
    33.86 ounces
  169. weight of an m9 loaded w/ 15 round magazine
    40.89 ounces
  170. width of m9
    1.50 inches
  171. height of m9
    5.51 inches
  172. length of m9
    8.54 inches
  173. barrel length of m9
    4.92 inches
  174. cycle of operations for m9
    • firing
    • unlocking
    • extracting
    • ejecting
    • cocking
    • feeding
    • chambering
    • locking
  175. ranges for m9
    • maximum 1800 meters
    • maximum effective 50 meters
  176. muzzle velocity for m9
    1230 feet per second
  177. basic load for m9
    30 rounds of 9mm hollow point ammo
  178. modes of fire for m9
    • double action
    • single action
  179. sights of the m9
    • fixed front sight (tapered blade)
    • fixed rear sight (notched bar)
    • sighting line (6.22 inches)
  180. Immediate action for m9
    • Firmly tap on bottom of magazine to ensure it's fully seated and locked into place
    • pull slide to the rear and release
    • attempt to fire
  181. Major groups of m9
    • slide assembly
    • barrel and locking block assembly
    • receiver assembly
    • magazine assembly
  182. unloaded weight for m4
    6.4 pounds
  183. loaded weight w/30 round magazine of m4
    7.5 pounds
  184. m4 length
    33 inches (buttstock open), 29.75 inches (buttstock closed)
  185. Cycle of operations for m4
    • firing
    • unlocking
    • extracting
    • ejecting
    • cocking
    • feeding
    • chambering
    • locking
  186. maximum range for m4
    3600 meters
  187. maximum effective range point target for m4
    500 meters
  188. maximum effective area target for m4
    600 meters
  189. muzzle velocity for m4
    2970 feet per second
  190. major groups of m4
    • upper receiver group
    • lower receiver group
    • bolt carrier group
  191. sustained rate of fire m4
    12-15 rpm
  192. semi-automatic rate of fire for m4
    45 rpm
  193. burst rate of fire for m4
  194. cyclic rate of fire for m4
    700-970 rounds per minute
  195. types of ammo for m4
    • ball (M855- green tip and M193)
    • tracer (M856- orange tip and M196-red tip)
    • blank (M200) star crimped
    • Dummy (M199) no primer
  196. sights for m4
    • front post- 1 click= 1 3/8 inch at 100 meters
    • rear sight- adjustable with two apertures for range (short range)- larger aperture used for 0 - 200 meters (normal range)- unmarked and used for most firing situations. Used in conjunction with the elevation knob for 300- 800 meter targets
  197. mechanical zero for m4
    • front post- dial is level with the machine surface
    • rear sight- turn the rear windage knob until the normal range sight (unmarked aperture- flipped rearward) is centered
  198. distict features of m4
    • -upper receiver/barrel assembly has a fully adjustable rear sight and a compensator that helps keep the muzzle down during firing
    • -the upper and lower receivers are easily opened for cleaning and inspection
    • -the bolt group and barrel extension are designed with locking lugs that lock the bolt group to the barrel extention
    • -an aluminum receiver reduces the weight of the rifle
    • -forward assist is used to lock the bolt forward during immediate actions procedures or when operating under unusual conditions
    • -the bore and chamber are chrome plated
  199. Immediate actions
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RTM qc
flight qc eglin