Tree Week 1

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    leaves serrated b/w lobes
    • Acer rubrum (red)
    • Aceraceae or Sapindaceae; red maple, soft maple
    • *Fruit: samara (helicopter) mature in spring
    • Leaves opposite, palmate, lobed, serrated
    • grows anywhere
    • songbirds, porcupines, foxes eat fruit early; deer browse foliage
    • good paper tree
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    • Aesculus sylvatica (of the forest)
    • Hippocastanaceae or Sapindaceae; painted buckeye
    • *Fruit: capsule (leathery brown, used for eyes in taxidermy)
    • Leaves: palmately compound opposite - 5 leaflets
    • soft wood; poisonous leaves, flowers, seeds, honey
    • squirrel food
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    • Aralia spinosa (spiny)
    • Araliaceae (Ginseng Family); devil's walking stick, Hercules' club
    • small tree; forms colonies from root sprouts
    • leaves: bi- or tri-pinnately compound, crenate margin
    • covered in prickles (hairs, NOT thorns)
    • fruit: purple drupe (poisonous)
    • young leaves formerly boiled/eaten like spinach
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    • Diospyros virginiana (of Virginia)
    • Ebenaceae (Ebony family); persimmon, simmon
    • *Fruit: 1.5" yellow/green/brown edible
    • single stem small tree
    • dark cobblestone bark
    • favored by opossum, raccoon, fox, deer
    • very hard wood (old golf club heads)
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    • Lespedeza bicolor (2-color flower)
    • Fabaceae or Leguminoseae; lespedeza, bush clover
    • small shrub, 3 leaflets, entire margin
    • Fruit: Legume (small pod)
    • Planted for quail food, deer browse foliage
    • native to Japan, favored by burning
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    • Oxydendrum arboreum (tree-like)
    • Ericaceae (Heath Family); sourwood, lily-of-the-valley-tree
    • *Fruit: capsule, lasts into winter
    • often leaning/curved trunk - wood good for tool handles/sled runners
    • leaves: alternate, simple, serrulate, sour taste
    • bee tree: good for bees/honey
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    • Pinus rigida (rigid)
    • Pinaceae; pitch pine
    • *Short squat cone
    • 3 needles per fascilce, 4-6"
    • similar to, but much rarer than loblolly
    • epicormic branches (tufts on trunk)
    • papery bark
    • prefers dry sites
    • seeds eaten by songbirds, gamebirds, chipmunks, squirrels
    • formerly used in New England for tar
    • not native to Wake Co (grafted)
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    • Pinus taeda (torch wood)
    • Pinaceae; loblolly pine
    • *Cones 2x long as wide, prickly
    • 3 needles per fascilce, 4-6" straight/slight twist
    • grows tall/straight, self-pruning branches
    • chunky/flaky bark, chocolaty underneath
    • good for paper, lumber, plywood (must be treated)
    • Sold as southern pine, yellow pine, southern yellow pine
    • seeds eaten by songbirds, game birds, squirrels, chipmunks
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    • Pinus virginiana
    • Pinaceae; Virginia pine, scrub pine
    • 2 needles per fascile, 2-3" needles
    • *Cone: small, prickly, flat scales with purple strip on top of scale
    • low grade lumber
    • reddish, scaly, papery bark; retains dead branches
    • planted in Piedmont for X-mas trees
    • seeds eaten by songbirds, game birds, squirrels, and chipmunks (same as loblolly)
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    • Prunus serotina (late)
    • Rosaceae (rose family); black cherry, wild black cherry, cherry
    • fruit: dark purple drupe
    • typically small in south with smooth silver bark w/ horizontal lines (lenticels)
    • extremely valuable lumber (highest quality from PA, NY, WV)
    • food for grouse, songbirds, black bear. leaves poisonous to livestock
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    • Quercus Alba (white)
    • Fagaceae (Beech); white oak
    • range: FL-Canada
    • rounded lobes, terminal bud clusters, glabrous (no hair) leaves
    • *Fruit: 1"acorn w/ bumpy cap matures in 1 yr
    • maybe most valuable wildlife food plant: wood duck, grouse, quail, turkey, woodpeckers, black bear, raccoon, squirrel, chipmunk, deer (deer also eat foliage)
    • Valuable lumber for floors, furniture, cabinets, molding, tight cooperage, shingles, posts, charcoal, firewood
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    • Quercus falcata ("sickle-shaped" curve in some leaves)
    • Fagaceae; southern red oak, Spanish oak
    • young leaves look like duck feet, leaves red pubescent underneath
    • *Fruit: 1/4' acorn, flat, smooth scaled cap
    • lower wildlife value than white oak, slack cooperage only
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    • Quercus stellata ("starred" hairs on leaf underside)
    • Fagaceae; post oak
    • a "white" oak w/ blocky lobed leaves - cross shaped
    • leaves pubescent underneath
    • lower lumber value than white oak
    • good wildlife value
    • good for posts b/c closed pores
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    • Rhus copallina
    • Anacardiaceae (cashew); winged sumac, shining sumac
    • found in disturbed areas, forest edges, roadsides
    • winged rachis, 9-17 leaflets, red in fall
    • fruit: red drupe, dioecious, eaten by grouse, turkey, robins, rabbits, mostly in winter
    • deer browse foliage
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    • Toxicodendron radicans (rooting)
    • Anacardiaceae (cashew); poison ivy
    • leaf sometimes lobed; brown, hairy terminal bud
    • fruit: yellow/green drupe
    • songbird food in winter
    • all parts contain oil except pollen
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    • Viburnum rufidulum ("reddish" hairs on leaf undersides)
    • Adoxaceae or Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle); rusty blackhaw
    • leaves opposite, round; rusty hairs on underside veins
    • fruit: blue drupe in fall
    • songbirds eat fruit in winter
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    • Pinus contorta ("twisted" tree form along pacific coast)
    • Pinaceae; lodgepole pine
    • *Cone: short, squat, sometimes black inside
    • related/similar to Virginia Pine
    • 3rd most abundant tree out west
    • major pioneer species after fire
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Tree Week 1