Franz Gall: brain anatomy related to behavior, intellect and personality (well developed brain pushes out of skull)
pierre flourens: functions of major sections of brain deciphered by ablation (surgically removed)
how parts of society contributes to whole
functionalism in sociology
functionalism in neuropsychology
how mental processes help individuals adapt to their environment
william james
- how the mind functioned in adapting to the environment
- (functionalism contributor)
john dewey
organism as a whole as it is functioned to adapt to the environment
paul broca
functional impairments (specific impairments could be lined with specific brain lesions)
- speed of a nerve impulse
- led to transition of psychology into natural sciences field
sir charles sherrington
inferred the existence of synapses
- closest to the spinal cord (most primitive)
- responsible for balance, motor coordination, breathing and digestion (basic functions)
sensorimotor reflexes
complex perceptual, cognitive, and behavior processes (makes humans unique)
- maintain posture, balance, body movements
- hindbrain
- ballerina
medulla oblongata
- gotta breathe! hindbrain
- regulates breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure
- hindbrain
- sleep pon the bed
- relays information and sleep regulator
superior colliculus and inferior colliculus
- superman has superior vision (receives visual sensory input)
- inferior: receives auditory sensory input
- midbrain
- thalamus and hypothalamus
- pineal gland posterior pituitary
way station for all the senses but smell (relay station), sorts and transmits impulses
- regulation of homeostasis (feeding)
- emotional experience (flighting)
- endocrine function (fucking)
- regulation of autonomic system (fighting)
arrangement of thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary in brain
thalamus on top of hypothalamus, which is on top of pituitary
lateral hypothalamus (LH)
- triggers eating and drinking
- damaged (won't eat or drink)
ventromedial hypothalamus
- satiety center
- damaged keep eating
anterior hypothalamus
controls sexual behavior
posterior pituitary
releases ADH and oxytocin
pineal gland
- biological rhythms (circadian)
- melatonin
basal ganglia functions
- coordinates muscle movement (relay to CNS, smooth movement, steady posture)
- damaged causes PD, Schizophrenia, and Obessive compulsive disorder
limbic system
- amygdala (important for emotion and memory)
- hippocampus (important for memory and learning): hippos are like elephants, and elephants never forget
corpus callosum
connects left and right hemispheres
cerebral cortex
perceptual, behavioral, and cognitive processes
- on different sides
- dominant (left brain) has left side hearing
left brain has right side movement
electrode stimulus
probe on alert patient on specific brain parts and get function (recalling a memory)
patient with brain with electrodes to capture global brain activity (type and origin of seizure)
basal ganglia, limbic system, cerebral cortex
basal ganglia
consistent communication with each of the follow regions (spinal cord, PNS, cerebral cortex) for posture, balance and coordinate muscle movement
somatosensory cortex
receives sensory signal by PNS and process how we should respond (touch, pressure)
motor cortex
- voluntary, response to stimuli, send signal down spinal cord to peripheral nervous system
- more receptors (tongues) more space on cortex