-the process of generating a new wave when two or more waves meet
Principle Of Superposition
-at any point the amplitude of two interfering waves is the sum of amplitudes of the individual waves
Constructive Interference
-the process of forming a wave with a larger amplitude when two or more waves combine
Destructive Interference
-the process of forming a wave with a smaller amplitude when two or more waves combine
Media Boundary
-the location where two or more media meet
Free-end Reflection
-a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where the second medium is less dense than the first medium; reflections have an amplitude with the same orientation as the original wave
Fixed-end Reflection
-a reflection that occurs at a media boundary where one end of the medium is unable to vibrate; reflections are inverted
-the motion of a wave through a medium, or motion of a wave from one medium to another medium
Transmission From Faster Medium To Slower
-if the wave moving along the rope encounters a medium a medium that has a slower wave speed, then the wave splits into two, and one wave is reflected and the other is transmitted (the reflected wave is upright)
Transmission From Slower Medium To Faster
-if a wave moves into a faster medium, then the wave splits into two, and one wave is reflected and the other is transmitted (the reflected wave is inverted)
Standing Wave
-an interference pattern produced when incoming and reflected waves interfere with each other; the effect is a wave pattern that appears to be stationary
-in a standing wave, the location where the particles of the medium are at rest
-in a standing wave, the location where the particles or the medium are moving with greatest speed; the amplitude will be twice the amplitude of the original wave
Fundamental Frequency Or First Harmonic (f0)
-the lowest frequency that can produce a standing wave in a given medium
-whole-number multiples of the fundamental frequency
-a sound resulting from a string that vibrates with more than one frequency
Standing Wave Between Two Free Ends
-standing waves can be generated in a medium with two open (free) ends (common in brass instruments)
Standing Wave Between A Free End And A Fixed
Standing Wave Between Two Fixed Ends
-standing waves may be generated by having a source on one end, which is an antinode and a node at the other (created by a clarinet)
-periodic change in sound intensity caused by the interference between two nearly identical sound waves
Beat Frequency
-the frequency of beats produced by the interference of two waves with slightly different frequencies; equal to the difference in the frequencies of the interfering waves
How To Calculate Beats And Beat Frequency
-a reduction in the amplitude of a wave as a result of energy absorption or destructive interference
Resonant Frequency
-the frequency at which a medium vibrates most easily
-the condition in which the frequency of a wave equals the resonant frequency of the wave's medium
Damping And Resonance In Vibrating Structures
-when an external force vibrates such a system at a frequency close to the structure's resonant frequency, then resonance occurs increasing the amplitude significantly, perhaps to the point of damaging the building
Doppler Effect
-when a source of sound approaches an observer, the observed frequency of the sound increases; when the source moves away from an observer, the observed frequency of the sound decreases
Calculating The Doppler Effect