IVISD Principles A&B

  1. What are the IVISD Principles beginning with the letter A? (7)
    • Acceptance
    • Accountability
    • Acknowledgment
    • Agreement
    • Authenticity
    • Authority
    • Awareness
  2. What are the IVISD Principles beginning with the letter B? (3)
    • Balance
    • Belief
    • Boundaries
  3. What are the IVISD Principles beginning with letters C-D? (15)
    • Change
    • Choice
    • Clarity
    • Commitment
    • Compassion
    • Completion
    • Consciousness
    • Cooperation
    • Courage
    • Creativity
    • Destiny
    • Detachment/Attachment
    • Dignity
    • Discipline
    • Distinctions
  4. What are the IVISD Principles between letters E-H? (10)
    • Expectancy
    • Faith
    • Flexibility
    • Focus
    • Forgiveness
    • Freedom
    • Fulfillment
    • Healing
    • Honesty
    • Humility
  5. What are the IVISD Principles between letters I-R? (13)
    • Inner Authority
    • Integrity
    • Judgment/Non-Judgment
    • Law of Love
    • Mastery
    • Non-Resistance
    • Obedience
    • Oneness
    • Ownership
    • Projection
    • Prosperity
    • Responsibility
    • Reverence
  6. What are the IVISD Principles between letters S-Z? (14)
    • Satisfaction
    • Self-Worth
    • Slippage
    • Stretch
    • Surrender
    • Transformation
    • Trust
    • Truth
    • Understanding
    • Values
    • Vibration
    • Vision
    • Wholeness
    • Will
  7. What are the defining attributes of Acceptance? (8)
    • An internal and external, mental and emotional reconciliation that a situation, condition or experience exists which eliminates the need or desire to alter/fix what it appears to be.
    • The acknowledgement of the inherent perfection in every person, situation and experience regardless of how difficult or challenging it may appear or feel.
    • Acceptance of others as doing the best they can, regardless of what they do or how they do it, eliminates judgment.
    • The outgrowth of, yet moves the consciousness beyond, awareness and acknowledgment.
    • Acceptance of what you think or feel as it is, because it is, leads to peace and contentment.
    • Results in knowing that where you are now is just fine, because it is where you are.
    • In order to re-create or re-build your life, you must come to know the peace that accompanies self-acceptance.
    • Acceptance of who you are and what you have experienced is the foundation of unconditional loving of self.
  8. What are the essential characteristics of Acceptance? (5)
    • Facilitates inner stillness and awareness.
    • Facilitates and promotes refinement of personality and ego drive to control.
    • Demonstrates willingness to surrender.
    • Eliminates overstimulation from external circumstances evoked through beliefs, thoughts, perceptions and judgments.
    • Supports the elimination of futile or repetitive patterns of behavior.
  9. What are the defining attributes of Accountability? (4)
    • It is the ability and willingness to provide an explanation and assume responsibility for thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
    • Closely linked to responsibility, accountability ensures that choices are consciously made and monitored.
    • Our responses to what shows up in our lives is a testimony to the level of accountability we are willing to accept.
    • Accountability is a function of response-ability. How we respond to any given experience is a function of our ability to choose. In this experience of life, we are empowered to choose moment by moment.
  10. What are the essential characteristics of Accountability? (6)
    • Process by which you bring your internal landscape and external experience into alignment.
    • Ability and willingness to answer for self and actions.
    • Hallmark of mental and emotional maturity.
    • Demonstration of self-support and personal responsibility.
    • Demonstration of personal integrity.
    • Process by which self-value and self-respect are enhanced.
  11. What are the defining attributes of Acknowledgment? (7)
    • Acknowledgment is the first step toward healing.
    • It moves awareness to the next step.
    • It precedes all forward movement.
    • It is an act of conscious and verbal ownership which supports conscious choice and self-supportive decision making.
    • Acknowledgment is the way in which you honor the presence, strength and wisdom of the Divine Spirit within.
    • By acknowledging challenges, weaknesses, difficulties and needs, there is an implied request for support and guidance.
    • The mental construct that hinders or challenges the practice of acknowledgment is denial - the abscence of a willingness to own all aspects of an experience.
  12. What are the essential characteristics of Acknowledgment? (7)
    • The first step toward healing, growth and/or evolution.
    • Recognition of the inherent good in all things and people.
    • A form of Prizing and Positive Reinforcement.
    • A statement of presence.
    • A means of creating and holding a loving space for self and others.
    • Opens the heart for a deeper more authentic experience of self and others.
    • Demonstrates a willingness to move beyond judgments and limited perceptions of reality.
  13. What are the defining attributes of Agreement? (6)
    • Agreement refers to a meeting of minds verbally or in writing that facilitates and creates conscious movement toward a desired outcome or experience.
    • The agreement on the "how" - specific steps toward the intended outcome - constitutes the basis of the coaching relationship.
    • A mutual understanding of 1) Action - the course of action or inaction to be followed. 2) Responsibilities - who will do what, by when. 3) Expectations - what each party can look forward to from the other parties involved.
    • An effective agreement includes consequences for failure to honor the its boundaries.
    • The most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves - who we tell ourselves we are, how to behave, what is possible and what is impossible.
    • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz:Be impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personally. Don't make assumptions. Always do your best.
  14. What are the essential characteristics of Agreement? (5)
    • An opportunity to practice integrity, honesty and honor
    • Statement of desires and needs that is shared with others
    • An act of faith in self and others
    • When honored, an agreement is a vote for one's own worth and value
    • The basis of a coaching relationship
  15. What are some defining characteristics of Alignment?
    • Conscious choice, conscious honoring of all commitments, inner cooperation, dismantling of resistance, willingness and readiness are basic elements that support this experience.
    • Internal and external alignment are the pre-requisites of successful realization of intentions and desires.
    • Alignment is a function of integrity, inner-cooperation, conscious choice, self-support, self-trust, willingness and readiness, whereby what one thinks and feels is congruent with the action being taken.
    • It requires the conscious honoring of all commitments, identification and dismantling of resistance and requresting of support as required.
  16. What are the defining attributes of Authenticity? (5)
    • Authenticity relates to the ability to stand for, embrace and pursue that which is meaningful, valuable and an accurate representation of who or what an individual believes themselves to be.
    • Relates to the client's willingness and ability to be a stand (walk the talk) and take a stand (ask for what is desired) for who they believe themselves to be at the moment while remaining open to healing, growth and transformation.
    • A function of Levels 1 (Know), 3 (Accept) and 4 (Be) of the Seven Level Healing Paradigm.
    • Requires that the individual have a strong yes and an equally strong no.
    • An inner and outer commitment to do what feels right and natural under all circumstances regardless of the challenges or consequences.
  17. What are the essential characteristics of Authenticity? (8)
    • Presence and mental/emotional state of being
    • Willingness to live without pretense or defense
    • Willingness to participate fully in all arenas of living
    • Willingness to ask for what is needed/required under all circumstances
    • Demonstration of self-awareness and self-acceptance
    • Demonstration of self-value, self-worth and self-respect
    • Acceptance and acknowledgment of divine uniqueness
    • Opportunity to support and participate in the natural ordered healing and growth process
  18. What are the defining attributes of Authority? (7)
    • Authority is a demonstration of willingness to accept full responsibility for life experiences as a function of creativity.
    • An effective coach supports the client in acknowledging the authorship that leads to all experiences. By Seeing the Loving Essence of the client under all circumstances, the coach acknowledges the client's inherent power to resolve their own conflicts and answer their own questions.
    • Setting a clear and heartfelt intention is the foundation of taking authority over one's own experience.
    • Uses the tools of Inner authority, Truth, Accountability, Acknowledgment and Intentions.
    • Having authority means being inspired by Spirit within.
    • In the spiritual realm, Mind is the author of all things. Mind is the author or starting point of every act, thought and feeling. At the level of human, physical existence, mind is all that Mind is, endowed with its powers and qualities. Mind as authority is a verb meaning, the activity and action of the author is authority.
    • From the metaphysical perspective, authority is the inward activity and constant flow of thought which determines and directs outer action. Your consciousness is the first and only authority in your life, as it represents your state of mind at any given time.
  19. What are the essential characteristics of Authority? (10)
    • Assuming responsibility for one's own actions and experiences.
    • Demonstration of willingness to be held accountable for one's own actions.
    • Provides the boundaries for what one is wiling to be held accountable.
    • Demonstration of a belief in one's own power to influence thought and behavior.
    • Acceptance of the right to be in command of one's behavior.
    • The ability to stand up for one's self within one's self.
    • A sense of inner knowledge and command.
    • A demonstration of self-support.
    • A demonstration and acceptance of the creative energy that exists within consciousness.
    • A statement or demonstration of expertise.
  20. What are the defining attributes of Awareness? (8)
    • In the coaching paradigm, awareness is used as both a skill and a tool.
    • As a skill, awareness alerts the coach to the client's state of being and needs.
    • The coach gains insights through awareness of: body language, gaps in the "story," inconsistencies in reasoning, and mental and emotional experiences which are not expressed verbally. These can be clarified by the appropriate use of Perception Checking.
    • As a coaching tool, awareness is further facilitated with the skills of Effective Feedback and Conscious Sharing.
    • To be effective, awareness must occur both internally and externally.
    • Awareness transforms a vague something into a specific thing, which you can improve or correct through conscious choice.
    • Awareness that what you are doing is not bringing forth the desired result serves as a "divine intervention" in support of healing and growth.
    • The contradiction (flip side) of awareness is denial - a resistance to knowing or becoming aware.
  21. What are the defining attributes of Balance?
    • Balance refers to a state of consciousness and being which takes into account inner and outer essence of the individual for the purpose and process of adjustment.
    • Process of achieving equilibrium among all levels of self (physical, mental, emotional), all states of the being (roles, aspects and responsibilities), all experiences of the life through conscious choice.
    • Balance is gracefully achieved by decreasing debits (obligatory giving or doing and negative self-talk) while increasing credits (self-supportive action and positive self-talk) within the context of the life experience.
    • Being out of balance also means having an outer life that is not supported by or complimentary to the state of inner life.
    • The guiding structure for achieving a sense of balance is "to live, to love, to learn and to leave a legacy."
    • To Live refers to the physical state of being, with which you create and sustain your physical experience. How are you living?
    • To Love refers to the emotional state related to the inner and outer landscapes of experience. How do you love? refers to the energy of all interpersonal relationships, including the relationship with yourself.
    • To Learn refers to the mental state related to the internal and external landscapes of experience. How are you improving your skills, talents and abilities?
    • To Leave a Legacy refers to the manner and degree to which you have realized your vision, purpose and mission in life. How you do what you do which lives on?
  22. What are the essential characteristics of Balance? (7)
    • The experience of inner and outer alignment, harmony and congruence at all levels of being.
    • Mental and emotional clarity and alignment.
    • Being present to and conscious of the energy exerted in competing aspects of life.
    • Conscious choice which results in self-support and self-nurturing.
    • Conscious support of self-value and self-worth.
    • Inner and outer well-being supported by thought and action.
    • Active and fulfilling presence at all levels of being and experience.
  23. What are the defining attributes of Belief? (10)
    • A belief is an intellectual or mental construct fueled by emotional energy that influences and, in most instances, dictates choice.
    • It is thought fueled by emotion.
    • It is a critical element of the reality creation process.
    • A belief serves as a filter through which the client views, assesses, monitors and embraces self, behaviors, experiences and possibilities.
    • Once discovered and acknowledged, any belief can be enhanced, transformed, healed or released.
    • All beliefs either empower or dis-empower; motivate or hinder your ability to make conscious, constructive choice toward a desired outcome.
    • Core beliefs are those passive forms which we have been taught or embraced without question or challenge.
    • Beliefs of race consciousness are prompted, promoted and supported by the society at large, whether or not they are true.
    • Beliefs determine expectations. Expectation always leads to results.
    • The process for healing, transforming or eliminating a belief is honest self-examination.
  24. What are the defining attributes of Boundaries? (6)
    • A boundary is a structure, expectation, request or system put in place to define, prescribe, limit or exclude behavior, people, experiences, and/or internal or external intrusions.
    • A boundary makes and keeps us aware of how far we can go and how much we can do with and for the client.
    • The purpose of having boundaries is to protect and take care of ourselves.
    • A first step is starting to know that we have a right to protect and defend ourselves. That we have not only the right, but the duty to take responsibility for how we allow others to treat us.
    • It is important to state our feelings out loud, and to precede the feeling with "I feel..." (rather than "I am angry" - it's not who we are) Whether the other person can hear us and understand is not as important as hearing ourselves and understanding that we have a right to our feelings.
    • The difference between setting a boundary in a healthy way and manipulating is: when we set a boundary we let go of the outcome.
  25. What are the essential characteristics of Boundaries? (12)
    • Prescribed and defined expectations and limits of behavior, language, purpose and action
    • Established to facilitate and preserve experiential and actual safety
    • Agreeable parameters which govern events, behaviors and outcomes
    • Facilitates and maintains the integrity of relationships
    • Supports awareness of where you end and others begin
    • Demonstrates honor and respect for our inner life of thoughts, feelings, needs and experience
    • Preserves what is meaningful to and for an individual
    • Supports authenticity
    • Discourages betrayal, self-betrayal and self-sabotage
    • Provides opportunity to develop and establish self-affirmation, self-trust and self-regard
    • Provides opportunity to demonstrate self-respect while offering respect to others
    • Demonstrates self-responsibility which leads to self-actualization
  26. What are some elements to be considered in the process of establishing and/or maintaining Boundaries? (11)
    • Inform others that the boundary exists and inform them when they have violated it.
    • Identify the properties of your boundaries (what are the definitions and parameters).
    • Create a consistent means of broadcasting the presence of the boundaries.
    • Instruct others as to how the boundary operates.
    • Remain aware of the process/action required to maintain the boundaries.
    • Inform others of the consequences of violating a boundary.
    • Warn others when they have or are about to violate the lines of a boundary.
    • Immediately activate the consequences when a boundary has been violated.
    • Be willing to forgive when a boundary is innocently or unknowingly violated.
    • Determine through practical experience whether or not the boundaries serve the intention for which they have been established.
  27. What are some tips for Boundary maintenance? (6)
    • Allow boundaries to be in response to present experience rather than past regrets or future fears.
    • Be willing to broadcast the presence of a boundary.
    • Know the purpose of a boundary.
    • Establish boundaries with requests rather than demands.
    • Ensure that all boundaries allow for and support the exchange of experience and love rather than attempting to control it.
    • Incorporate forgiveness in the establishment, broadcast and maintenance of boundaries.
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IVISD Principles A&B
IVISD Principles