Neck Muscles

  1. Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
    • Origin: Tubercle on posterior arch of atlas
    • Insertion: Medial part of inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
    • Action: Extension of neck
    • Innervation: Suboccipital n.: C1
  2. Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
    • Origin: Spinous process of axis
    • Insertion: Lateral part of inferior nuchal line of occipital bone
    • Action: Extension, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: Suboccipital n.: C1
  3. Obliquus Capitis Superior
    • Origin: Superior surface of transverse process of atlas
    • Insertion: Between superior and inferior nuchal lines of occipital bone
    • Action: Extension, lateral flexion of neck
    • Innervation: Suboccipital n.: C1
  4. Obliquus Capitis Inferior
    • Origin: Apex of spinous process of axis
    • Insertion: Inferoposterior part of transverse process of atlas
    • Action: Ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: Suboccipital n.: C1
  5. Longus Capitis
    • Origin: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of third through sixth cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: Inferior surface of basilar part of occipital bone
    • Action: Flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C1, 2, 3
  6. Longus Colli, Superior oblique portion
    • Origin: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of third through fifth cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: Tubercle on anterior arch of atlas
    • Action: Flexion, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C2-7
  7. Longus Colli, Inferior Oblique portion
    • Origin: Anterior surface of bodies of first two or three thoracic vertebrae
    • Insertion: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae
    • Action: Flexion, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C2-7
  8. Longus Colli, Vertical portion
    • Origin: Anterior surface of bodies of first three thoracic and last three cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: Anterior surface of bodies of second through fourth cervical vertebrae
    • Action: Flexion, lateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C2-7
  9. Rectus Capitis Anterior
    • Origin: Root of transverse process; anterior surface of atlas
    • Insertion: Inferior surface of basilar part of occipital bone
    • Action: Flexion, ipsilateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C1, 2
  10. Rectus Capitis Lateralis
    • Origin: Superior surface of transverse process of atlas
    • Insertion: Inferior surface of jugular process of occipital bone
    • Action: Lateral flexion of neck
    • Innervation: C1, 2
  11. Sternocleidomastoid
    • Origin:
    • Medial/Sternal Head - Cranial part of manubrium sterni
    • Lateral/Clavicular Head - Medial 1/3 of clavicle
    • Insertion: Lateral surface of mastoid process; lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line of occipital bone
    • Action: Extension, flexion, lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation:
  12. Scalenus Anterior
    • Origin: Anterior tubercles of transverse processes of third through sixth cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: Scalene tubercles and cranial crest of first rib
    • Action: Flexion, lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: Lower cervical nn.
  13. Scalenus Medius
    • Origin: Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of second through seventh cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: First rib, cranial surface between tubercle and subclavian groove
    • Action: Lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: Lower cervical nn.
  14. Scalenus Posterior
    • Origin: By two or three tendons from posterior tubercles of transverse processes of last two or three cervical vertebrae
    • Insertion: Outer surface of second rib
    • Action: Lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: C6-8
  15. Trapezius, Upper
    • Origin: External occipital protuberance, medial 1/3 of superior nuchal line, ligamentum nuchae, and spinous process of seventh cervical vertebra
    • Insertion: Lateral 1/3 of clavicle; acromion process of scapula
    • Action: Extension, lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of neck
    • Innervation: Accessory, CN XI; C3-4
Card Set
Neck Muscles
Origin, Insertion, Action, and Innervation of the Muscles of the Neck