Bio 3400 - Lecture 4

  1. Three informational molecules
    DNA, RNA, protein
  2. Types of suporcoiled DNA
    • Negative - Underwound
    • Positive - Overwound
  3. Baceriocin
    Peptides or proteins produced by bacteria that inhibit or kill closely related species (Nisin)
  4. Semiconservative replication
    Each new sdDNA containsĀ one strand from the old DNA
  5. Direction of DNA polymerase
    5' to 3'
  6. Which carbon is the phosphate on (nucleotide)
  7. Primary polymerase inĀ e. coli
    DNA polymerase III
  8. DNA polymerase I
    • Exonuclease activity
    • Removes original primer
  9. Replisome
    Protein complex in DNA replication
  10. Sigma factors
    Recognize -35 region and pribnow box (promoters) (RNA synth)
  11. Transcription stops at...
    Termination factors
  12. RNA synth. termination
    • Intrinsic
    • Rho-dependant
  13. Operon
    Related genes transcribed on polycistronic mRNA
  14. The lac operon repressor binds
    When lactose is abscent
  15. Transcription in Archaea
    • TATA Box initiator element
    • B recognition element (BRE)
  16. RNA cap
    Methylated guanine to 5'
  17. Translation start and stop sequence
    • Start - AUG
    • Stop - UAG, UAA, UGA
  18. Shine delgarno dequence
    Ensure proper reading frame (recognized by 16s)
  19. Enzyme charging tRNA
    Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases
  20. An anticodon is found on
  21. Polysome
    Multiple ribosomes translating at once
  22. Periplasm
    Between membranes
  23. Tat system
    • Proteins folded in the cytoplasm are transported by Tat
    • Distinct from Sec
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Bio 3400 - Lecture 4
Bio 3400