IVISD Metaphysical Laws

  1. What are the Laws of the Universe? (15)
    • Law of Cause and Effect
    • Law of Change
    • Law of Compensation
    • Law of Correspondence
    • Law of Creation
    • Law of Gender
    • Law of Love
    • Law of Mind Action
    • Law of Polarity
    • Praxis
    • Law of Prosperity
    • Law of Rhythm
    • Law of Supply and Substance
    • Law of Vibration
    • Law of Worth
  2. What is the essence of the Law of Cause and Effect?
    As you sow, so shall you reap
  3. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Cause and Effect?(6)
    • The principle and process underlying all creation and manifestation.
    • The first law of sequence; every effect (physical reality manifestation) has a cause.
    • Thought, emotion and spiritual energy are invisible causes of visible experiences.
    • Mind (capital M) is God, the Universal Intelligence which creates all life.
    • Mind (lower case m) is man, which has the same creative energy and power of Universal Mind.
    • All things, conditions and experiences which are caused by thought can be dissolved by thought.
  4. What are some other facts about the Law of Cause and Effect? (5)
    • In the realm of metaphysics, Mind (God, Universal Intelligence) is the "cause" of all life. At the level of the human experience, consciousness (thought, belief, perceptions, judgments) is the "cause" of all life experience. As the Mind of God creates in the universe, so does the consciousness of the individual create in the personal experience.
    • Outer experience is a function and a reflection of internal reality (or experience) because the Law of Cause and Effect is in the omnipresent operation throughout the universe.
    • Everything experienced at the physical level is the effect of a cause produced at the mental, emotional, or spiritual level. Our task is to become aware of our mental, emotional and spiritual perceptions so that we consciously create what we desire, and minimize the effects of unintended experiences. (unconscious creation).
    • The most important purpose for understanding the Law of Cause and Effect is recognition by the individual thinker of their inherent power to gracefully and elegantly bring forth life.
    • Thoughts are the seeds of creation that are planted in the creative soil of the mind.
  5. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Change? (6)
    • The only constant in the Universe is change.
    • Everything is energy and is constantly in a state of motion; constantly changing.
    • Any desire is of God (de=of; sire=Father) it has been placed on our hearts by God and is already a reality in the realm of Spirit.
    • We each are at choice in every moment and must take responsibility for the choices we make.
    • Conscious choices in support of one's vision will bring desired change(s) into manifestation.
    • We have a responsibility to align in consciousness wiht what already IS and to eliminate fear, doubt, judgment, hesitation, and procrastination - any and all things that stand between us and the manifestation of God's vision for our lives.
  6. How does the Law of Change relate to coaching?
    The coaching relationship involves the coach supporting the client to make positive and effective changes in his/her life. A masterful coach will support the client to capture and embrace a vision of what that change can be and to take the next most appropriate steps in the direction of that vision.
  7. What principles must be employed in order for change to occur within our consciousness?
    • Faith: we must first believe change is possible. We must get beyond a sense of helplessness or hopelessness. This comes with knowing that we are God's beloved and God's Will for us is absolute good.
    • Choice: We must know that we are at choice. Whether we are aware or not, we are always choosing.The question becomes 'how are we choosing?' consciously or unconsciously?
    • Desire: we must desire change in our heart of hearts. We must have a passion for it.
  8. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Compensation? (4)
    • Operates in consciousness by agreements.
    • The creative power of the mind acts in exact measure upon whatever we agree with and accept.
    • Life is just and fair. Whatever we agree to receive, life swiftly pays.
    • Whatever we accept in consciousness, we receive in experience.
  9. What is the definition of compensation and how does that explain the Law of Compensation?
    • Compensation is what is given in exchange for services, debt, injury or other consideration.
    • This Law indicates that we are compensated based on the power of our consciousness to mold the Universe, creating what we will accept.
    • What we create in consciousness, we receive in compensation. Therefore, we can change our consciousness and change the compensation received.
    • Remuneration is based on all that we believe we are worth.
    • God pays us an equivalent for the worth that we believe we are, and the worth we ascribe to what we do, in what we do.
    • God's supply flows based on our willingness to recognize, accept and believe in our spiritual entitlement, our God-like qualities, attributes and unlimited supply of creative ideas in us.
  10. What is the essence of the Law of Correspondence?
    • As above, so below...
    • Like draws like
    • What you give, you get
  11. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Correspondence? (7)
    • We are held accountable to the laws of the universe whether we acknowledge it or not. The conditions in our life are the evidence of law in the physical world.
    • As spiritual beings we are always creating and attracting things, events and conditions that agree with the energy and frequency of our thoughts.
    • Spiritual law is unchangeable and exact. We receive the exact equivalent of good for every thought, word and action.
    • All things begin in thought (Law of Mind). Patterns of thinking are the primary element through which we create in equal measure. "Like draws like."
    • Spiritual law balances out the physical realm of affairs via the Law of Correspondence. "What you give, you get."
    • The Law of Correspondence is also known as the Law of Attraction.
    • Every thought has a corresponding energy. Biblically stated, "As above, so below..." Law of Correspondence is a restatement of the Law of Mind.
  12. What is the Law of Creation?
    This is the never-ending process by which Mind is constantly pouring itself into substance.
  13. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Gender?
    • Everything in the Universe is comprised of the masculine and the feminine.
    • Creation requires both for manifestation to occur.
    • There is a period of gestation that must take place for manifestation to be complete.
  14. What principles are at the foundation of the Law of Gender?
    Faith and Trust can bring forth a more desirable experience, with an attitude of "don't worry, no hurry, by happy."
  15. How do coaches use the Law of Gender to support their clients?
    We support our clients in the realization and manifestation of their vision by understanding that what we plant will manifest, first in mind and then in the outer "reality." Then, movement must occur to plant seeds consciously and be patient to allow them to germinate before harvest.
  16. What is the Law of Love?
    • Love is the essence, energy and presence of God in and throughout every living thing.
    • The Law of Love is our ability to know Truth, live in Truth, know peace, live in peace, know power and activate the right use of power under all circumstances.
    • Love is the very essence of who and what we are.
  17. What is the essence of the Law of Mind Action?
    • Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.
    • All things begin in Mind/mind - Divine Mind and/or individual mind.
  18. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Mind Action? (7)
    • Whatever we hold in consciousness will be out pictured in our lives.
    • All outward expressions manifest in the physical world through the Law of Mind Action.
    • Mind is constantly expressing and re-creating itself through open channels and vessels.
    • Mind cannot transfer or subtract a portion of itself. It must be present in all things fully and completely.
    • Like begets like.
    • The primary or dominant state or quality of mind/consciousness determines one's life experience.
    • Mind is the cause, what shows up is the effect.
  19. What is some more information about the Law of Mind Action?
    • This law is the foundation of reality creation.
    • All things begin in Divine Mind.
    • As this law operates it supports the recognition of how ideas, thoughts, words, feelings and beliefs become the experiences and conditions of the life experience.
  20. What is the primary lesson of the Law of Mind Action as it relates to clients?
    • The client must have the consciousness of the thing or experience they desire before it can manifest in their lives.
    • If the client's consciousness does not vibrate with the energy of the desired experience, it cannot be manifested as an experience in their lives. Or, should it manifest they will not be able to hold on to it.
  21. What are the client's responsibilities as it relates to the Law of Mind Action? (4)
    • Right thinking
    • Right feeling
    • Right action
    • Right response
  22. What is a polarity?
    • A polarity is a different perspective or vibration of the same or a similar experience.
    • Good/bad; right/wrong; fair/unfair; even life and death are all polarities that are interpreted in response to experience and perspective.
  23. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Polarity? (6)
    • Variation of the same continuum.
    • Appearing as a distinction or separation.
    • A different vibration or appearance of the same thing.
    • Complimentary, corresponding appearance, energy or vibration to give another thing its meaning.
    • Physical, mental or emotional distinction of the same vibration.
    • Things of the same nature that are transmuted (changed) into one another.
  24. What is the midpoint within the context of the Law of Polarity?
    • As the internal landscape of the individual having a particular experience is balanced, what once seems wrong, bad or unfair can be re-interpreted with greater meaning and depth.
    • The degrees of an experience ultimately reach a midpoint where the distinction between them disappears.
    • The midpoint is acceptance.
  25. What determines the degree of polarity experienced in any situation?
    • Consciousness.
    • Individual perspective makes the situation positive or negative, right or wrong, good or bad.
  26. More about the Law of Polarity...
    • When we release our judgments and pre-conceived notions, we begin to see the situation objectively, appreciating the unlimited possibilities that exist.
    • Help the client to take an objective view so that peace and growth are the end results.
  27. What is the Law of Rhythm?
    • This Law reminds us of the constant motion that occurs in the Universe and the poles of apparent opposites that exist in every situation.
    • In everything there is a measured motion, a movement backward and forward, in and out. This ebb and flow speaks to the action and reaction that we know about in physics.
    • Everything grows and dies, progresses and recedes. It is a natural process.
  28. What is the Law of Supply and Substance?
    • The Law of Supply indicates that there is an infinite storehouse (or supply) of all that we need.
    • This supply is the infinite storehouse of divine substance that is activated into form through our thoughts.
  29. What is the essence of the Law of Vibration?
    • Everything is energy and vibrating.
    • Vibration is the manifested energy that represents a person's internal and external state of being.
    • The rate at which the molecules move is called vibration.
  30. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Vibration? (8)
    • Reflects the nature of energy held in the internal landscape (mental and emotional level).
    • Provides an opportunity to witness and participate in the development of consciousness.
    • Supports the development and deepening of spiritual practices as a process for enhancing the subtle energy of one's state of being.
    • Facilitates and activates the Law of Correspondence/Attraction.
    • Demonstrates the nature of thought and emotion through physical manifestation.
    • Provides evidence of the validity of the Law of Mind, which states whatever we hold in consciousness will be out pictured in our lives.
    • Useful tool and guide to the nature and clarity of intention.
    • Supports the development of clear and conscious thought, word and behavior in the process of reality creation.
  31. How does a higher vibration impact an experience?
    The higher and clearer the vibration, the more balanced the experience.
  32. How does a lower or more dense vibration impact an experience?
    The lower or more dense the vibration (meaning the degree of mental and emotional congestion) the more challenging or difficult an experience the participants will move through.
  33. What is rotary vibration?
    • How an object moves.
    • In the case of human beings, this refers to the "self-centered" motion, how a being moves, functions, holds itself within itself. (i.e. Earth moves on its axis)
    • Rotary movement creates, sustains and supports separation or unity.
  34. What is cyclic vibration?
    • How an object or being moves in relationship to other objects or beings.
    • In the case of humans, this refers to awareness and collective growth.
    • I.e. the earth rotates around the sun.
    • Cyclic movement determines and is determined by consciousness.
  35. What is spiral vibration?
    • How energy moves within and through the object or being.
    • This is the will and pull of the Spirit.
    • In the case of human beings, the spiral vibration has to do with the will-to-live and the will-to-exist.
    • The lower (slower) the vibratory rate or movement of energy within the being, the less is the will to live.
    • The higher (faster) the vibratory rate or movement of energy the greater is the will and drive to live.
  36. What is the Law of Worth?
    The Law of Worth indicates that all beings have value, usefulness or merit based on their inherent spiritual nature apart from previous experiences, internal or external judgments, or the presence or absence of external validation.
  37. What are the essential characteristics of the Law of Worth?
    • Supports the conscious creation of the client's desired state.
    • Supports the conscious use of the laws of attraction, vibration, cause and effect, prosperity and compensation.
    • One's ability to attract and retain prosperity is directly related to one's feelings of Self-worth which is the amount of value that you give to your unique and divine expression of God's power, abundance and grace.
    • The more you value yourself, the more you will be valued as a demonstration of the Law of Cause and Effect.
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IVISD Metaphysical Laws
IVISD Metaphysical Laws