Facial and Eye Muscles

  1. Buccinator
    • Origin: Alveolar processes of the maxilla, buccinator ridge of the mandible, and pterygo-mandibular ligament
    • Insertion: Orbicularis oris at angle of the mouth
    • Action: Compresses the cheeks
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  2. Corrugator Supercilii
    • Origin: Medial end of the superciliary arch
    • Insertion: Deep surface of skin above middle of the orbital arch
    • Action: Draws the eyebrow downward and inward, with vertical wrinkles in forehad; "frowning mucle"
    • Innervation: Facial, CNVII
  3. Depressor Anguli Oris
    • Origin: Oblique line of mandible
    • Insertion: Angle of mouth, blending with adjacent muscle
    • Action: Integument of lower lip, blending with orbicularis oris
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  4. Depressor Labii Inferioris
    • Origin: Oblique line of the mandible
    • Insertion: Integument of the lower lip, blending with the orbicularis oris
    • Action: Draws the lower lip downward and slightly sideways, as in expressions of irony
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  5. Depressor Septi Nasi
    • Origin: Incisive fossa of maxilla
    • Insertion: Ala and septum of nose
    • Action: Draws ala of nose downward to close the nose
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  6. Frontalis
    • Origin: Galea aponeurotica
    • Insertion: Muscles and skin of eyebrow and root of the nose
    • Action: Raises the eyebrows and wrinkles the forehead, as in exressions of surprise or fright
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  7. Levator Anguli Oris
    • Origin: Canine fossa of maxilla
    • Insertion: Angle of the mouth, blending with the orbicularis oris
    • Action: Depresses the nasolabial furrow, as in expressions of contempt or disdain
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  8. Levator Labii Superioris
    • Origin: Lower margin of orbit
    • Insertion: Orbicularis of the upper lip
    • Action: Moves the upper lip upward and forward
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  9. Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
    • Origin: Root of nasal process of the maxilla
    • Insertion: Greater alar cartilage, skin of the nose, and lateral part of the upper lip
    • Action: Raises and protrudes the upper lip
    • Innervation: Oculomotor, CN III
  10. Levator Palpebrae Superioris
    • Origin: Inferior surface of lesser wing of sphenoid
    • Insertion: Skin of eyelid, tarsal plate of upper eyelid, orbitall wall, and medial and lateral ezpansion of aponeurosis of the insertion
    • Action: Raises the upper eyelids
    • Innervation: Oculomotor, CN III
  11. Masseter
    • Origin:
    • Superficial Portion - Zygomatic process of the maxilla and lower border of the zygomatic arch
    • Profundus Portion - Posterior 1/3 of inferior border and medial surface of zygomatic arch
    • Insertion:
    • Superficial Portion - Angle and ramus of mandible
    • Profundus Portion - Superior 1/2 of ramus and lateral surface of coronoid process of mandible
    • Action: Closes the jaw
    • Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
  12. Mentalis
    • Origin: Incisive fossa of mandible
    • Insertion: Skin of chin
    • Action: Raises and protrudes the lower lip and wrinkles skin on the chin, as in pouting
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  13. Nasalis, Alar portion
    • Origin: Maxilla
    • Insertion: Ala of nose
    • Action: Enlarges the nostrils
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  14. Nasalis, Transverse portion
    • Origin: Above and lateral to incisive fossa of maxilla
    • Insertion: By aponeurosis with nasalis on the opposite side
    • Action: Depresses cartilaginous part of nose
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  15. Obliquus Inferior Oculi
    • Origin: Orbital plate of maxilla
    • Insertion: External part of the sclera, between the rectus superior and rectus lateralis and posterior to equator of the eyeball
    • Action: Directs the cornea upward and outward
    • Innervation: Oculomotor, CN III
  16. Obliquus Superior Oculi
    • Origin: Above medial margin of the optic foramen
    • Insertion: Into sclera between the rectus superior and rectus lateralis and posterior to equator of the eyeball
    • Action: Directs the cornea downward and outward
    • Innervation: Trochlear, CN IV
  17. Orbicularis Oculi
    • Origin: Nasal part of frontal bone, frontal process of the maxilla, and anterior surface of the medial palperal ligament
    • Insertion: Muscle fibers surround the circumference of the orbit, spread downward on the cheek, and blend with adjacent muscular or ligamentous structures
    • Action:
    • Palpebral part - Closes eyes gently
    • Orbital part - Stronger closing
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  18. Orbicularis Oris
    • Origin: Numerous strata of muscular fibers surrounding the mouth; derived in part from other facial muscles
    • Insertion: Into skin and mucous membrane of the lips, blending with other muscles
    • Action: Closes lips and protrudes them forward
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  19. Platysma
    • Origin: Fascia covering superior portion of the pectoralis major and deltoid
    • Insertion: Lower borders of the mandible, the posterior fibers blending with muscles about the angle and lower part of the mouth
    • Action: Retracts and depresses angle of the mouth
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  20. Procerus
    • Origin: Fascia covering lower part of the nasal bone and upper part o fthe lateral nasal cartilage
    • Insertion: Into skin over lower part of the forehead between eyebrows
    • Action: Pulls inner angle of the eyebrows downward and produces transverse wrinkles over bridge of the nose
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  21. Pterygoideus Lateralis
    • Origin:
    • Superior Head - Lateral surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid and the infratemporal crest
    • Inferior Head - Lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid
    • Insertion: Depression, anterior part of the condyle of the mandible, and anterior margin of articular disk of temporomandibular articulation
    • Action: Opens the jaw, protrudes the mandible, and moves the mandible from side to side
    • Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
  22. Pterygoideus Medialis
    • Origin: Medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate, pyramidal process of the palatine bone, and tuberosity of the maxilla
    • Insertion: Inferior and posterior part of medial surface of the ramus and angle of the mandibular foramen
    • Action: Closes the jaw
    • Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
  23. Recti Superior, Inferior, Medialis, and Lateralis
    • Origin: Fibrous ring that surrounds superior, medial, and inferior margins of the optic foramen
    • Insertion: Into sclera, anterior to equator of eyeball at the site implied by each name
    • Action: Movement of the eye in the direction indicated by the name of the muscle
    • Innervation:
    • Superior, Inferior, and Medialis - Oculomotor, CN III
    • Lateralis - Abducens, CN VI
  24. Risorius
    • Origin: Fascia over the masseter
    • Insertion: Into skin at angle of the mouth
    • Action: Retracts the angle of the mouth
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  25. Temporalis
    • Origin: Temporal fossa and fascia
    • Insertion: Coronoid process and anterior border of ramus of mandible
    • Action: Closes the jaws
    • Innervation: Trigeminal, CN V
  26. Zygomaticus Major
    • Origin: Zygomatic bone in front of the temporal process
    • Insertion: Angle of the mouth, blending with the adjacent muscles
    • Action: Draws angle of the mouth up and out, as in a smile
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
  27. Zygomaticus Minor
    • Origin: Zygomatic bone, malar surface
    • Insertion: Orbicularis oris of the upper lip
    • Action: Deepens the nasolabial furrow, as in expressions of sadness
    • Innervation: Facial, CN VII
Card Set
Facial and Eye Muscles
Origin, Insertion, Action, Innervation of the Facial and Eye Mm.