What file extension does Access 2013 use for database files?
What does RDBMS stand for?
relational database management system
Where is the table name?
on the table tab
How do you find the number of records in a table
the number of rows in a table
How do you find the number of fields in a table?
the number of columns in a table
What is a field value?
an entry in a table that is not a field heading
Why is the table divided into fields?
helps organize, catagorize attributes, make querys
What does the pencil icon beside a record indicate?
that record is being edited or addes
Each table must have one field of a special type. What is the name of that type?
primary key
What is an object? How many determine the number of objects in a database?
Objects could be tables, queries, forms, or reports. They are listed on the left under All Access Objects.
What object contains the data?
The table(s)
Can you change a field value using a a) query, b) form, c) report?
- a) query: yes
- b) form: yes
- c) report: no
Where do you change field properties?
table's Design View
What is the difference between a fields name and its caption property?
The caption is the way the field's heading is displayed.
Describe one reason why data is placed in separate tables.
What are 3 common field properties?
Description, Field Size, Format, Caption
How do you create a new table?
Create/Tables/Table Design
How do you assign a primary key?
In table Design View, right click on the field and choose Primary Key
What are two ways of importing data?
EXTERNAL DATA/Import Text File or Import Excel
How do you resize columns?
In DataSheet View, select all the fields, right click in one field, choose Field Widtt/Best Fit or double-click between the field names
How do define a one-to-many 1:M relationship between two tables?
DATABASE TOOLS/Relationships/Add(or double-click) Tables/Close/connect a field in one table with a field in another table/check for one-to-many description at bottom of the Edit Relations window/choose Enforce Referential Integrity and Cascade Update Related Fields
How do you create a report?
Click on the table on which the report is based/CREATE/REPORT
How do you change the heading of a report?
double click on report heading and type new name
How do you name a report?
Clicking SAVE or close(x) will bring up a Save As window to name the report.
How do you create a Query?
CREATE/Query Wizard/Simple Query Wizard/choose Tables and required Fields/Next/add title(query name)/