Chapter 14

  1. Location of the heart
    • Between the lungs, left of the midline of body, in mediastinum
    • Base: upper flat portion
    • Apex: lower part pointed twoard left (5th intercostal space)
  2. Three tissue layers of heart
    • endocardium lines hearts interior
    • myocardium (thickest & intercalated disks)
    • Epicardium (thin outer layer)
  3. Pericardium
    The sac enclosing hte heart
  4. Fibrous pericardium
    Holds heart in place
  5. Serious membrane of pericardium (layers)
    • Parietal layer
    • pericardial cavity
    • viseral layer (also the epicardium! same thing)
  6. Features of Myocardium
    • Lighty striated
    • Single nucleus
    • Controlled involuntarily
    • Intercalated disks
    • Branching muscle fibers
  7. Divisions of the heart
    Pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit
  8. pulmonary circuit
    Right side pumps blood low in oxygen to the lungs. (recieves deoxygenated blood from superior [blue])
  9. Systemic circuit
    Left side pumps oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumps to body
  10. Chamber
    right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium, left ventricle
  11. Right atrium
    Thin wall cavity. receives low ox blood reeturning from body tissure through superior vena cava and inferior vena cava
  12. Right ventricle
    pumps blood to lungs
  13. Left atrium
    receives high oxygen blood from lungs
  14. Left ventricle
    pumps oxygenated blood through aorta into systemic circulation
  15. artery carries...
    oxygenated bood away from heart
  16. veins carry....
    deoxygenated blood to the heart
  17. Atrio ventricular valves
    • Entrance valves
    • Right atrioventricular (AV) valve aka tricuspid valve
    • Left atrio ventricular (AV) valve (bicuspid)
  18. Semilunar valves
    • Exit valves
    • Pulmonary valve
    • Aortic valve
  19. Which circuit has to work hards?
    The systamic circuit. The pressure is higher!
  20. Blood supplys to the myocardium how via..
    • Coronaary circulation
    • Right coronary arter supplys the RV
    • Left coronary artery supplies LV
    • Coronary sinus
  21. Flow of blood in coronary circulation
    myocardium to coronary sinus to the right atrium
  22. what separates the two upper chambers of the heart
    the intra atrial septum
  23. Coronary sinus
    A dilated vein that returns blood from the coronary circulation to the right atrium
  24. cardiac output
    • product of the stroke volume and the heart rate
    • the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle in one minute
  25. organic murmur & functional murmurs
    organic : an abnormal sound caused by any structural change in the heart or the vessels connected with the heart

    Functional: Certain normal sounds heart while the heart is working can be a murmur (normal)
  26. Chordae tendineae
    Threads that stabilize valve flaps so blood will not backflow
  27. Flow of blood
    Superior vena cava > right atrium > right AV valve > Right ventricle > Pulmonary valve > pulmonary trunk > Left pulmonary artery (L &R) twrd lungs > smaller arters..capillaries for gas exchange in lungs > 3 pulmonary veins (2R & 2L) > Left atrium > left AV valve (mitral) > left ventricle > aortic valve > aorta
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Chapter 14
The heart and Heart disease