Spanish Verbs

  1. Preterite -ar verb conjugation
    • é
    • aste
    • ó
    • amos
    • asteis
    • aron
  2. Imperfect -ar verb conjugation
    • aba
    • abas
    • aba
    • ábamos
    • abais
    • aban
  3. Preterite generally is used for actions in the past that are seen as completed.
    Use of preterite tense implies that past action had a definite beginning and end.
    • Juan habló de la una hasta las dos.
    • Juan spoke from one until two o'clock.
    • (clearly stated beginning and end)
  4. Preterite may not have the beginning and end clearly stated.
    • Juan habló dos horas.
    • Juan spoke for two hours.
    • (implied beginning and end)

    • Juan habló con la estudiante.
    • Juan spoke with the student.
    • (implied beginning and end)
  5. Imperfect is used for actions in the past that are not seen
    as completed. Imperfect tense implies that past did not
    have a definite beginning or a definite end.
    • Las chicas hablaban en inglés.
    • The girls used to speak in English.
    • (no definite beginning or end)
  6. Preterite conjugation -er and -ir verbs
    • í
    • iste
    • imos
    • isteis
    • ieron
  7. Preterite is used for action that can be viewed as single events.
    • Ella caminó por el parque.
    • She walked through the park.

    • Ellos llegaron a las ocho.
    • They arrived at eight o'clock.
  8. Preterite is used for actions that were repeated a specific number of times,
    or occurred during a specific period of time.
    • Ayer escribí tres cartas.
    • Yesterday I wrote three letters.

    • Vivimos allí por cuatro años.
    • We lived there for four years.
  9. Preterite is used for actions that were part of a chain of events.
    • Ella se levantó, se visitió, y salió de la casa.
    • She got up, dressed, and left the house.
  10. Preterite is used to state the beginning or the end of an action.
    • Empezó a nevar a las ocho de la mañana.
    • It began to snow at eight in the morning.
  11. Imperfect conjugation -er and -ir verbs.
    • ía
    • ías
    • ía
    • íamos
    • íais
    • ían
  12. Imperfect is used for actions that were repeated habitually.
    • Almorzábamos juntos todos los días.
    • We would lunch together every day.

    • Las señoras siempre charlaban por las mañanas.
    • The ladies would always chat in the mornings.
  13. Imperfect is used for actions that "set the stage" for another action.
    • Yo leía cuando entró mi papá.
    • I was reading when my papa entered.
    • (note that "entered" is preterite)
  14. Imperfect is used for telling time and stating one's age.
    • Eran las siete de la noche.
    • It was seven o'clock at night.

    • La niña tenía cinco años.
    • The little girl was five years old.
  15. Preterit irregular ser.
    • fui
    • fuiste
    • fue
    • fuimos
    • fuisteis
    • fueron
  16. Preterite irregular verb ir.
    • fui
    • fuiste
    • fue
    • fuimos
    • fuisteis
    • fueron
  17. Preterite irregular verb dar.
    • di
    • diste
    • dio
    • dimos
    • disteis
    • dieron
  18. Preterite irregular verb hacer.
    • hice
    • hiciste
    • hizo
    • hicimos
    • hicisteis
    • hicieron
  19. Imperfect irregular verb ser
    • era
    • eras
    • era
    • éramos
    • erais
    • eran
  20. Imperfect irregular verb ir
    • iba
    • ibas
    • iba
    • íbamos
    • ibais
    • iban
  21. Imperfect irregular verb ver
    • veía
    • veías
    • veía
    • veíamos
    • veíais
    • veían
  22. Imperfect is used for
    • Actions that were repeated habitually
    • Actions that "set the stage" for another action
    • Telling time and stating one's age
  23. Preterite is used for
    • Actions that can be viewed as single events
    • Actions that were repeated a specific number of times
    • Actions that occurred during a specific period of time
    • Actions that were part of a chain of events
    • State the beginning or the end of an action
  24. ayer
    • yesterday
    • specific
    • Preterite
  25. anteayer
    • the day before yesterday
    • specific
    • Preterite
  26. anoche
    • last night
    • specific
    • Preterite
  27. desde el primer momento
    • from the first moment
    • specific
    • Preterite
  28. el otro dia
    • the other day
    • specific
    • Pretirite
  29. en ese momento
    • at that moment
    • specific
    • Preterite
  30. entonces
    • then
    • specific
    • Preterite
  31. esta mañana
    • this morning
    • specific
    • Preterite
  32. esta tarde
    • this afternoon
    • specific
    • Preterite
  33. la semana pasada
    • last week
    • specific
    • Preterite
  34. el mes pasada
    • last month
    • specific
    • Preterite
  35. hace dos dias, años
    • two days ago, years ago
    • specific
    • Preterite
  36. ayer por la mañana
    • yesterday morning
    • specific
    • Preterite
  37. ayer por la tarde
    • yesterday afternoon
    • specific
    • Preterite
  38. a menudo
    • often
    • repetitive
    • non-specific
    • Imperfect
  39. a veces
    • sometimes
    • vague
    • non-specific
    • Imperfect
  40. cada dia
    • every day
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  41. cada semana
    • every week
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  42. con frecuencia
    • frequently
    • non-specific
    • Imperfect
  43. de vez en cuando
    • from time to time
    • vague non-specific
    • Imperfect
  44. en aquella época
    • at that time
    • vague non-specific
    • Imperfect
  45. frecuentemente
    • frequently
    • repetitive non-specific
    • Imperfect
  46. mucho
    • a lot
    • repetitive non-specific
    • Imperfect
  47. nunca
    • never
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  48. por un rato
    • for awhile
    • non-specific
    • Imperfect
  49. siempre
    • always
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  50. tantas veces
    • so many times
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  51. todas las semanas
    • every week
    • repetitive
    • Imperfect
  52. varias veces
    • several times
    • non-specific
    • Imperfect
Card Set
Spanish Verbs
Preterite vs Imperfect