AP US History Ch 7

  1. A theory stating that wealth is power and a country's economic wealth and political/military power could be measured by the amount of gold or silver a country has; stressed the need to export more than import.
  2. Stated that all commerce flowing to and from the colonies could be transported only in British vessels
    Navigation Law of 1650
  3. First law passed by Parliament to raise tax revenue for the crown in the colonies.
    Sugar Act of 1764
  4. Required certain colonies to provide food and quarters for British troops.
    Quartering Act of 1765
  5. The year the Stamp Act was passed.
  6. Protest against the Stamp Act in New York that brought 27 delegates from 9 colonies.
    Stamp Act Congress of 1765
  7. Policy of refusing to buy goods from England, and instead making them or smuggling them from elsewhere; use to combat Stamp Act (1765) and the Townshend taxes (1767).
    Nonimportation agreements
  8. Light, indirect taxes imposed in 1767 by Charley Townshend
    Townshend Acts
  9. December 16, 1773: Angry Bostonians disguised as Indians board ships carrying tea, smash 342 chests open, and dump the tea into the Boston Harbor.
    The Boston Tea Party
  10. Conservative political theorist who supported American independence and said: "To tax and to please, no more than to love and be wise, is not given to men."
    Edmund Burke
  11. In 1774 (post-Boston Tea Party) Parliament passed these acts designed to chastise Massachusetts (esp. Boston); called in America “the massacre of American Liberty.”
    The Intolerable Acts
  12. In 1774 an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain setting procedures of governance in the Province of Quebec.
    Quebec Act
  13. This was summoned in 1774 in response to the Intolerable Acts. Met in Philadelphia with 55 men from 12 colonies (NOT Georgia). 7 weeks long. More of a convention than a legislative venture.
    Continental Congress
  14. The Continental Congress created this, which called for a complete boycott of British goods.
    The Association
  15. French noblemen who, fleeing from boredom and loving glory and ultimately liberty, was made a major general in the colonial army at age 19.
    Marquis de Lafayette
Card Set
AP US History Ch 7
Mercantilism in Theory and Practice