Weights and Measure

  1. 1 grain
    65 mg
  2. 1 ounce
    28.5 grams
  3. 1 pound (16oz)
    454 grams
  4. 1 kg
    2.2 pounds
  5. 1 fluid dram
    5 mL
  6. 1 teaspoonful
    5 mL
  7. 1 tablespoonful
    15 mL
  8. 1 fluid oz
    30 mL
  9. 1 pint (16 fl oz)
    30 mL
  10. 1 quart (32 fl oz)
    960 mL
  11. 1 L
    1000 mL
  12. 1 gallon
    3800 mL
  13. 1 inch
    2.54 cm
  14. What are the basic units of the Avoirdupois System (weight)?
    grain, dram, ounce (28.5g), and pound 9465g)
  15. Basic fluid measurements of the Apothercary System?
    Fluid drams, fluid ounces (30mL), pints (480mL), quarts (960mL), and gallons (3800 mL)
  16. Symbol for dram?
    big 3
  17. Symbol for ounce?
    3 with z on top
Card Set
Weights and Measure
Weights and Measure