TFM02 B class Technical Questions

  1. Class A
    • Class of H20 extinguisher
    • Agent inside is water
    • Range is 40 feet
    • Duration is 60 seconds
    • Amount/Weight is 2.5 gallons
  2. Class B/C
    • Class of CO2 extinguisher
    • Agent inside is Carbon Dioxide
    • Range is 8 feet
    • Duration is 30 seconds Amount/Weight is 10 lbs
  3. Class of Dry Chem Extinguisher A/B/C
    • Class of Dry Chem extinguisher
    • Agent inside is Monoammonium Phosphate
    • Range is 25 feet
    • Duration is 10 seconds Amount/Weight is 30 lbs
  4. Carbon Dioxide / Definition
    A Colorless, Odorless, Electrically non- conductive inert gas that is a suitable medium for extinguishing class B &C Fires
  5. Dry Chemical / Definition
    A powder composed of very small particles, usually sodium bicarbonate-, potassium bicarbonate
  6. What is the Definition of Wet Chemical?
    Normally an aqueous solution of organic or inorganic salt.
  7. What are the two Extinguisher Chemicals
    Wet and Dry
  8. What are the two Closed Recovery System
    Dry and Halogenated
  9. Dry Chemical Closed Recovery System
    A System that is constructed in a manner that does not introduce foreign material into the agent being recovered and has a means of visually inspecting the recovered agent for contaminants.
  10. Halogenated Closed Recovery System
    A system that provides for the transfer of halogenated agents between fire extinguishers, supply containers, and recharge and recovery containers so that none of the halogenated agent escapes to the atmosphere
  11. What are the two types of Cylinders
    High & Low Pressure Cylinders
  12. High-Pressure Cylinder
    Cylinders or Cartridges containing nitrogen, compress air, carbon dioxide, or other gases at a presser higher than 500 psi at 70 Degrees
  13. Low-Pressure Cylinder
    A Cylinder containing fire extinguishing agent (medium) , nitrogen compressed air,or other compressed gases at a service pressure of 500 psi or at70 degrees
  14. What is a Ordinary combustibles extinguisher
    Class "A" extinguisher
  15. Flammable and combustible liquids and gases extinguisher?
    Class "B" extinguisher
  16. Electrical extinguisher?
    Class "C" extinguisher
  17. Combustible metals extinguisher?
    Class "D" extinguisher
  18. Kitchen extinguisher?
    Class "K" extinguisher
  19. What is the color rating of a D Class fire extinguisher?
  20. Aqueous film foaming foam extinguishers are suitable for use on Class ___ and Class ___ fires.
  21. CO2 extinguishers are effective in extinguishing Class ___ and Class___ fires
  22. A Sodium Bicarbonate extinguisher is a ____ type of fire extinguisher
    Dry Chemical
  23. Class ___ agents cannot be given multi-purpose rating for use on other classes.
  24. Dry powder agents are for Class ____ fires only
  25. NFPA ___, Standard for portable fire extinguishers, provides information on rating, placement, and use of portable extinguishers
  26. The mixing of ____ and water results in a vapor seal by creating a film foam on the surface of the water. The vapor seal extinguishes the flame and prevents reignition
  27. AFFF extinguishers do not work well for fires in Class ____ or Class___ fuels
  28. Which extinguishers are most commonly used for highly sensitive computer equipment Halon ;
    Carbon Dioxide
  29. If an extinguisher is found to be deficient in weight by ___% it should be removed from service and replaced
  30. What is a Extinguisher Inspection?
    A quick check that a fire extinguisher is in its designated place, that it has not been actuated or tamper with, that there is no obvious physical damage or condition to prevent it operation.
  31. Define Extinguisher Maintenance
    A thorough examination of the fire extinguisher. It includes a thorough examination for physical damage or condition to prevent its operation and any necessary repair or replacement. It will normally reveal if hydrostatic testing or internal maintenance is required.
  32. What is AFFF?
    Aqueous Forming Foam Agent
  33. What is FFFP?
    Film-Forming Fluoroprotein Foam
  34. What are the two Halogenated Agents?
    Halocarbons, Halons
  35. What is Halocarbon Agents?
    Halocarbon agents include hydro-chloroflurocarbon (HCFC), hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), perfluorocarbon (PFC) and fluoroiodocarbon (FIC) types of agents.
  36. What is Halon?
    • Halons include:
    • bromochlorodifluoromethane (Halon 1211),
    • bromotrifluoromethane (Halon 1301),
    • and mixtures of Halon 1211 and Halon 1301.
  37. What is Hydrostatic Testing?
    Pressure testing of the extinguisher to verify its strength against unwanted rupture.
  38. What is the ICC?
    The Interstate Commerce Commission, which had jurisdication over high-pressure cylinders and cartridges prior to1967.
  39. What are the 5 classifications of fire?
    Class A, B, C, D, K
  40. at class of foam will reduce surface tension of water?
    Class A foam
  41. What class of fires are dry powder extinguishers rated for?
    Class D only
  42. How do carbon dioxide extinguishers work?
    By displacing oxygen
  43. How is the effectiveness of a class D extinguisher expressed?
    There is no numerical rating of a class D system
  44. How to perform the bank down application method
    Apply foam off a solid surface to deflect down onto the fire
  45. A yellow star symbolizes what class of fire extinguisher?
    Class D
  46. Expansion rate of High Expansion foam
  47. Oxygen exclusion is called....
  48. What agent is most effective on class B fires?
  49. How often should extinguishers be serviced?
    Annually or after each use
  50. What is the numerical range of rating for class A extinguishers?
    1A to 40A
  51. What classes of extinguishers use numerical ratings?
    Class A and B only
  52. The numerical ratings on Class A and Class B ext. shows:
    the relative extinguishing effectiveness
  53. Multipurpose rated extinguishers are used for what class fires?
    Class A, B, & C
  54. What label types do NFPA require on extinguishers?
  55. Expansion rate of Medium Expansion foam
  56. If halon extinguishers weigh less than 9lbs, what class of fire is it used for?
    Class B & C
  57. Dry chemical extinguishers are rated for what class fire?
    Class B & C
  58. Examples of obsolete extinguishers
    Internal cartridge, water type,Carbon tetrachloride
  59. What type of cartridge should an extinguisher have where freezing is possible?
    Nitrogen Cartridge
  60. What does a rating of 20B mean?
    it extinguishers 20 sq ft of a class B fire
  61. What is important requirement for a class C rated extinguisher?
    Should not conduct electricity
  62. 3 considerations for inspecting extinguishers
    Accessibility, serviceability, simplicity of use
  63. Foam that reduces the surface tension of water is good for what class of fire?
    Class A
  64. When an extinguisher empties during use, what should be done
    Withdraw & recharged
  65. How much of a liquid does an extinguisher of 1A contain?
    1 1/4 gallons of water
  66. True or false: Ext. are intend for limited size fires and are required even if there is sprinklers, stand-pipe hose, or other fixed equipment.
  67. The fire ext. will be clearly marked with:
    • whether they meet or exceed:
    • -listing and labeling organization
    • -fire test
    • -peformance standard for that ext.
  68. Light (low) Hazard
    A location with low amount of Class A combustible material or items are arranged so fire will not spread rapidly and Class B are found low amounts and in closed containers
  69. Ordinary (moderate) Hazard
    locations where Class A combustibles and Class B flammables are in higher amount than Low Hazards
  70. Extra (high) Hazards
    locations where Class A combustibles and Class B flammables are in above the amount of the Ordinary Hazards
  71. Obsolete ext.
    • Soda Acid
    • Chemical Foam (film-foaming agents)
    • Vaporized Liquid (e.g. carbon tetrachloride)
    • Cartridge-Operated water
    • Cartridge-Operated loaded steam
    • Copper or Brass shell joined by soft solder or rivets
    • Carbon Dioxide ext. with metal horns
    • Solid charged-type AFFF ext. (paper catridge)
  72. Extinguisher should ever be _______ and in larges rooms they should have _______.
    • obstructed from view
    • something to indicate they location where the obstruction can not be avoided
  73. Ext. having a weight not exceeding _____ and should be installed no more than _____ above the floor.
    • 40 lbs.
    • 5 ft
  74. Ext. having a weight exceeding _____ and should be installed no more than _____ above the floor
    • 40 lbs.
    • 3.5 ft
  75. Clearance between the the floor and extinguisher should be no less than ____ .
    4 in.
  76. Ext. operating instructions are located:
    on the front
  77. Labels that should not be on the front are
    • Hazardous Material Identification System (HMIS)
    • Six year maintenance
    • hydrostatic test
    • Other Misc.
  78. Ext. this information on it
    • Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
    • HMIS
    • List of hazardous materials in excess of 1%
    • Lists of chemicals in excess of 5%
    • Information on why an item is hazardous
    • Manufactures Name, address,  and number
  79. mild steel  shell
    All steel shells other than stainless steel and steel shells used for high pressure cylinders
  80. Extinguisher Service Pressure
    the normal operating pressure as specified on cylinder
  81. Factory Test Pressure
    tested pressure of the cylinder at the time of manufacturing
  82. Recharging
    replacement of the agent
  83. Servicing
    • maintenance
    • recharging
    • hydrostatic testing
  84. Examples of wet chemcials
    • Water
    • Potassium acetate
    • Potassium carbonate
    • Potassium citrate
  85. Placard should be by an ext. stating if:
    fire protection system will be activiated prior to using the ext,
  86. Required building protection will be provided by
    Class A ext.
  87. Fire ext are provided for protection of:
    • Building structure
    • occupancy hazardous within
  88. Buildings with occupancy hazards subject to class B or Class C will have
    • Class A ext.
    • Class B or Class C ext.
  89. Light hazards requires
    • Class 2-A ext. 75 ft distance
    • Class 5-B - 10-B ext. 30 - 50 ft distance
  90. Ordinary hazards requires
    • Class 2-A ext. 75 ft distance
    • Class 10-B - 20-B ext. 30 - 50 ft distance
  91. Extra hazard occupancy requires:
    • Minimum Class 4-A ext. 75 ft distance
    • Class 40-B - 80-B ext. 30 - 50 ft distance
  92. Travel distance for port. ext.
  93. Class D ext. will no more than _____ of traveling distance from the hazard.
  94. Ext. shall be inspected when initially placed in service and thereafter at approximately ______ intervals
    30 day
  95. Periodic inspection involves
    • Location in designated place
    • No obstruction to access or visibility
    • Operating instructions on nameplate legible and facing outward
    • Safety seals and tamper indicators not broken or missing
    • Fullness determined by weighing or hefting
    • Exam for damage, corrosion, leakage,or clogged nozzle
    • Pressure gauge reading or indicator in the operable range or position
    • Tires and wheels in good condition
    • HMIS in place
  96. Failed inspection of nonrechargable dry chemical ext. it should be:
    removed, discharged, and destroyed
  97. Failed inspection of nonrechargable halon agent ext. it should be:
    removed, not discharged, and returned to manufactured
  98. Hydrostatic testing always includes
    internal and external visual examination of the cylinder
  99. Hydrostatic testing use ____ as medium _____ shall not be used.
    • water or other non compressible liquid
    • air or other gases
  100. If a ext. cylinder or shell displays ______, it will not be Hydrostatic testing but condemned or destroyed.
    • repairs are done by soldering, welding, brazing, or patching
    • cylinder threads damaged
    • corrosion and pitting
    • exterior burned
    • 10% of cylinder has been removed
    • dent 1/4 in
    • any of the shell made of brass or copper is damaged
  101. If ext fails Hydrostatic testing or visual test it will be:
    condemned or destoryed
  102. Aluminum Shell Cylinder that are exposed to temps of 350 degrees F shall be:
    removed service and subject to Hydrostatic testing
  103. Hydrostatic testing will occur very 5 years on:
    • Stored-pressure water, loaded stream, and antifreeze
    • Wetting agent
    • AFFF
    • FFFP
    • Dry chemical (stainless stealshell)
    • Carbon Dioxide
    • Wet Chemical
  104. Hydrostatic testing will occur very 12 years on:
    • Dry Chemical (not Stainless Steel)
    • Dry chemical, cartridge- or cylinder-operated
    • Halogenated agents steel shells
    • Dry powder, stored pressure, cartridge- or cylinder-operated with mild steel shells
  105. What is exempt from periodic hydrostatic retesting?
    • Cartridges with DOT stamped 3E
    • Cartridges not exceeding 2 in. in diameter and having a length less than 2 ft
  106. High pressure cylinders (3A, 3AA, 3AI)
    shall be tested at 5/3 the service pressure as stamped on cylinder
  107. Carbon Dioxide hose assemblies requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at
    1250 psi
  108. Carbon Dioxide hose assemblies requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at
    300 psi
  109. low pressure hose assemblies used on wheeled ext. requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at
    300 psi
  110. high pressure hose assemblies used on wheeled ext. requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at
    3000 psi
  111. stored pressure  ext. requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at specific presseure not to exceed
    3 times normal operating pressure
  112. Cartridge-operated dry chemical and powder ext. requiring Hydrostatic testing are tested at
    normal factory test pressure
  113. Test gauges need to be accurate to
    +/- .5% or better
  114. Test gauges will be capable  of being read to within
    1% of the test pressure
  115. Pressure gauges used on test equipment must be calibrated _______ and master gauges ______ .
    • semiannually
    • annually
  116. Hydrostatic test pump hand or power-operated should be capable of producing:
    150 or more pressure
  117. Pressure in a Hydrostatic testing of a cylinder should be maintained for
    30 sec minimum
  118. Hose should be ______ before Hydrostatic testing low pressure cylinder.
  119. Hose should be _____ before Hydrostatic testing high pressure cylinder.
    filled with water
  120. High Pressure cylinders & cartridges that pass hydrostatic testing shall be stamped with
    retester's id number and month/year of retest
  121. Stamping is should be placed only on _____ provided on cylinder
    • shoulder
    • top head
    • neck
    • or footring
  122. Hose assemblies passing hydrostatic testing does not require
    • recording
    • labeling
    • or marking
  123. hydrostatic testing label info includes
    • month/year test was done
    • test pressure used
    • name of tester
    • name of agency
Card Set
TFM02 B class Technical Questions
Texas Fire extinguisher