
  1. Anxiety Disorder
    any of a number of disorders that produce pervasive feelings of anxiety
  2. Abnormal behavior
    behavior that is atypical, maladaptive, socially unacepted
  3. Agoraphobia
    fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult
  4. Panic Disorder
    anxiety disorder where individual experiences many panic attacks
  5. phobia
    any anxiety disorder that are characterised by fear
  6. social phobia
    fear of social situations to include talking or eating in the presence of another individual
  7. specific phobia
    phobia of certain situations or objects
  8. obsessive compulsive disorder
    disorder characterised by the persistant and unwanted thoughts, irrresistable, habitual repeated actions
  9. post tramatic stress disorder (ptsd)
    disoder that follows a tramatic event characterised by reliving the event or avodience of stimuli associated with the event
  10. generalized anxiety disorder
    a chronic state of free-floating anxiety or worries that have persisted for at least 6 months
  11. dissociative disorder
    group of disorders in which the thoughts and feelings that generate anxiety are seperated or dissociated from conscious awareness
  12. dissociative amnesia
    memory loss not attributed to disease or brain injury
  13. dissociative fugue disorder
    a dreamlike state of altered conciousness not attributed to disease, drug use, or brain injury
  14. dissociative identity disorder
    a condition of seperation in personality or multiple personality not attributed to disease or brain injury
  15. mood disorder
    class of disorders associated with persistant depression or anger
  16. major depressive disorder
    a severe mood disorder characterised by deep and pesistant depression
  17. bipolar
    mood disorder associated with mood swings from depression to mania
  18. delusion
    a exaggerated belief that has little or no basis on fact
  19. hallucination
    false perception that lacks a sensory basis
  20. seasonal affective disorder
    disorder that depression or bipolar depression follows a seasonal pattern
  21. learned helplessness
    diminished ability to avoidance response to unavoidable averise stimulation
  22. schizophrenia
    extreme disruptions or perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors
  23. disorganized schizophrenia
    subtype of schizophrenia marked by disorganization and regression in thinking and behavioral patterns
  24. catatonic schizophenia
    extreme psychomotor disturbances
  25. paranoid schizophrenia
    presence of well organized delusional thoughts
  26. undifferentiated schizophenia
    schizophenics that do not manifest specific symtoms
  27. personality disorder
    traits that cause functional imparment or subjective distress
  28. antisocial personality disorder
    disregaurd of rights of other lack of guilt for unsociable acts
  29. psychotherapy
    a nonbiological noninvasive psychological technique desinged to improve ones adjustment to life
  30. psychoanalysis
    technique developed by freud by which individuals revalations or unconcious acts are interpreted
  31. free association
    patients relax and say whatever comes to their minds
  32. dream analyisis
    interpretation of dreams to learn hidden aspects of personality
  33. resistance
    patients unwillingness to disclose aspects of life
  34. transference
    patient begins to relate to the therapist in much the same way as to another important person in his or her life
  35. cognaitive therapies
    approaches to therapy that are based on the premise that most behavioral disorders result from distortions in cognitions or thoughts
  36. rational-emotive therapy
    approach to therapy based on the premise that psychological problems result when people interact their experiences based on self defeating irrational beliefs
  37. cognitive restructuring therapy
    cognitive therapy aimed at restructuing irrational thinking patterns such as the tendency to use negative self labels
  38. behavior therapy
    therapy based on assumption that maladaptive behavior is learned and can therfore can be unlearned
  39. pavlovian conditioning therapy
    any behavioral therapy that involves palovian conditioning
  40. systematic desensitization
    uses pavlovian conditioning that pairs the slow systematic exposure
  41. operant conditioning therapies
    behavior modification technique that attempt to influence behavior by manipulating reinforcers
  42. lobotomy
    surgical procedure where the prefrontal cortex was detached from nerve tracts
  43. electroconvulsive therapy
    biomedical inervention in which electrical current applied to the brain induces a convulsive seizure used to treat depression
  44. psychoactive drugs
    drugs that have an effect of altering perceptions and behavior by changing conscious awareness
  45. antipsychotic drugs
    drugs used to treat psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia
  46. antidepressant drugs
    drugs used to treat major depression
  47. antianxiety drugs
    drugs used to treat anxiety
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Psychology the science of behavior R.H. Ettinger 3rd edition