Orientation and Planes

  1. Image Upload 2
    • 1. Frontal Plane
    • 2. Median (Sagittal) Plane
    • 3. Transverse Plane
  2. above/ below
    superior/ inferior
  3. front/ back
    anterior/ posterior
  4. toward the midline/ away from the midline or median plane
    medial/ lateral
  5. toward the head/ toward the tail
    cephalad (cranial)/ caudal
  6. backside/belly side
    dorsal/ ventral
  7. nearer the trunk or attached end/ farther from the trunk or point of attachment
    proximal/ distal
  8. toward or at the body surface/ away from the body surface
    superficial (external)/ deep (internal)
  9. Image Upload 4
    • 1. Dorsal Body Cavity
    • 2. Cranial Cavity
    • 3. Vertebral Cavity
  10. Image Upload 6
    • 1. Ventral Cavity
    • 2. Thoracic Cavity
    • 3. Diaphragm
    • 4. Abdominal Cavity
    • 5. Pelvic Cavity
  11. Image Upload 8
    • 1. Thoracic Cavity
    • 2. Abdominopelvic Cavity
    • 3. Mediastinum
    • 4. Pleural cavity
    • 5. Pericardial cavity
    • 6. Diaphragm
    • 7. Abdominal Cavity
    • 8. Pelvic Cavity
  12. Image Upload 10
    • 1. right hypochondriac region
    • 2. epigastric region
    • 3. left hypochondriac region
    • 4. right lumbar region
    • 5. umbilical region
    • 6. left lumbar region
    • 7. right iliac (inguinal) region
    • 8. hypogastric (pubic) region
    • 9. left iliac (inguinal) region
  13. between a more medial and a more lateral structure
  14. long chains of carbon, covalently bonded
    organic molecules
  15. functional groups of organic molecules
    • 1. R-COOH = organic acid
    • 2. R-NH2 = amine
    • 1&2 amino acids
    • 3. R-OH = alcohols
  16. organic molecules in living things
    • I. carbohydrates
    • II. lipids
    • III. proteins
    • IV. nucleic acid
Card Set
Orientation and Planes
body orientation and direction, body planes and sections