
  1. What do veins have?
  2. If a patient is allergic to peanuts, what medication will he/she be allergic to?
  3. What are the accessory muscles of inspiration?
    • Scalenus
    • Sternocleidomastoid
    • Pectoralis
    • Trapezius
    • External Intercostal
  4. What are the accessory muscles of expiration?
    • Rectus Abdominis
    • External Abdominis Obliquus
    • Interal Abdominis Obliquus
    • Transverse Abdominis Obliquus
    • Internal Intercostal
  5. If someone dies from strangulation what bone is broken?
  6. What four types of tissues are in the respiratory system?
    • stratified squamous epithelium
    • pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
    • simple cubodial epithelium
    • simple squamous epithelium
  7. What is another word for trachea?
  8. What is the trap door that covers the trachea when you swallow?
  9. What blocks a person's airway in sleep apnea?
    soft palate
  10. What prevents the cilia from working effectively?
  11. What type of blade do you use when grabbing the epiglottis and lifting?
  12. What blade do you use to slide into the vallecula epiglottica and indirectly lift to expose the trachea?
  13. What three things are visible if the vocals cords are not visible?
    • cuneiform cartilage
    • arythenoid carilage
    • corniculate cartilage
  14. Where is the trachtube placed?
    cricothryroid ligament-it is between the thyroid and cricoid
  15. What is another word for thyroid cartilage?
    Adam's apple
  16. What covers the trachea?
    The tracheal cartilage covers front-muscle covers back
  17. The right main stem bronchus is _______ and ______ than the left.
    • larger
    • more direct
  18. Bronchioles do not have what?
    cartilage (they dilate and constrict)
  19. The trachea and bronchii have what?
    cartilage (they do not dilate)
  20. What is the conducting zone?
    From 0-19 generations
  21. Is there gas exchange to 19th generation?
    No-just tubes carrying gas
  22. Where does gas exchange begin?
    Generation 20
  23. What is another word for conducting zone?
    dead space
  24. What do mast cells contain?
  25. What percentage of oxgen is in the air that we breathe?
  26. What percent of oxygen is exhaled?
  27. What gas balances us out?
  28. What antibody is for allergy?
  29. The mast cell will break apart to release what 6 chemicals?
    • histamine
    • heparin
    • SRS-A
    • PAF
    • ECF-A
    • Leukotrienes
  30. What will pop when putting in airway?
    peribronchial sheath
  31. True or False:
    There is no middle lobe in the left lung
  32. Where does gas exchange take place?
    • respiratory zone
    • alveolar ducts- 24-27
    • alveolar sacs 28
  33. When lung is well ventilated, it looks ____ on the xray
  34. The _________ is where oxygen is picked up and carbon dioxide is dropped off.
  35. As you go down the lungs, the surface area expands to _________.
  36. What do veins have?
  37. Which artery is the only one tha t carries deoxygenated blood?
    pulmonary artery
  38. The cardiac notch is located where?
    left lung
  39. When inserting chest tube, do you go above or below rib?
    Above rib-there are veins, arteries and nerves located below ribs
  40. What type of fluid is between the visceral and parietal pluera?
    serous fluid
  41. What nerves go to the diaphragm?
    phrenic nerves
  42. When the esophagus makes it into the chest, what is it called?
    hiatal hernia
Card Set
Cardiopulmonary Ch-1