SGU SVM Histology Picture Part 3

  1. Image Upload 2
    What type of CT is this and where is it found?
    • Dense regular CT
    • tendons and ligaments
  2. Image Upload 4
    What type of CT is this?
  3. Image Upload 6
    what type of tissue is this? how can you tell?
    • hyaline cartilage
    • have a clear matrix with no visible fibers
  4. Image Upload 8
    what type of tissue is this? how can you tell?
    elastic cartilage - you can see many fibers and cartilage cells are predominant
  5. Image Upload 10
    what type of tissue is this and how can you tell? where is it found? what makes it unique?
    • fibrocartilage
    • mainly all collagen fibers
    • intervertebral disks
    • no perichondrium- so its not protected and doesnt grow!
  6. Image Upload 12
    what type of tissue is this? and to what is the arrow pointing?
    • cardiac muscle
    • intercalated disks
  7. Image Upload 14
    what is the arrow pointing to? why is it a different color? what is the function?
    • Perkinje fibers
    • the myofilament is not as closely packed
    • modified cardiac muscle for impulse conduction
  8. Image Upload 16
    What type of tisse is this? what are its characteristics?
    • smooth muscle
    • spindle shaped and non-striated
  9. Image Upload 18
    what type of tissue is this?
    smooth muscle
  10. Image Upload 20
    what is the arrow pointing to?
  11. Image Upload 22
    what is the arrow pointing to?
    synaptic terminals at the end of the axon
  12. Image Upload 24
    what type of cell is this? where is it found
    • bipolar neuron
    • retina and inner ear
  13. Image Upload 26
    what type of cell is this?
    pseudopolar neuron
  14. Image Upload 28
    what is the arrow pointing to? what is it made of?
    • nissal bodies in a nerve cell body
    • made up of lots of rough ER
  15. Image Upload 30
    what type of synapse is this?
    axosomatic or axopdendritic
  16. Image Upload 32
    what type of synapse is this?
  17. Image Upload 34
    what type of synapse is this?
  18. Image Upload 36
    what is the star over? what is their function?
    Oligodendrocyte- myelin production in the CNS
  19. Image Upload 38
    what is the arrow pointing to? what does it carry?
    dorsal root, afferent only
  20. Image Upload 40
    what is the arrow pointing to?
    sensory ganglion- an afferent nerve cell body is here
  21. Image Upload 42
    what is the arrow pointing to and what does it carry?
    • dorsal BRANCH
    • carries both afferent and efferent (sensory and motor)
  22. Image Upload 44
    what is the red arrow pointing to?
    epineurium layer on a peripheral nerve
  23. Image Upload 46
    what is the red arrow pointing to?
    perineurium layer of a peripheral nerve
  24. Image Upload 48
    what is the arrow pointing to?
    endoneurium layer in a peripheral nerve
Card Set
SGU SVM Histology Picture Part 3
SGU SVM Histology pictures part 3 for quiz 1 Gupta Fall 2010