RT Test 1

  1. Father of medicine?
  2. AARC stands for what and is charge of?
    American Association for Respiratory Care, a society for RT's
  3. CoARC stands for what and is charge of?
    • Comittee on Accredidation of Respirtaory Care
    • Accredits schools and educational programs in the US
  4. NBRC stands for what and is charge of?
    National Board for Respiratory Care, credentialing CRT/RRT
  5. CSRC stands for what and is charge of?
    California Society of Respiratory Care, professional organization for RT's in CA
  6. Where do most RT's work?
    75% of RT's work in hospitals, other jobs that are available are in pulmonary test facilities, peds, OR etc
  7. What is the minimum degree requirement?
    Associates Degree
  8. What is the job title of a Medical director?
    • Clinical function of the dept and responsible of oversight of clinical care
    • Hire, fire and budget
  9. Characteristics of a professional RT?(5)
    • Completes Accredited Respiratory program
    • Obtains professional credentials
    • Participates to code of ethics
    • Joins to professional organization
  10. What is professionalism?
    A calling that requires special knowledge and often long intensive academic preperation
  11. What is Quality?
    Excellance, fineness and grade
  12. What is credentialing?
    License, recognizing a person for an occupation
  13. What are Protocols?
    Guidelines for delivering appropriate respiratory care treatments and services
  14. what does JCAHO stand for?
    Joint Commission Accredited Healthcare Organization
  15. What are CQI's?
    • Continuous Quality Improvements - area of improvement for hospital or RT dept
    • Provide a method for ongoing monitoring of both quality and appropriateness of resp. care.
    • Ensure that resp. care methods and procedures are cost-effective
    • Ensure that resp. care methods and procedures are effective
    • Identify, rank, and resolve PT care-related problems
  16. Why is ambulation needed?
    • Helps maintain normal body functions
    • Helps with bed sores and atelectasis
    • Keeps blood flowing
    • Opens airways for lungs
  17. How should you lift heavy objects or PTs?
    with a straight spine and legs bended
  18. Most shock hazards are caused by?
    inappropriate or inadaquate grounding
  19. What organ is most effected by shock?
  20. What does oxygen do for a fire?
    • supports and accelerates combustion
    • O2 is not flammable
    • makes the fire more larger, intense and faster burning
  21. What conditions must be present for fires to start?
    • flammable material
    • oxygen
    • flammable material must be heated
  22. Most hospital fires are begun?
    In the kitchen
  23. what is the acronym for RACE?
    • Rescue
    • Alert
    • Contain
    • Evacuate
  24. 5 components of communication are?
    • Sender
    • Message
    • Channel
    • Receiver
    • Feedback
  25. What is the primary source of conflict?
    Poor communication
  26. what are 5 ways conflict can be resolved?
    • Competing
    • Accomodating
    • Avoiding
    • Collaborating
    • Compromise
  27. How do you sign your name on a chart?
    M.Ong RRT
  28. what does SOAP stand for?
    • Subjective
    • Objective
    • Assessment
    • Plan
  29. What is on an admission record?
    Records pertinent PT information (e.g, name, address, religion, nearest of kin), admitting physican, and admission diagnosis
  30. What can be found on physicians orders?
    Records the physicans orders and prescriptions
  31. What can be found on Progress notes?
    Keeps a continuing account of the PT's progress for the phsyician
  32. What can be found on the History and Physical examination?
    Records the PT's admitting history and physical examination, as performed by the attending phsyican or resident
  33. What can be found on the Nurses notes?
    Describes the nursing care given to the PT, including the PT's complaints (subjective symptoms), the nurses observations (objective signs), and the PT's response to therapy
  34. What can be found on the Laboratory sheets?
    Summarizes the results of laboratory tests
  35. What can be found on the Vital Signs graphic sheet?
    Records the PTs temperature, pulse, respirations, and blood pressure over time
  36. What can be found on the I/O sheet?
    Records PTs fluid intake and outake over time
  37. What can be found on the Consultation sheet?
    Records notes by physicians who are called in to examine a PT to make a diagnosis
  38. What can be found on the Surgical or treatment consent?
    Records the PTs authorization for surgery or treatment
  39. What can be found on the Anesthsia and surgical record?
    Notes key events before, during and immediately after surgery
  40. What can be found on the Specialized therapy records/progress notes?
    Records specialized treatments or treatment plans and PT progress for various specialized therapeutic services (e.g, resp. care, physical therapy)
  41. What can be found on the Specialized flow sheets?
    Records measurement made over time during specialized procedures (e.g, mechanical ventilation, kidney dialysis)
  42. What question does ethics try to answer?
    How should we act?
  43. What is Autonomy?
    • PTs informed consent
    • PTs choice of a treatment plan of follow through which they freely agree
  44. What is veracity?
    Binds the PT and HCP to tell the truth
  45. What is benevolent deception?
    Truth is held from the PT for his or her own good
  46. What is the double effect?
    Many helping actions inevitably have both good and bad effect, aka double effect
  47. What is beneficence?
    Requires that HCP go beyond doing no harm and actively contribute to the health and well-being of their PTs
  48. What are advance directives?
    They allow the PT to give direction to HCP about treatment choices in circumstances the PT may no longer be able to provide that direction
  49. Compensatory justice falls under what principle?
    • Justice
    • Drives up cost of healthcare
  50. What is distributive justice?
    Ration healthcare, makes a fair share for everyone
  51. When RTs do not perform duties outside their defined role, what principle is being enforced?
    Role Duties
  52. Treating others unfairly is also known as?
  53. What are the steps of ethical decision making?
    • Identify problem or issue
    • Identify the individuals involved
    • Identify the ethical principle or principles that apply
    • Identify who should make the decision
    • Identify the role of the practitioner
    • Consider the alternatives (long-term and short-term)
    • Make the decision
    • Follow the decision to observe consequences
  54. What does HIPAA stand for?
    Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
  55. Priorities for a code in the hospital (8)
    • CPR
    • ER
    • ICU
    • CMV= Continuous Mechanical Ventilation
    • post-operative care
    • O2 and aerosol therapy
    • Inflation and mobilization therapy
    • Diagnostic studies
  56. How do you convert Celsius to Farenheit?
    F=9/5 (C + 32)
  57. How do you change Farenheit to Celsius?
    C=5/9 (F-32)
  58. How many pounds are in 1 kilo?
  59. A lung doctor is a?
  60. A heart doctor is?
  61. Where would you find PTs lab results?
    Labratory sheet
  62. Where would you find Physicians order?
    Physicians orders
  63. Another way you can clarify someones orders are to?
    have them give an explantation or explain
  64. Where would you find fluid intake on a PTs chart?
    I/O sheet
  65. What is a reflective feeling on a PT? If they refuse treatment, dont want to talk, having a bad day etc..
    Ask about it, talk about it to them, inform them, be empathetic
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RT Test 1
Test 1