Cytology - Epithelium

  1. Which cells have cell-cell connection?

    1) zonula adherens
    2) desmosomes
    3) focal contact
    4) hemidesmosome
    1 and 2
  2. which cells have cell to matrix connections?

    1) zonula adherens
    2) desmosomes
    3) focal contact
    4) hemidesmosome
    focal contact and hemidesmosome
  3. which filaments are made of actin?

    1) zonula adherens
    2) desmosomes
    3) focal contact
    4) hemidesmosome
    zonula adherens and focal contact
  4. which filaments are made of intermediate filaments?

    1) zonula adherens
    2) desmosomes
    3) focal contact
    4) hemidesmosome
    desmosomes and hemidesmosomes
  5. which type of filament is stronger?

    a) actin
    b) intermediate filament
    intermediate filament
  6. which type of filaments are made of cadherin?

    1) zonula adherens
    2) desmosomes
    3) focal contact
    4) hemidesmosome
    zonula adherens and desmosomes
  7. which type of protein is Ca++ independent?

    a) cadherin
    b) integrin
  8. which type of transmembrane protein is Ca++ dependent?

    b) integrin
  9. which side of the cell do zonula work on?

    a) basal
    b) lateral
    c) apical
  10. which side of the cell do desmosomes work on?

    1) basal
    2) lateral
    3) apical
  11. which side of the cell do focal contacts work on?

    1) basal
    2) lateral
    3) apical
  12. which side of the cell do hemidesmosomes work on?

    1) basal
    2) lateral
    3) apical
  13. classify simple epithelia
    one layer of cells
  14. classify squamous cells
    flat with elongated nuclei
  15. describe cuboidal cells (and nuclei)
    square with round nuclei
  16. classify columnar cells (and nuclei)
    tall and rectangular, with nuclei twds bottom
  17. describe simple squamous epithelium
    • single layer
    • squamous cells
    • flattened nuclei
  18. where do you find simple squamous epithelium?
    • lining vascular system
    • lining body cavities
    • lining respiratory spaces
  19. function of simple squamous cells
    • barrier
    • diffusion of gases
  20. name the types of simple squamous epithelium
    • endothelium: blood vessels and heart
    • mesothelium: body cavities
  21. describe simple cuboidal epithelium
    • square
    • single layer of cells
    • round nuclei
  22. location of simple cuboidal epithelium
    • kidney (tubules)
    • various ducts (glands)
  23. list functions of simple cuboidal epithelium
    • barrier
    • secretion
    • absorption
  24. describe simple columnar epithelium
    • tall columnar cells
    • oval-shaped nuclei
    • surface modifications: microvilli(striated border) or cilia
  25. location of simple columnar epithelium
    • non-ciliated: GI tract, gallbladder
    • ciliated: oviduct
  26. functions of simple columnar epithelium
    • absorption
    • secretion
    • lubrication
    • transport
  27. name 2 types of pseudostratified columnar epithelium
    • columnar cells
    • basal cells (=progenator cells)
  28. describe columnar epithelium
    • made of 2 types of cells (columnar and basal)
    • oval-shaped nuclei
    • surface modifications: ciliated vs. non-ciliated
  29. what are the pseudostratified columnar subtypes?
    • ciliated
    • non-ciliated
  30. where do you find ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
    • trachea
    • bronchi
  31. where do you find non-ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
    • epididymis
    • seminal vesicle
  32. function of ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium?
    • protection
    • movement (mucus)

    found in trachea and bronchi
  33. function of non-ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

    found in: epididymous
  34. what is metaplasia?
    when a stimulous affects cilia
  35. how do you characterize stratified squamous cells?
    • outermost layer = squamous (flat)
    • multiple cell layers
  36. what does a keratinized cell look like? why/what is keratine?
    • wavy on top
    • keratine is dead cell matter along surface layer
  37. what does keratin do?
    serves as protection (best!)
  38. describe statified cuboidal cells
    2 layers of cuboidal cells
  39. describe stratified columnar cells
    • top layer = columnar
    • 2nd layer = cuboidal
  40. describe transitional epithelium
    • - must have dome cells!
    • - otherwise, it looks like statified epithelium
    • - dome cells on surface can change shape as organ stretches/contracts
    • - dome cells are often bi-nuclear!
  41. location of transitional cells
    urinary system: ureter, bladder, kidney
  42. exocrine glands secrete where?
    into ducts
  43. endocrine glands secrete where?
    internally: to blood or lymph (no ducts!)
  44. describe exocrine vs. endocrine shape

    • exocrine: maintains connection to originating epithelium
    • endocrine: loses connection to originating epithelium
Card Set
Cytology - Epithelium
8/25/10 - 8/25/10 notes