Intermediate Back Muscles

  1. Serratus posterior superior PA (Origin)
    by a thin aponeurosis to the C7‐T3 Spinous processes & their supraspinous ligs.
  2. Serratus posterior superior DA (Innervation)
    Ribs 2‐5 along their superior border, external surfaces lateral to their angles
  3. Serratus posterior superior innervation
    Anterior rami of upper thoracic nerves T2‐5
  4. Serratus posterior superior blood supply
    Posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries
  5. Serratus posterior superior actions
    Action:elevates the ribs 2‐5
  6. Serratus posterior inferior PA (Origin)
    by a thin aponeurosis to the T11‐L2 Spinous processes & their supraspinous ligs.
  7. Serratus posterior inferior DA (Insertion)
    Ribs 9‐12 along their inferior borders, external surfaces anterolateral to their angles
  8. Serratus posterior inferior innervation
    Anterior rami of lower thoracic nerves T9‐12
  9. Serratus posterior inferior blood supply
    Posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries
  10. Serratus posterior inferior actions
    Action:depresses the ribs 9‐12
Card Set
Intermediate Back Muscles
Muscle groups for week 2 - Intermediate Back