Superficial Back Muscles

  1. Trapezius PA (Origin)
    • Upper: med 1/3 superior. nuchal line, ext. occipital protuberance, lig nuchae, SP C7
    • Middle: SP T1‐6 & supraspinous ligs
    • Lower: SP T7‐12 & supraspinous ligs
  2. Trapezius DA (Insertion)
    • Upper: post border lat 1/3 clavicle
    • Middle: med border acromion & sup lip of spine of scapula
    • Lower: triangular area med to base of spine of scapula
  3. Trapezius Innervation
    • Motor: Spinal part of the accessory n. (CN 11) motor innervation
    • Sensory: Branches from anterior rami(C3,4)
  4. Trapezius blood supply
    • Variation 1 –Superficial cervical artery and posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and or the dorsal scapular artery
    • Variation 2 ‐ Superficial branch of the transverse cervical artery and posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and deep branch of the transverse cervical artery
  5. Trapezius actions
    • Open Chain(OC)‐
    • Upper: scapular elevation (upward slide and upward rotation)
    • Middle: scapular retraction (medial slide and external rotation)
    • Lower: scapular upward rotation and downward slide
    • Closed Chain (CC)‐
    • Upper:Unilaterally: ipsilateral SB, contralateral. Rot head and neckBilaterally: extends neck and head
    • Middle and Lower: not clinically significant
  6. Latissimus Dorsi PA (origin)
    T7‐12 SP, lumbar SP, median sacral crest, supraspinous ligs, and post iliac crest via the post layer thoracolumbar fascia, outer lip of post iliac crest lat to erector spinae, muscular slips to ribs 9 (10) ‐12
  7. Latissimus Dorsi DA (Inesertion)
    Floor of bicipital (intertubercular) groove
  8. Latissimus Dorsi Innervation
    Thoracodorsal nerve (C6,7,8)(a.k.a. ‐ Long or Middle subscapular nerve)
  9. Latissimus Dorsi blood supply
    Thoracodorsal artery, posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries and posterior branches off posterior lumbar arteries
  10. Latissimus Dorsi actions
    • OC‐ adducts, extends, & medial rot. humerus, assists with scapular depression (downward rotation & inferior slide)
    • CC‐ trunk elevation
  11. Rhomboid major PA (Origin)
    SP T2‐5
  12. Rhomboid major DA (Insertion)
    Medial border of scapula between root of spine & inferior border
  13. Rhomboid Major innervation
    Dorsal scapular nerve (C4,5)
  14. Rhomboid Major blood supply
    Deep branch of the transverse cervical artery or the dorsal scapular artery and posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries
  15. Rhomboid Major actions
    • OC ‐ scapular retraction (medial slide and external rotation) & downward rot. Assist with upper slide
    • CC ‐ not clinically significant
  16. Rhomboid minor PA (Origin)
    SP C7 & T1 & lower lig nuchae
  17. Rhomboid minor DA (Insertion)
    Medial border of scapula at level of root of spine
  18. Rhomboid Minor innervation
    Dorsal scapular nerve(C4,5)
  19. Rhomboid Minor blood supply
    Deep branch of the transverse cervical artery or the dorsal scapular artery and posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries
  20. Rhomboid Minor actions
    • OC ‐ scapular retraction (medial slide and external rotation) & downward rot. Assist with upper slide
    • CC ‐ not clinically significant
  21. Levator scapula PA (Origin)
    TP C1‐4, & post tubercles of TP C3,4
  22. Levator scapula DA (Insertion)
    Med border scapula between sup angle and root of spine
  23. Levator scapula innervation
    Dorsal scapular nerve (C5) & branch of (C3,4) spinal nerves
  24. Levator scapula blood supply
    Deep branch of the transverse cervical artery or the dorsal scapular artery and Posterior branches of the posterior intercostal arteries
  25. Levator scapula actions
    • OC‐ upward slide & downward rot. the scapula
    • CC‐ ipsilateral SB & rot. of the neck
Card Set
Superficial Back Muscles
Muscles groups for week 1 - Superficial Back