Pump Ops

  1. Atmospheric pressure decreases .5 psi per ____ per ft of evevation
  2. Apparatus with front or rear intakes should be angled towards the curb ___ deegrees or less
  3. Centrifugal pumps have no positive blockage between the intake and discharge side.
  4. The Pressure governor functions by controlling engine speed when it senses excess pressure.
  5. Older systems do not exceed ___ psi engine pressure when supplying the FDC
    175 PSI
  6. Rise pressure in a standpipe/sprinkler system in ___ psi increments
    25 PSI
  7. Sprinkler/Standpipe systems are tested at
    225 psi
  8. Standpipes and sprinklers don't exceed ___ psi engine pressure when supplying the FDC
  9. Priming a pump for ___ seconds max for 1250 gpm pumps
  10. Priming a pump for ___ seconds max for 1500 gpm pumps
  11. One gallon of water weighs
  12. One gallon of water contains ___ cubic inches
  13. One cubic foot of water weighs
    62.5 lbs
  14. One cubic foot contains ___ gallons of water
  15. One cubic foot is ___ cubic inches
  16. A colum of water one foot high exerts a pressure of ___ at its base
    2.304 feet
  17. One inch of mecury is equal to ___ inches of water
  18. Relay pumping evolutions should be shut down at the scene pumper frst
  19. HG is the symbol for what
    inches of mercury
  20. Dependable lift is ___ feet
  21. Theoretical lift is ___ feet
  22. Pumpers should flow 100 % capacity as ___ psi
  23. Pumpers should flow 70 % capacity at ___ psi
  24. Pumpers should flow 50 % capacity at ___ psi
  25. Pumpers capacities are set at draft with ___ ft of lift through ft of hard suction
    • 10
    • 20
  26. Evevating water devices typically range in height from
    50-75 feet
  27. Industrial pumpers are built according to NFPA ___ and ___
    11C & 1901
  28. What NFPA # is the standard for automotive fire appratus
  29. Most appratus or equipment failures can be prevented by performing routine maintinance checks on a regular basis
  30. Exercising the volume the volume series control lever is NOT part of the daily apparatus inspection
  31. Apparatus with tanks of MORE than ___ gal must have 2 inch tank fill line
  32. Appratus with water tanks off 1000 gallons or LESS must have a tank fill line of at least ___ inch
  33. PTO drives limit pump capacity to ___ gpm
  34. Minimum pump capacity for pump design is ___ gpm
  35. A rear mount pump is LESS safe for the driver operator
  36. Appratus protecting structures during wild land fires should be parked OFF the roadway.
  37. New Apparatus must be able to come to a complete stop from a speed of 20 MPH in a distance of ___ feet
  38. The first element in learning to drive safely is a safety concious attitude.
  39. The pressure governor functions by controlling engine speed when it senses excess pressure
  40. Centrifugal pumps have no positive blockage between the intake and discharge sides
  41. When operating from a hydrant with 2 1/2 or 3 " supply lines should be no longer than
    300 feet
  42. Responding apparatus must stop for a loading or unloading school bus.
  43. Apparatus with a large compliment of ground ladders but no real areal device is called
  44. Inverters generally provide ___ watts
  45. Vehicle mounted generators provide up to ___ watts
  46. A midi-pumper chassis weighs ___ pounds
  47. Pumpers with a capacity of 500gpm or less should be able to flow ___ gpm from a booster hose.
  48. The best location for command is on the ___ of the building
  49. A 750gpm pumper must have at least 2 ___ inch discharges
    2 1/2
  50. Steering wheel play should be no more that ___ degrees
  51. The most common type of pump is the
    midship pump
  52. Driver/Operator responsibilities are dictated by department ___ & ___
  53. The section of the pump which gradually increases in cross-sectional dimension as it nears the pump discharge is
  54. Back pressure due to elevation
    Head Pressure
  55. If an exposed building has a sprinkler system the FD should connect to and charge the system
  56. Portable generators generally supply ___ watts
  57. Air horns will not work if the air pressure drops below ___ psi
  58. The most common type of valve is the
  59. If the main valve for a sprinkler system is shut off water will still reach the sprinkler heads
  60. There is a one-way check valve to keep contaminated water out of the main water system
  61. If firefighters connect to a standpipe they should remove pressure reducing valves
  62. There is no shut off valve between the FDC and the standpipe connection
  63. Inside/out method-buildings 6 or more stories, position the ___ ___ next to the building
    aerial device
  64. Five stories or less position the ___ ___ next to the building
    engine company
  65. Hose should be pumped at pressures that do not exceed ___ % of the annual servce test
  66. Intake hose for hydrant connection is typically ___-___ feet in length
  67. Never connect hard suction hose to a hydrant
  68. Firefighters should never be allowed to ride tailboard
  69. One 1000gpm pumper should supply the FDC for every ___ sprinkler heads flowing
  70. For fra
  71. For drafting there should be a minimum of ___ inches of water around the strainer
  72. First 6 months wash vehicles frequently with ___ water only
  73. 4 or 5 inch is the most common sizes of ___ supply line
    Large Diameter Hose
  74. Pumps are hydrostatically tested at ___ psi for ___ mintues
    • 250psi
    • 3 minutes
  75. Pumps less than 750gpm capacity undergo same certification test EXCEPT FOR THE PUMPING ENGINE OVERLOAD TEST
  76. Pumpers should be given a service test at least ___
  77. NFPA does not require foam system testing annually but NFPA ___ requires operators to know how to perform test
  78. NFPA 1002 is the
    standard for driver operator professional qualifications
  79. Emergency vehicles traveling the same route shouldn stay ___ -___ feet apart
  80. Nozzle pressue for smooth bore hand line is
  81. Nozzle pressure for smooth bore master stream is
  82. What psi are fog nozzles operated at
  83. Air tempature should not be above ___ degrees F during apparatus testing
  84. 1 1/2 inch hose 50 feet long full of water weighs how many pounds
    38.32 pounds
  85. There is an additional ___ % friction loss due to sinuosity or zigzagging of hose
  86. Most accidents occur while backng
  87. For non-emergency operation the engine should warm-up for how many minutes
    3 to 5
  88. Parallel volume=
    capacity for changeover valve
  89. Series=
  90. Water flows through hose lines at how many feet per minute
  91. RPM's when drafting is ___ to ___
  92. When leaving apparatus running you should set the RPM's between ___ & ___
  93. Daily engine start up just to check apparatus is not reccommended
  94. Most common size water tank on a class A pumper is
    500 Gallon
  95. Given the same size hose, if the tip size is reduced and pressure is increased but flow stays the same what happens to friction loss?
    It stays the same
  96. A pumper should have one 2 1/2 inch discharge for every ___gpm of capacity
    250 gpm
  97. Most accidents involving emergency apparatus happens at intersections
  98. Oil Gage fluttering is a indication of low oil levels. Stop and check oil level
  99. Intake gauge shows 15mmg, how much lift do you have?
    15 X 1.33= 16.9 ft
  100. Drop engine pressure to ___ psi before operating chane over valve
  101. Air leak is the most likely the cause of not being able to draft. An intake is the most likely location of the leak.
  102. Generally 350 gpm is the maximum amount of water that can safely flow through a handline nozzle.
  103. What is critical velocity for a 2 1/2 hose
  104. What is critical velocity for a 3 inch hose
  105. Low engine temperature is bad because cold oil provides poor lubrication.
  106. Centrifugal pumps build up pressure in the volute
  107. Gated intake ball-valves are located to the side and slightly below the steamer intake.
  108. According to NFPA 1901 class A pumpers must have what 3 items
    Hose bed, water tank, pump
  109. Discharge guages are calibrated to what psi
  110. The pressure remaining on a system when water is flowing
    Residual Pressure
  111. The pressure on a system when water is not flowing
    Static pressre
  112. The foward velocity pressure at a discharge opening when water is flowing
    Flow Pressure
  113. If a nozzle is shut down quickly where does the water hammer go
    water main
  114. What 3 ways is water pressure created
    natural, mechanical, and chemical
  115. What kind of pressure is created by a pump
  116. A pressure governor works by adjusting engine RPM,s based on changes on the incoming pressure
  117. If an engine is overheating while pumping the operator should open the auxilary engine cooler
  118. What kind of pumping is intake to intake and is used to take advantage of excess hydrant flow
    Tandem Pumping
  119. What kind of pumping is discharge to intake
    Daul pumping
  120. What type of staging is used on incidents involving 2 or more units providing like functions
    Level one staging
  121. What type of staging is used on all multi-alarm and mutual aid calls
    Level two staging
  122. A diesel engine loses horsepower when temps are over what degree
  123. When returning to the fire station the driver should allow engine temp to stablize before shutting the engine off
  124. During drafting operations if your discharge pressure drops below ___ psi you should pause for a moment until pressure comes back up to avoid losing prime.
  125. A vacum test is performed to ensure there is no air leaks in the pump
  126. Pressure is simply forced measured in
    • pounds per square foot
    • pounds per square inch
  127. HEad pressure is another name for back pressure created by elevation.
  128. With the same size hose friction loss varies with the square of the velocity of the flow
  129. With centrifugal pumps the discharge can be shut down for short periods of time without damaging the impellers from overheating
  130. When placing the PTO into gear you should put the trunk transmission into neutral or park.
  131. Where the flow velocity is increased to a point where there is turbulence in the entire stream and flow can't be ncreased anymore.
    Critcal velocity
  132. Riding tailboard should not be allowed
  133. Positive displacment pumps CAN pump air
  134. The 2 1/2 gated intake is usually located to the side and slightly below the steamer intake.
  135. A tank fill line should be provided from the discharge side of the pump. This allows the tank to be filled without making any additional connections during drafting operations.
  136. What is the most common reason for loss of prime
    air in the pump
  137. Discharging more water than you are taking in
  138. noise in the pump, no ncrease in pressure when RPM's are increased, pressure gauges fluctuating, and hose stream fluctuating are all signs of what
  139. An adapter called an INCREASER has female threads on the smaller end and male threads on the larger end
  140. Relay pumpinng operations are determined by hose size, length of the hose lay, pumper capacity, and amount of water needed.
  141. Start up oil pressure may be higher than normal operating oil pressure
  142. Sudden engine temp ncrease is a sign of trouble, shut down immediately and check the problem
  143. Fluids have no set shape and cannot be pulled or lifted but must be pushed by having pressure applied
  144. The pressure found on a water distribution system during normal consuption demands
    Normal Operating pressure.
  145. What are the 3 main factors that influence a centrifugal pump
    • 1. amount of water being discharged
    • 2. speed of the impeller
    • 3. pressure of the water as it enters the pump
  146. Fluids have no established shape, They will conform to the shape of the vessel in which they are contained. They have very little adhesive quality and cannot be pulled or lifted. They must be pushed by having pressure applied and confined in some manner to direct the blow.
  147. An increaser is used to attach a larger hose line to a smaller one. It has a female threads on the smaller side and male threads on the larger side.
  148. How many feet is dependable lift
  149. Theoretical lift is how many feet
  150. Parallel operation is the same as volume or capacity
  151. Relief valves eliminate excess pressure by allowing the pressure to bypass to the intake side of the pump.
  152. Pressure governors eliminate excessive pressure by controlling engine speed (RPM's)
  153. Pressure operation is the same as series
  154. Triple-combination pumpers have what
    • fire pump
    • hose bed
    • water tanks
  155. A volute is a spiral, divergent chamber of a centrifugal pump in which the velocity energy given to water by the impeller bladders is converted to pressure.
  156. Qualifications for fire appratus driver/operators can be found in NFPA 1002
  157. The first element in learning to drive safely is to develop the proper attitude
  158. Riding the tailboard is not safe and must be discontinued
  159. Whenever possible, the driver/operator should avoid backing up. If needed, have one person on each side of the backing apparatus
  160. Intersections are the most likely palace for an accident involving an emergency vehicle
  161. The transfer valve on a two stage pump should be operated at a net pressure greater that how many psi
  162. Additional impellers used in series are for extra high pressure
  163. Major characteristics of centrifugal pumps include all of the fallowing
    a. They will not prime themselves
    b. The impeller turns
    c. There is no positive blockage through the pump
  164. The pressure gauge mounted on a pumper must be calibrated to measure 600 psi unless the pumper is equipped to supply high pressure fog streams. Compound gauges are calibrated from 0 to 30 inches of vacum on the negative side.
  165. When pumping from a hydrant or in a relay, it is not desirable to reduce the incoming pressure below what psi
  166. Indications of pump cavitation include all of the fallowing
    1. Hose streams and pressure gauges fluctuating
    2. Popping or sputtering sound as water leaves the nozzle
    3. Gravel sounds comng from the pump
    4. Lack of reaction on the pressure gauge to changes in the setting of the throttle.
  167. The sequence of operations for putting a fire pump into gear and getting water into the pump will vary with
    A. Local dept policies
    B. Design of the apparatus
    C. Type of priming devices
  168. For stationary pumping of PTO pumps, Place the transmission in neutral
  169. During drafting operations in order for a pumper to approach its total rated capacity, there must be a minimum of how many inches of water over the strainer.
    24 inches
  170. All class A pumpers are rated to pump their capacity at how many feet of lift
    10 feet
  171. Most pumps prime well between ___ & ___
    1000 & 1200
  172. Atmospheric pressure at sea level is
  173. One inch of mercury equals ___psi or ___ feet of water
    • .49psi
    • 1.133 feet
  174. Head pressure is the same as back pressure.
  175. How many psi for solid stream hand line
  176. Nozzle pressure on a solid stream master stream is how many psi
  177. Master streams are considered to be all streams with a gallon flow greater that ___ gpm
  178. Friction loss is that part of total pressure that is used to overcome friction (or resistance) while forcing water through pipes, fitting, adapters, and fire hoses.
  179. Ordinary sinuosity produces up to ___% friction loss
  180. When the same size hose is used, the friction loss will vary approximately with the square of the velocity of the flow.
  181. For a given velocity of flow, the friction loss per hose is approximately the same no matter what the pressure on the water may be.
  182. When applying pressure on the water in a hose, there is a limit to the velocity or speed at which the stream can travel. If the velocity is increased beyond these limits, the friction becomes so great that the entire stream is agitated be restistance. The agitation causes a point of turbulence called critical velocity.
  183. When pumping in relay, supply 20 psi residual to the intake of the next engine plus friction loss.
  184. Standpipe systems may be wet or dry
  185. In most standpipe systems "hose lines" are usually unlined linen hose. Firefighters should disconnect these lines and remove pressure reducing valves if they are present and use their own hose lines or nozzles.
  186. Standpipe systems are rarely built to withstand more than 225 psi
  187. Fire boats are most suited for pumping through large master stream devices and providing additional water to on shore operations
  188. A closed, curved tube that when pressure is applied to open end of tube it will tend to straighten inself.
    Bourdon tube
  189. 2 types of guages
    A. Pressure gauge-read only positive pressures
    B. Compound gauge-read both positive and negative pressures due to having bourdon tubes.
  190. Positive displacment pumps can pump air unlike centrifugal pumps. For this reason, positive displacment pumps are used for priming pumps and centrifugal pumps are used as main fire pumps
  191. What are 2 types of positive pumps
    • Piston
    • Rotary
  192. Piston pumps are susceptible to wear, as the pistion wears, water can escape to the intake side of the pump therefore reducing pump capacity
  193. Rotary vane pumps are constructed with movable elements that automatically compensate for wear and maintain a tighter fit with closer clearance as the pump is used. Rotor is mounted off center in housing. Distance between rotor and housing is greater on intake side than discharge size.
  194. Main parts of a centrifugal pump

    Stripping edge
  195. Answer questions about making the pump operational
    1. Putting the pump into gear
    2. Involves parking the apparatus, putting the brake and chockes, and putting the PTO in the right position before one can pump the truck.
  196. Engage the disengage a power take off (PTO) or front mount pump during pump and roll operations
  197. Manual engage
    1. full stop
    2. push in the clutch
    3. Place transmiission into neutral
    4. Operate the push/pull PTO
    5. Place drive transmisson into gear
    6. Release parking brake
    7. Engage clutch
  198. Automatic engage
    1. Full stop
    2. Drive transmission into neutral
    3. Operate PTO
    4. Place into drive
    5. Release brake
Card Set
Pump Ops
Pump Ops