Psychology Final

  1. Dilemmas of definitions?
    • 1- mental disorders a violation of cultural standars
    • 2- mental disorders as emotional disorders
    • 3- mental disorders as behavior that can harm oneself or others
  2. Ethnic identity?
    close identity with religious or ethnic group
  3. Accukturation?
    identification with the dominant cukture
  4. ethnocentrism?
    belief that your culture is superior to others
  5. stereotype
  6. stereotype
    summary impression of a group of people in which all members of the group share a trait or traits

    ex : cheerleaders jocks nerds
  7. robbers cave experiment
    • eagles vs rattlers
    • not friends with other group
    • worked together for common goal
    • after the frienships mingled
  8. prejudice?
    negative stereotype
  9. hostile sexism?
    active dislike toward women
  10. benevolent sexism
    positive attitude put women on a pedestal but still reinforces women's subordinance

    ex: barefoot and pregnant at hom ein the kitchen
  11. how can we reduce prejudice?
    • 1- equal legal status and economic power
    • 2- moral legal and economic support for both
    • 3- work and socialize together
    • 4- cooperate towards one common goal
  12. What are the three causes of prejudice?
    • 1- fear and doubt
    • 2- social / cultural group think [friends, family, associates]
    • 3- economic wealthy vs poor
  13. D.S.M?
    diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
  14. DSM problems?
    • 1-"overdiagnosing" [ADHD ex. fastest growing disorder diagnosed 10 times more in US than in europe]
    • 2-power of label [ excuses for behavior, rather than fixing the problem "oh he has bipolar so its ok to ohave manic states"]
    • 3-confusion [everyday problems being compared to actual disorders]
  15. Mental disorder - emotional distress
    own depression anxiety incapacitating fear or problems with drugs
  16. mental disorder - violation of culture
    hearing voice of a dead loved one is not ok and is considered crazy in USA but is normal in chinese culture
  17. mental behavior - distructive or harmful
    • -afraid of crowds > stay home
    • -drink too much > cant hold a job
    • -sever anxiety over a test > cant take the test [F]
  18. illusion of universiality and objectivity
    group concensess for DSM rather than actual evidence
  19. projective tests?
    consist of ambigious pics sentences stories that the test taker interprets

    ex: rorchach ink blot test
  20. objective tests?
    questionaire that the client takes

    ex:minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
  21. generalized anxiety disorder?
    continuous uncontrollable anxiety a feeling of foreboding and dread majority of days through out 6 month pds.
  22. posttraumatic stress disorder
    PTSD -- tauma leaves a fear and long lasting effects. insomnia jumpiness agitation

    ex war, 9/11, car accident w a death that occurs.
  23. panic disorder?
    • recurring attacks of intenses fear or panic impending doom or death.
    • losing breath cant breathe dizziness hearing gets muffled etc
  24. phobia?
    exaggerated fear of an object or specific situation

    ex: tin foil, cotton balls, plane, heights
  25. agoraphobia?
    fear of large crowds, escape may be difficult and help could be limited if a panic attack occurs. linked to panic disorders / anxiety. person stays at home doesnt leave much. statys with trusted individual or spouse.
  26. OCD [obsessive compulsive disorder]
    obsessions become uncontrollable and interfere with everyday life

    ex true life i have OCD [death, rituals]
  27. depression?
    major depression = serious mood disorder highs and lows, anti social. sleeps a lot. something bad is going to happen always negative
  28. bipolar disorder?
    • manic highs manic lows
    • lows: sleep a lot
    • highs: sex drugs alcohol

    ex: kurt cobain killed himself in a manic low. he was on drugs and had groupies for when he had a high.
  29. vulnerability stress?
    persons vulnerability interacts with stressful events
  30. depression and vulnerability stress model of depression
    • 1-genetic factors
    • 2-life experiences- inner city kids vs rural kids
    • 3-loss of a loved one or a close relationship- both present and past [mother father boyfriend]
    • 4-cognitive habts- all negative thoughs
  31. marcissistic personality disorder?
    obsessed with one self a little toooo much<3 them self like WOAH
  32. psychopath?
    • no conscience
    • inability to feel normal emotions
    • no remorse, guilt, empathy for the pain that they cause others
    • [serial killer, serial rapist]
  33. antisocial personality disorder [APD]
    • -bad kids
    • -impulsive
    • -irresponsible
    • -fail to hold job or meet obligations
    • -teen deliquents
  34. causes of APD ?
    • 1-abnoraml in central nervous system
    • 2-impared frontal lobe function- inability to control responses to frustration and provocation
    • 3-genetic influences- abused as a child bad genes
  35. alocholoism happens more...
    in a culture that doesnt allow children to drin [usa]
  36. multiple personality disorder?
    • think they are more than one person
    • -hannah montana and miley cyrus
  37. schizophrenia?
    • 1-delusions- dogs are aliens disguised as pets
    • 2-hallucinations- happens and seems soooo real but it never happened
    • 3-disorganized incoherent speech
    • 4-grossly disorganized inapproriate behavior
    • 5-impaired cognitive abilities-speech motor skills etc
  38. shizo - why?
    • 1-genetic
    • 2-brain abnomalities
    • 3-neurotransmitter abnormaility
    • 4-bith complications
    • 5-brain development issues in adolecence
  39. antipshyotic drugs?
    • for depression, impulse control, and bipolar.
    • reduce / block sensitivity of brain receptors that respond to dopamine
  40. antidepresents?
    • treat depression
    • boot norepinephrine and serotonn levels preventing the normal reabsorption
  41. tranquilizers?
  42. tranquilizers?
    • mild anxiety
    • symptoms always return when medication is stopped.
  43. lithium carbonate?
    • bipolar
    • pretects brain cells from being overstimulated by another nurotransmitter glutamate
  44. problems with drugs for disorders?
    • 1-placebo effect- will respong quickly due to the "hype" they think it is working but eventutally the effects fade and the drug simply isnt working
    • 2-high drop out- 1/2 to 2/3 will stop taking the drugs due to unpleasant side affects relapse
    • 3-dosage problems- not the right dose not enough or too much
    • 4-unknown long term effects
  45. psychosurgery?
    cut out parts of the brain that are causing emotional problems or or disturbing behavior
  46. electroconvulsive therapy [ECT]
    shock therapy [to help brain waves functin "normally"]
  47. psychoanalysis?
    • couch talk
    • talk about dreams and memories of childhood
  48. psychodynamic therapy?
    • explore unconcious dynamics of personality defenses and conflicts
    • transference -- feelings about parents
  49. behavioral therapy ?
    • 1-exposure - bringing them gradually to the object they fear
    • 2-systematic disensitization- step by step process [true life death]
    • 3- behavioral self monitoring- looking for the unattractive habits on your own
    • 4-skills training- "dont be shy" "dont yell"

  50. cognitive therapy?
    identify beliefs and expectations that might be the reason for anger fear anxiety depressin etc.
  51. rational emotional therapy ?
    • client-"no one likes me"
    • dr-"do you really have not one friend" "has no one been nice to you this year" "how do you know that"
  52. client centered therapy?
    emphassize warmth and empathy identify with clients feelings
  53. existential therapy?
    helps clients meaning ad helps with the question of life. why am i here?
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Psychology Final
Psychology final chps 10 11 and 12