SGU SVM Histology

  1. Image Upload 2
    Where are the hydrophillic and hydrophobic regions?
    Yellow tails on inside of membrane are HYDROPHOBIC and purple phospholipid heads on outside are HYDROPHILLIC
  2. Image Upload 4
    Which has the more active nucleus?
    The cell on the left has more Euchromatin, and is therefore more active compared to the cell on the right.
  3. Image Upload 6
    Which areas are heterochromatic, euchromatic and where is the nucleolus?
    • Image Upload 8
    • Euchromatin = EU
    • Heterochromatin = HC
    • Nucleolus = NU
  4. Image Upload 10
    What cell is this?
  5. Image Upload 12
    What is this?
  6. Image Upload 14
    What are these?
  7. Image Upload 16
    What are these?
  8. Image Upload 18
    What type of cytoskeleton structure is this? and what does it do?
    Microtubules - how vesicles move within the cell
  9. Image Upload 20
    What type of cytockeleton structure is this? What is the function?
    • Microfilaments- forms pockets in cell membrane when things move in and out of cell, responsible for membrane activity like endo and exocytosis
    • Ex: actin or myosin
  10. Image Upload 22
    What type of cytoskeleton structures are these? Function?
    Intermediate filaments- provie strength and define the shape of the cell as a whole
  11. Image Upload 24
    What are these as a whole? and what is the arrow pointing to?
    As a whole it is a centriole and the arrow is pointing to one individual microtubule that makes up the centriole. *Usually 9 groups of 3 microtubules each*
  12. Image Upload 26
    What is this?
    Tight Junction
  13. Image Upload 28
    What is this? and what are the filaments in it that make it different than the others?
    Zonula Adherens - has actin filaments
  14. Image Upload 30
    What is this? and what are the filaments on the outside called?
    Macula adherens - plaque filaments
  15. Image Upload 32
    What is this? what makes it different?
    Gap junction- has INTERLOCKING transmembrane proteins
  16. Image Upload 34
    What is the arrow pointing to?
    transmembrane proteins
  17. Image Upload 36
    What is this?
    Desmosome - macula adherens
  18. Image Upload 38
    What is this? and what is the red area?
    • Hemidesmosome
    • Basement membrane
  19. Image Upload 40
    What are these?
  20. Image Upload 42
    what are these?
  21. Image Upload 44
    What is this and what are the individual peices?
    Brush border made of microvilli
  22. Image Upload 46
    what is this? describe where they are usually found?
    stereocilia - non moving, usually sense organs
  23. Image Upload 48
    what is this basic tissue?
  24. Image Upload 50
    what type of basic tissue is this?
    simple squamous epithelium
  25. Image Upload 52
    what type of tissue is this? where is it found?
    • Simple squamous epithelium
    • found in body cavity lining- serous membranes
  26. Image Upload 54
    what are the white arrows pointing to?
  27. Image Upload 56
    What type of cells are these?
    Simple cuboidal epithelium
  28. Image Upload 58
    what type of tissue is this?
    simple columnar epithelium
  29. Image Upload 60
    what type of tissue is this? where is it commonly found?
    • pseudostratified columnar epithelium
    • found ciliated in the respiratory system
  30. Image Upload 62
    what type of tissue is this? is it keratinized? where is it found?
    • stratified squamous epithelium
    • non-keratinized
    • cornea
  31. Image Upload 64
    what type of tissue is this? is it keratinized?
    • stratified squamous epithelium
    • yes it is keratinized
  32. Image Upload 66
    what type of tissue is this? how many layers does it usually have? where is it usually found?
    • stratified columnnar epithelium
    • 3-5 layers
    • large ducts of glands
  33. Image Upload 68
    what type of tissue is this? how many layers does it usually have? where is it found?
    • sratified cuboidal epithelium
    • normally 2 layers (no more than 3)
    • found in smaller ducts of glands
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SGU SVM Histology
SGU SVM Histology Pictures Fall 2010 Gupta Up to First Quiz