Reporting deviations

  1. What is the Systolic range for Stage 1 hypertension?
    140 - 159
  2. What is the Diastolic range for Stage 1 hypertension?
    90 - 99
  3. What is the recommended follow up for Stage 1 hypertension?
    Confirm in 2 months
  4. What is the Systolic range for Stage 2 hypertension?
    160 - 179
  5. What is the Diastolic range for Stage 2 hypertension?
    100 - 109
  6. What is the recommended follow up for Stage 2 hypertension?
    Evaluate in 1 month
  7. What is the Systolic range for Stage 3 hypertension?
    180 or higher
  8. What is the Diastolic range for Stage 3 hypertension?
    110 or higher
  9. What is the recommended follow up for Stage 3 hypertension?
    Evaluate immediately or within 1 week
Card Set
Reporting deviations
Systolic & Diastolic pressures. Recommended follow up.