Study Guide for Bible Test 1

  1. How can we hear God speak to us? (7)
    • Bible
    • Life
    • Dreams
    • Nature
    • Peace
    • People
    • Religious Activity
  2. What is a worldview?
    how someone views the world
  3. What are 5 essential parts to a Christian worldview? List them. (5)
    • God
    • Man
    • Sin
    • Salvation
    • World
  4. Why should we study the Bible? (7)
    • helps us understand God
    • God commands it
    • Good
    • Profitable
    • Perfect
    • Wise
    • Christians do it
  5. How can we use the Bible? (6)
    • Doctrine
    • Reproof
    • Correction
    • Instruction
    • Guidebook/Handbook
    • Encouragement
  6. When we are interpretting the Bible what can we look for in a sentence to help us better understand it? (9)
    • Words repeated
    • Compare
    • Contrast
    • Lists
    • Cause and Effect
    • Figures of Speech
    • Pronouns
    • Verbs
    • Conjunctions
  7. The Bible is both_________ and ___________.
    The Bible is both human and divine.
  8. Don't __________ the __________ by _______________.
    Don't muddy the waters by over-interpretting.
  9. Put into __________ what you've ___________.
    Put into practice what you've learned.
  10. ____________ impressions are usually __________.
    Unique impressions are usually wrong.
  11. Exegesis: We need to know both the ___________ and the ____________.
    Exegesis: We need to know both the content and the context.
  12. What should we know about "Historical Context"?
    Time and Culture of the Author
  13. "Literary context"? (ask what)
    "What's the point?"
  14. What is exegesis?
    study of the original meaning
  15. What is hermeneutics?
    seeking contemporary relevance
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Study Guide for Bible Test 1
Study Guide/Notes for Bible Test 1...9th grade