Architecture enabled photographers to...
- produce images
- improve media
- preserve details, perfect perspectives
- reflect modernity, city growth, ammenities
- reveal cultural traditions
Uses made of architecture images...
- city boosters (advertise city growth and progress)
- politicians (Napolean) bragged about quality of city
- city planners saw cities as growth of industry and transportation
Les Missions Heliographiques
French state funded commision; 5 photographers record key French monuments labeled for restoration or contruction
Missions Heliographiques images also revealed...
- neglect
- tradition of poverty
- class problems gone rampant
- revealed heritage ignored and destroyed
- stressed celebrations of possessions not the transience "vanitas" of life
Elevation vanishing point focuses on ...
one, frontal facade
Elevation technique showed _______ buildings in an _______ presentation.
centered; objective
Directional lighting was used for what purposes when concerning perspective?
- Depth
- Texture
- Separation of facades
Perspective in photographs created what type of illusion?
What were indicators of context for architectural imaging?
- Trees
- Vehicles
- Shrubbery
- People
People in images provide...
- Scale
- Socio-economic strata that later ages miss
- Symbols
Juxtapose structures ...
- With other structures.
- With objects.
- Make statements through such contrast and comparison.
Baldus, Façade, Notre-Dame de Paris 1860
Baldus, Paris, Pont Saint-Denis 1846
Joohn Plumbe, White House, 1846
Marville, Ecole des Beaux-Arts 1851
Rouchebourg, Notre-Dame; Excavations for Police Prefecture, 1864-65
Anon. Paris, Porte Saint-Denis