Domain 1

  1. State the purpose of the Navy Training System
    To ensure a systematic approach for determining what and how to train.
  2. What is the most essential single link in the training chain?
    The Instructor
  3. State and discuss the 3 qualities of an efficient and effective instructor.
    • 1. Knowledge:be the SME; know more than the subject being taught; observe other instructors; know the students level.
    • 2. Ability:2 types:a. leadership-planning, organizing, delegating, discipline and reward. b. instructional- apply principles, methods and techniques.
    • 3.Personality:pattern of collective character, behavior, temperamental, emotional and mental traits.
  4. What are the instructors responsibilities in terms of the curriculum?
    ensure its current and accurate.
  5. What are the instructors responsibilities in terms of the student:
    teach effectively, set a good example and handle all conflicts they might have (personal and military).
  6. What are the instructors responsibilities in terms of training safety?
    demonstrate proper safety procedures (TTO, PreMisHap Plan) as well as teaching.
  7. What are the instructors responsibilities in terms of security?
    • - never discuss classified material not in curriculum
    • - ensure students have proper clearance
    • - never discuss info that has higher classification
    • - account for classified training materials
    • - report any situation
    • - never downplay
  8. List and discuss the principles of applying motivation theory in a training situation.
    • VA2I2N
    • Values: set goals to be important to student
    • Achievement: desired objective to student met
    • Attitudes: instructors must show positive attitude toward lesson and the Navy
    • Incentives: good grades or awards (honor grad)
    • Interest: why is lesson worthwhile to student
    • Needs & drives: the need to belong
  9. List and discuss 5 techniques which can assist in developing motivational strategies for instruction.
    • MEEPS
    • Make subject interesting - use a variety of materials (jokes, etc.)
    • Establish goals - present objectives so students will understand what are expected to do after training
    • Encourage participation - use students' experience to stimulate interest and add variety
    • Provide informative feedback - give proper recognition of student behavior
    • Show interest in your student - be mentor on and off duty
  10. What is the ultimate goal of instruction?
    To cause students to remain motivated beyond the instructor's influence and apply what they have learned on the job.
  11. What are the 5 different ways of learning?
    • ATITI
    • Association: a comparison of past learning to a new learning situation.
    • Transfer: process of applying past learning to new but somewhat similar situations (classroom to lab).
    • Imitation: observance of others which will be imitated, this is a concrete learner.
    • Trial and Error: learning by doing, this is an active learner.
    • Insight: the AHHA! Phenomenon. Use thought provoking questions rather than memorization questions.
  12. What are the 5 Laws of Learning?
    • IREEPS
    • Intensity: a vivid experience is learned better and retained longer. (lab environment, electrical shock, hot iron)
    • Readiness: students learn best when they are physically, mentally and emotionally ready to learn.
    • Effect: individuals learn best those things which result in satisfying consequences. Positive reinforcement.
    • Exercise: students learn best and retain info longer when they have meaningful practice and repetition.
    • Primacy: students learn better the first time better then relearning (teach right first time).
  13. How does motivation affect student learning?
    • -motivation involves the activation, direction and persistence of a specified behavior.
    • -it stimulates their interests, arouses curiousity and allows the instructor to develop a specified direction.
  14. What are the 6 common characteristics all students possess?
    • BADWTF
    • Belief in their maturity: want to be treated as adults. Hold accountable for actions and treat with respect.
    • Ability to evaluate: students are quick to form opinions. Evaluate instructors and detect lack of competence, enthusiasm and sincerety.
    • Desire to succeed: instill self confidence with reinforcement.
    • Want recognition: give recognition to students who respond to questions.
    • Treat fairly: Don't favor, treat equally.
    • Fallibility: everyone makes mistakes. Be patient.
  15. What are the 4 basic learning styles?
    • CARA
    • Concrete: prefer an experience based approach to learning. Relying heavily own feelings and personal judgement (imitation).
    • Active: Step by step approach and small groups, structured exercises. (trial and error).
    • Reflective: observe and reflect (make comparisons and contrasts) before drawing conclusions. Lectures, films and reading.
    • Abstract: theory based. Learn from theoretical reading, case studies and activities that require solitary thinking.

  16. What are barriers to effective learning?
    • Fear - showing ignorance, disapproval, judgement. Don't embarass student or allow students to.
    • Environmental Factors - noise, temperature, etc.
    • Lack of Common Core Experience - students don't all have the same experiences. Use analogies examples.
    • Overuse of Abstractions - should include concepts, ideas or words not directly related to subject being discussed. Check to ensure the students understand info exactly as you intended.
  17. What are the steps of the communication process?
    Sending (instrutor) - a. formulate the message. b. consider the barriers that may affect message, put into words, clearly send.

    Recieving (student) - hear/see message, message affected by barriers, decode, interpret.

    Feedback - provides essential info about your success to communicating the message. Use oral questions, notice students behaviors (facial/body expressions).
  18. Why is listening one the most important of the communication skills?
    It is the active process of hearing and understanding that demands concentration and attention.
  19. What are the 5 factors that must be considered in planning instructional delivery?
    • GIRAF
    • Grammar
    • Inflection
    • Rate of speech
    • Articulation
    • Force

  20. What is the importance of body movement as an important part of successful communication?
    It reinforces, emphasis and clarifies verbally expressed ideas.
  21. What are 4 purposes of oral questioning?
    • FADS
    • Focuses attention of a particular area of the subject matter.
    • Arouses interest in the subject matter.
    • Drills students on subject matter they must recall precisely.
    • Stimulates students to think.
  22. What are the characteristics of a good oral question?
    It is at the LEVEL of instruction.

    It has the USE of an interrogative.

    It has a CLARITY of meaning.
  23. What are the types of oral questioning?
    • Factual
    • Interest arousing
    • Leading
    • Multiple Answer
    • Canvassing
    • Thought provoking
    • Yes/No
  24. What are the 5 steps of the 5 step questioning technique?
    • APPLE
    • Ask the question
    • Pause
    • Pick a student (rate/rank, Last Name)
    • Listen to answer
    • Emphasize or repeat the answer.
  25. What are the different instructional methods?
    • Case Study - NAVLEAD
    • Demonstration - fire fighting training
    • Discussion - interchange of ideas between students with instructor guidance.
    • Lecture - large amount of info in short time (GMT)
    • Lecture with Audiovisual - same as above with visuals
    • Lesson - instructor/student interaction (most common in Navy)
    • Role Playing - student assumes active roles in a stimulated situation followed by a group decision.
  26. What are the 3 parts of a learning objective?
    Behavior: describes what the learner should be able to do as an outcome of the training.

    Condition: defines aiding and limiting imposed upon the student in satisfying the performance requirements of the obj.

    Standard: specifies the criteria for the students performance which must be met.
  27. What are the 2 methods of testing?
    Knowledge:measures achievement of objective through the use of test items written at the appropriate learning level.

    Performance: measures skill acquisition by having the student demonstrate specific behaviors defined by the learning site.
  28. What are the 5 learning levels a knowledge test items that may be tested?
    • Analysis/Evaluation: analysis - understanding of elements; evaluation - judgement of value or effectiveness of procedures.
    • Recall: verbation remembering of items
    • Comprehension: understanding what was taught instead of memorizing.
    • Application: ability to use acquired knowledge in a job related situation.
    • Recognition:verbatim identification of specific terms, facts, rules, etc.
  29. What are the different types of performance test?
    Process = the focus is on whether the trainee can perform steps of the procedure or process.

    Product = produce or construct a product that meets specifications

    Combination = mix of product and process
  30. What are the primary materials in presenting instruction?
    Lesson Plan = blueprint ensures instruction presented in proper ssequence.

    Instruction Sheets = Assignment, Diagram, info, Job, Problem, Outline.

    Instructional Media Material = any devise or equipment to help student understand and learn.
  31. What is the purpose of using IMM and Visual Information?
    Increase Understanding

    Increase Interest and Motivation

    Increase Retention

    Increase Uniformity in Training
Card Set
Domain 1
Domain 1 of MTS