
  1. Cognitive meaning
    Terminology that conveys information
  2. Emotive Meaning
    Terminology that expresses or evokes feelings
  3. Value Claim
    Claim that something is good, bad, right, wrong, or better, or worse, more important, or less important, than some other thing.
  4. Vague Expression
    One that allows for borderling cases in which it is impossible to tell if the expression applies or does not apply.
  5. Ambiguous Expression
    One that can be interpreted as having more than one clearly distinct meaning in a given context .
  6. Term
    Any word or arrangement of words that may serve as the subject of a statement.
  7. Intensional Meaning (Intension)
    Consists of the qualities or attributes that the term connotes.
  8. Extensional meaning (extension)
    Consists of the members of the class that the term denotes.
  9. Connotation
    Intensional meaning of a term.
  10. Denotation
    Extensional meaning of a term.
  11. Conventional Connotation
    Term that includes the attributes that the term commonly calls forth in the minds of competent speakers of the language.
  12. Empty Extension
    The extension of a term that denotes something that does not exist; the null class.
  13. Increasing Intension
    When each term in the series (except the 1st) connotes more attributes than the one preceding it.
  14. Decreasing Intension
  15. Decreasing Intension
    The order of decreasing specificity or increasing generality
  16. Increasing Extension
    When each term in the series (except the 1st) denotes a class having more members than the class denoted by the term preceding it.
  17. Decreasing Extension
    Order of decreasing class size.
  18. Definition
    Group of words that assigns a meaning to some word or group of words.
  19. Definiendum
    Word or group of words that is supposed to be defined.
  20. Definiens
    Word or group of words that does the defining.
  21. Stipulative Definition
    Assigns a meaning to a word for the first time.
  22. Lexical Definition
    Used to report the meaning that a word already has in a language.
  23. Precising Definition
    Used to reduce the vagueness of a word.
  24. Theoretical Definition
    Assigns a meaning to a word by suggesting a theory that gives a certain characterization to the entities that the term denotes.
  25. Persuasive Definition
    Engender a favorable or unfavorable attitude toward what is denoted by the definiendum
  26. Extensional (denotative) definition
    One that assigns a meaning to a term by indicating the members of the class that the definiendum denotes.
  27. Demonstrative (ostensive) definitions
    A definition that assigns a meaning to a word by pointing to members of the class that the word denotes.
  28. Enumerative Definitions
    Assigns a meaning to a term by naming the members of the class the term denotes.
  29. Definition by subclass
    Assigns a meaning to a term by naming subclasses of the class denoted by the term.
  30. Intensional Definition
    One that assigns a meaning to a word by indicating the qualities or attributes that the word connotes.
  31. Synonymous Definition
    One in which the definiens is a single word that connotes the same attributes as the definiendum.
  32. Etymological Definition
    Assigns a meaning to a word by disclosing the word's ancestry in both its own language and other languages.
  33. Operational Definition
    Assigns a meaning to a word by specifying certain experimental procedures that determine whether or not the word applies to a certain thing.
  34. Definition by genus and difference
    Assigns a meaning to a term by identifying a genus term and one or more difference words that, when combined, convey the meaning of the term being defined.
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Chapter 2 Vocab