Exam 1

  1. What are the landmarks for cardiac auscultation?
    • Apical
    • Pulmonic
    • Erb's point
    • Tricuspid
    • Mitral
  2. The PMI is best found where?
  3. What does pallor look like in a brown-skinned person?
    In a black-skinned person?
    • Yellowish-brown
    • Ashen gray
  4. Thorax and lungs includes the examination of:

    Posterior, lateral, and anterior thorax

    inspection, palpation, percussion and auscultation.
  5. Abnormal findings of the neck include:
    • - asymmetry of neck muscles
    • - decreased ROM
    • - enlarged or tender lymph nodes
    • - enlarged thyroid
  6. Abn findings of Mouth and Throat:
    • - gingivitis - ulcer
    • - dryness - white patches
    • - edema - lesions
    • - tenderness - parotitis
    • - ulcer - bldg ulcers
  7. Posterior Thorax Landmarks:

    Inspect posterior thorax for:
    • -spine
    • - right scapula line
    • - left scapula line

    • - shape
    • - symmetry
    • - spinal alignment
  8. Anterior Thorax landmarks:
    • - midsternal line
    • - right midclavicular line
    • - left midclavicular line
    • - right anterior axillary line
    • - left anterior axillary line
    • - apex
    • - base
  9. What do you palpate during palpation of anterior thorax?
    • - tactile fremitus "ninety-nine"
    • (start at scapula, down lung fields, about 5x)

    - lumps and tenderness
  10. Normal breath sounds include:
    • - vesicular
    • - bronchovesicular
    • - bronchial sounds
  11. What do vesicular breath sounds sound like?

    Where are they best heard?
    • - soft
    • - breezy
    • - low-pitched

    Over lungs periphery
  12. What do bronchiovesicular breath sounds sound like?

    Where are they best heard?
    • - blowing sounds
    • - medium-pitched
    • - medium intensity

    Best heard posteriorly, between scapulae and anteriorly over bronchioles lateral to sternum at 1st and 2nd intercostal spaces.
  13. What do bronchial breath sounds sound like?

    Where are they best heard?
    • - loud
    • - high-pitched
    • - hollow

    Best heard over trachea.
  14. Abnormal findings of the skin include:
    • diaphoresis
    • pallor, cyanosis
    • severely dry/parched mucuous membranes
    • tenting
    • jaundice
    • lesions
  15. What is subjective data?
    Things the pt tells you that you cannot observe (i.e. pain, headache)
  16. What is OBJECTIVE data?
    Things that you can observe (viatal signs, edema)
  17. Abnormal findings in the nails
    • soft and brittle
    • inflammation
    • pale/cyanotic nail beds
    • spoon-shaped nails
    • clubbed nails
  18. Head & Neck exam includes:
    • head
    • eyes
    • ears
    • nose/sinuses
    • mouth/throat
    • neck
  19. What do you examine on the head?
    • size
    • facial bones
    • symmetry
    • postion/control
    • shape
    • TMJ
  20. What is examined in the eyes?
    • testing visual acuity
    • extraocular movements
    • external and internal eye structures
  21. Testing visual acuity involves:
    • distance and near vision
    • extraocular movements
    • accomodation
  22. What do you inspect in the EYES?
    • postion/alignment
    • eyebrows/eyelids
    • lacrimal apparatus
    • conjuctivae and sclera
    • pupils
  23. PERLLA means what?
  24. Abnormal findings in the eye:
    • Redness indicates infection or allergies
    • Pale conjectiva-anemia
    • Bright red blood in localized area (indicates subconjuctival hemorrhage)
  25. Examination of the ears includes:
    • Inspection of auricles, tragus and lobule
    • Palpate auricles for texture, tenderness or skin lesions
    • Insepct opening of ear canal for discharge/occlusion
  26. Voice test includes:
    • Stand 1-2 ft from pt
    • Have pt occlude ear on opposite side and whisper in unoccluded ear
    • Move 6 ft away and speak in normal voice tones
    • Repeat on opposite side
  27. Neck lymph nodes include:
    • Preauricular
    • Occiputal
    • Postauricular
    • Anterior cervical
    • Posterior cervical
    • Supraclavicular
    • Superficial cervical
    • Tonsillar
    • Submandibular
    • Submental
  28. Formula for converting C to F:
    C=F-32 /1.8
  29. Formula for converting F to C
    F=(1.8)C +32
Card Set
Exam 1
Physical Assessment