Chinese writing

    • fu4
    • RADICAL:
    • mound (no. 170)
    • BASIC
    • MEANING(S): add, attach; be near
    • jing4
    • RADICAL: halt (no. 162)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): near, close
  1. 银/銀
    • yin2
    • RADICAL: gold (no. 167)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): silver
  2. 离/離
    • li2
    • RADICAL: cover (no. 8)/short-tailed bird (no. 172)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): away from, leave
  3. 远/遠
    • yuan3
    • RADICAL: halt (no. 162)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): far
    • zou3
    • RADICAL: walk (no. 156)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): walk, go
    • wang3
    • RADICAL: step (no.60)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): towards\uff0c go\uff0c past
  4. 边/邊
    • bian1
    • RADICAL: halt (no.162)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): side
    • you4
    • RADICAL: mouth (no. 30)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): right
    • guai3
    • RADICAL: hand (no. 64)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): turn
    • lu4
    • RADICAL: foot (no. 157)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): road
    • jiu4
    • RADICAL: lame (no. 43)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): exactly, precisely
  5. 邮/郵
    • you2
    • RADICAL: city (no. 163)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): post, mail
    • 邮/郵
    • ju2
    • RADICAL: corpse (no.44)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): bureau, office
    • pang2
    • RADICAL: square (no. 70)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): beside
    • ke4
    • RADICAL: roof (no. 40)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): visitor, guest, traveller
  6. 气/氣
    • qi4
    • RADICAL: breath (no. 84)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): air, make angry
    • shi4
    • RADICAL: cloth (no. 50)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): city
    • gao4
    • RADICAL: mouth (no. 30)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): tell, inform, notify
  7. 诉/訴
    • su4
    • RADICAL: speech (no. 149)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): tell, inform
  8. 铁/鐵
    • tie3
    • RADICAL: gold (no. 167)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): iron
  9. 从/從
    • cong2
    • RADICAL: man (no. 9)/step (no. 60)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): from
    • dao4
    • RADICAL: knife (no. 18)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): to, until, arrive
    • gong1
    • RADICAL: eight (no. 12)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): official, business
    • gong4
    • RADICAL: eight (no. 12)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): share, together
    • qi4
    • RADICAL: water (no. 85)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): vapour, steam
  10. 车/車
    • che1
    • RADICAL: vehicle (no.159)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): vehicle
    • zhan4
    • RADICAL: stand (no.117)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): stand, stop, station
  11. 换/換
    • huan4
    • RADICAL: hand (no.64)
    • BASIC MEANING(S):change
  12. 骑/騎
    • qi2
    • RADICAL: horse (no. 187)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): ride, sit on the back of
    • zi4
    • RADICAL: self (no. 134)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): self
    • zuo3
    • RADICAL: work (no.48)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): left
    • wai4
    • RADICAL: dusk (no. 36)
    • BASIC MEANING(S): outside
Card Set
Chinese writing