Unit 2 Intro Nervous System

  1. The 4 main parts of a nerve cell are
    • -Cell body (soma)
    • -Axon
    • -Dendrite
    • -Terminal button
  2. Nerve fiber refers to this part if the nerve cell
  3. The order from which an impulse is sent
    Dendrite -> Soma -> Axon -> Terminal buton
  4. The nervous system can be divided into two main anatomical groups. _____ and ____
    • Central nervous system (CNS)
    • Periperal nervous system (PNS)
  5. What body parts are contained in the CNS?
    Brain and spinal cord
  6. What body parts are included in the PNS?
    Everything but brain and spinal cord
  7. Functionally the nervous system can be divided into these two groups.
    • Somatic nervous system
    • Visceral nervous system
  8. Does the somatic nervous system belong to CNS or PNS?
  9. The somatic nervous system innervates
    skeletal muscle, dermis, skeletal system and joints
  10. The somatic nervoys system is comprised of these two types of nerves
    Afferent (GSA) and efferent(GSE) neurons
  11. affarent neuron
    Carries signals to the CNS
  12. efferent neuron
    carries messages from CNS t skeletal muscles of body
  13. Visceral (Autonomic) nervous system is made up of which geographical nervous systems?
    CNS and PNS
  14. This system fires involuntary effectors
    Autonomic Nervous System
  15. What does the Autonomic Nervous System innervate?
    • heart, blood vessels, hollow organs including the orages of the digestive, urinary, respiratory and genital system
    • (all glands and smooth muscle throughout the body)
  16. The ANS uses these two types of nerves
    affarent (GVA) and efferent (GVE)
  17. The ANS can be broken down into two main functions
    Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
  18. Accumulations of nerve fibers (axons) in the CNS are known as _____
    white matter
  19. Accumulations of cell bodies in the CNS are called ______
    grey matter
  20. Within the grey matter this cellular organelle is discernable
  21. Sensory neurons are typically this type of neuron
    afferent neuron
  22. Motor neurons are typically this type of neuron
    efferent neuron
  23. Accumulations of cell bodies in the PNS are called _______
  24. somatic nerves arise from ____
    Somites (Somites are found only during the embryonic stage)
  25. Somites arise from ______ ________
    paraxial mesoderm
  26. The early form of somites that the paraxial mesoderm forms are called ________
  27. Name the three subdivisions of somites
    • Sclerotome
    • Myotome
    • Dermatome
  28. The first subdivision of the somite
  29. Somites develop a central cavity after being formed and shortly occupied by _____ _____
    core cells
  30. the ventral portion of the sclerotome that surrounds the notochord form the rudiment of the ______ ______
    vertebral body
  31. The dorsal portion surrounds the neural tube and forms the rudiment of the_____ _____
    vertebral arch
  32. The left over portion of the somite (the dermamyotome) forms the two structure
    • Dermatome
    • Myotome
  33. Myotomes produce these cells
    muscle cells
  34. Epimeres give rise to these muscles:
    • Epiaxial muscles
    • e.g. erector spinae and transversospinales
  35. hypomeres form these:
    • hypaxial muscles
    • e.g. limbs and the lateral and ventral body wall in the thorax and abdomen
  36. During development, hypomeres form these two large condensations:
    • Ventral mass
    • Dorsal mass
  37. The ventral mass gives rise to these types of muscles
    • flexors
    • pronators
    • adductors
  38. The dorsal mass gives rise to these types of muscles
    • extensors
    • supinators
    • abductors
  39. Spinal nerves form rootlets on these sides of the spine
    Ventral and dorsal
  40. Ventral rootlets carry these impulses
    efferent impulses (away from spinal cord)
  41. The cell bodies of somatic motor neurons are found here in the spinal cord
    Ventral horm
  42. Dorsal rootlets carry these impulses
    afferent impulses (towards the spinal cord)
  43. the cell bodies of somatic sensory nerves are found here in the spinal cord
    dorsal horn
  44. Ventral roots carry these fibers
    • general visceral efferent fibers
    • general somatic efferent fibers
  45. Dorsal roots carry these fibers
    • general visceral afferent fibers
    • general somatic afferent fibers
  46. The cell bodies of the neurons that make up the dorsal root are housed in the ______ _____ ______
    dorsal root ganglion
  47. The spinal nerve is considered a _____ nerve because it carries afferent and efferent nerves of visceral and somatic fibers
    a mixed nerve
  48. Once the spinal nerve emerges from the intervertebral foramen, it divides immediately into the
    dorsal ramus and ventral ramus
  49. Dorsal and ventral rami are ____ nerves
    mixed nerves
  50. Dorsal rami form
    peripheral nerves associated w/ back
  51. ventral rami are unique in that they can stay segmental or intermingle with other ventral rami to form a _____ ______
    nerve plexus
  52. The dermatome forms our _____
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Unit 2 Intro Nervous System
Introduction to the Nervous System