Sociology Final

  1. Labeling theory
    by labeling someone deviant, they become the label
  2. Critical Theorists
    csj serves the ellits, capitalist society needs a working class
  3. Conflict Theory
    groups in society struggle to maximize benefits
  4. Pyramid Structure
    ellites control low classes
  5. Vold
    conflict theorist argued that conflict is the basis of society
  6. Peacemaking criminology
    argues that while conflicts are the cause of crime, public policies can mediate.
  7. Neutralization theory
    • By Sykes and Matza
    • Criminals know what they are doing are wrong but try to justify or explain their actions away
  8. 5 types of neutralization
    • denial of responsibility
    • denial of injury
    • denial of victim
    • condemnation of the condemner
    • appeal to higher loyalties
  9. self control theory
    • Hirschi and Gottfredson
    • socialization and social learning helps in building self control and reduces the inclination to indulge in deviant behaviors
  10. 4 elements of Hirschi's social bond theory
    • attachment
    • commitment
    • involvement and
    • belief
  11. Neo-conservative
    conservative thoughts on crime, people have choices
  12. Rational Choice Theory
    • criminals are rational and have control over deciding to commit a crime
    • cost and benefits
    • severe punishment
  13. Routine Activity Theory
    • related to rational choice theory
    • elliminating the option to commit crimes
    • Cohen and Felson
  14. Freud's view of women
    anatomy makes them commit crime
  15. Pollak on women
    female crime is hidden; naturally deceitful
  16. Jody Miller on women
    girls join gangs similarly to boys
  17. Power-Control Theory
    • Hagan
    • crime is a function of class position and family structure
    • people can have preferences for risk taking from parental influences
  18. Marx and Engels
    conflict is inherent to capitalism
  19. sociological formalism
    not changing content of social life but recurring forms or patterns
  20. Bonger
    abolishing capitalism decreases crime
  21. legal realism
    law in book vs law in action
  22. goal displacement/substitution
    goals of beaurocratic efficiency and avoidance of trouble goal of cjs
  23. law
    as defined by Quinney: creation/interpretation of specialized rules in a political organization/society
  24. egoism
    material needs derrived from capitalism/individual competition/wealth
  25. Brutalizing effect
    • Currie
    • competitive capitalism weakens social instincts leads to anti social activity
  26. Control Theory
    nonconformity is to be expected when social controls are less than effective
  27. Anomie Thoery
    • Durkheim
    • Social solidarity maintained by 2 functions:
    • Integration and Regulation
  28. Homo Duplex Conception
    • nature of man:
    • social self
    • egoistic self
  29. Drift Theory
    Authorities excused violations as self defense or accident to reinforce norms
  30. Control-Balance Theory
    • Tittle
    • People are always under or exertin control which can be:
    • balanced
    • deficit- deviant
    • surplus- deviant
  31. Differential Coercion Theory
    • Colvin
    • People experience different types of coercion
    • interpersonal v. impersonal
    • Dimensions:
    • coercive v. non coercive
    • Consistant v. Erratic
  32. fixing broken windows
    Wilson and Kelling
  33. zero tolerance policing
    • public order crimes are severely dealth with
    • low tolerance
    • punitive measures
  34. General Theory of Crime
    low self control all criminals/crimes are risk takers and impulsive
  35. sociological theory
    • conservativism
    • denial of crime as root cause
    • crime solving increasing individual restraints or controls
  36. Perceptual Deterrence Theory
    decision to offend based on perception of costs and benefits
  37. Lombroso on women
    women are less then men evolutionary; atavistic
  38. Thomas on women
    women are conservative and repressed
Card Set
Sociology Final
Sociology 362