Music of the world chapter one

  1. soundscape
    the characteristic sound of a particular place, both humnan and nonhuman
  2. acoustic ecology
    biophony, the combined voices of living things
  3. bernie krause's word for acoustic ecology
  4. music is universal but its_______ is not
  5. culture
    the way of life of a people, learned and transmitted from one gerneration to the next
  6. music-culture
    a group's total involvement with music: ideas, institutions, material objects- everything that has to do with music
  7. sound
    anything that can be heard
  8. syrinx
    voice box
  9. what must you do in order to study another culture's music
    • get out your own cultural skin
    • look at how people perceive differences between music and nonmusic
  10. people in music-culters organize sounds into___________
    musical patterns
  11. rhythm
    the patterned reoccurence of events
  12. metrical rhythm
    the time-relations among the sounds and find a pattern of regular reoccurence
  13. polyrhythm
    simultaneous occurence of serveral rhythms with what we can perceive as shifting downbeat
  14. polymeter
    the simultaneous presence of two different metrical systems
  15. melody
    the part of a peice of music that goes up and down
  16. pitch
    referes to how high or low a sound is
  17. timbre
    tone quality
  18. aspects of melody
    pitch, tone, timbre, emphasis
  19. how to emphasize a pont in melody
    add decorative tones
  20. intervals
    distance between pitches
  21. harmony
    a part different from the melody
  22. chords
    simultaneous sounding tones
  23. texture
    helps describe how melody and harmony interact in various musics thoughout the world
  24. monophonic
    • singing by yourself
    • when several people sing the same melody in unison
  25. heterophonic
    when two or more voices elaborate the same melody in different ways at the same time
  26. polyphonic
    two or more distinct melodies are combined
  27. form
    the structure of a musical performance: the principles by which it is put together and how it works
  28. affect
    the music power to move
  29. the most important thing to understand about performance is_______________
    that it moves along the basis of agreed-on rules and procedures
  30. musical analysis
    breaking music down into its component parts of mode, motif, melody, rhythm, meter, section and so forht, and determining how the parts operate together to make the whole
  31. what must hte listener understand the intention of the composer and the music structuce
    the rules of the cultures music
  32. musical community
    the group that carries on the traditions and norms, the social processes and activities, and the ideads of performance
  33. affinity groups
    communities where people come toget3her over common interests
  34. performance involved two things:
    • 1) people mark performances
    • 2)has a purpose
  35. four categories of ideas about music:
    • 1) music and the belief system
    • 2) aesthetics
    • 3) contexts
    • 4) histoy
  36. the four compents of a music culture:
    • 1) ideas about music
    • 2) activities involving music
    • 3) repertories of music
    • 3) material culture of music
  37. repertory consist of six basic parts
    • 1)style
    • 2) genres
    • 3) texts
    • 4) composition
    • 5) transmission ( how it gets form one generation to the next, how is it shared)
    • 6) movement ( physical activity with music)
  38. how do governments get involved with music?
    sometimes governments intervene to support other kinds of music
  39. what does musical history respond to?
    changes in human culture
  40. 3 kinds of music circulate within most communities:
    • 1) music that is so old and accept as "ours" that no one questions its origins
    • 2) music of an earlier generation called old-fashion or classic
    • 3) music that is most recent and marketed
  41. music-subcultures
    worlds within worlds of music
  42. repertory
    a stock of music that is ready to be performed
  43. style
    everything related to the organization of musical sound itself: pitch elements, timbre elements, and sound intensity
  44. genres
    the names standard units of repertory such as song and its various subdivisions or the many types of instrumental music and dance
  45. music text
    the words to a song, lyrics
  46. materical culture
    tha tangible objects that people in a culture produces- objects that can be seen held felt and used
  47. people listen to ___________ music more than any other kind
  48. music-cultures are _________ not ______
    dynamic, static
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Music of the world chapter one
chapter one