MA chapter 40

  1. Know the difference between the different types of allergy testing, such as intradermal test, scratch test, patch test and radioallergosorbent test?
    Intradermal Test- is performed by introducing dilute solutions of allergens into the skin of the inner foreman or upper back with a fine-gauge needle.

    Scratch Test- is performed to test the patients specific allergies. Extracts of suspected allergens are applied to the patient's skin, usually on the arm or back

    Patch Test- you perform it by placing a linen or paper patch on uninvoled skin and then using a dropper to soak the patch with te suspected allergen

    Radioallergosorbent Test- the RAST measures blood levels of antibodies to specific allergens
  2. What type of test is a TB test, how is it given? When is it read?
    A tuberculin test, is given intradermal, and it's administered with a needle and syringe. An extract from the tubercle bacillus is injected into the skin, results are read in 48 to 72 hours
  3. What do they do to treat cancer after surgery is performed?
    Radiation therapy or chemotherapy
  4. Know how the cancer cells divide, Are they fast or clow?
    Cancer cells divide rapidly and is fast
  5. Define cataracts?
    cataracts- are cloudy or opaque areas in the normally claer lens of the eye. Cataracts develop gradually, blocking the passage ofo light through the eye. The result is a progressive loss of vision in one or both eyes. Insevere cases you can actually see the cloudy lens through the pupil of the eye.
  6. Define Sty?
    Sty- a sty ( extrenal hordeolum) is the result of an infection of an elelash follicle. A red, painful swelling appears on the edge of the eye an typically forms a white head of pus. The head bursts and drains before it heals in about a week. Applying warm, moist compresses to the sty may help drain sooner.
  7. What is artroscopy used for?
    It enables the orthopedist to see inside a joint, usually the knee or shoulder, with an arthroscope. Arthroscopy is used to give the physician a closer look at conditions such as injuries and dengenerative joint disease and to guide surgical procedures
  8. How is the prostate gland examined?
    through a rectal exam
  9. What do you teach women to help prevent bladder infections?
    to wipe and cleanse the perineal area from front to back to prevent bacteria from the rectumfrom infecting the urethra.
  10. What does an electrocardiogram do?
    provides a measurment of the electrical activity of the heart
  11. What is a stress test and how is it done?
    Involves recording an ECG while the patient is exercising on a stationary bicycle, treadmill or stair stepping ergometer. Measures the patients response to a constant or increasing workload
  12. What is a myocardial infarction?
    A heart attack that occurs when the blood flow to the heart is reduced as a result of blockage in the coronary arteries or their braches
  13. What is ringworm and where is it found?
    A fungal infection. flat lesions on body that are dry and scaly or moist and crusty.

    • Feet- athete's foot or tinea pedis, most common
    • Groin- jock itch or tinea cruris
    • Scalp- tinea capitis
  14. What is a rsik factor in all types os skin cancer?
    Over exposure to the sun
  15. What are common symptoms of diabetes mellitus?
    frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, un-explaned weight loss, fatigue, blurry vision
  16. What does dcreased activity of the thyoid gland cause?
    • Hypothyroidism-under production of the hormone thyroxie
    • Adults- Myxedema, fatigue, low blood pressure, dry sking/hair, facial puffiness and goiter
    • Children- Cretinism, mental and physical retardation
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MA chapter 40