MA cahpter #39

  1. What is the medical practice act? Is it the same for all state?
    The medical practice act is a aw that defines the exact duties that the physicians and other health care personnel may perform. No it is not the same in all states
  2. Who is the 1st doctor a patient might see?
  3. When assisting with an examination, what should you report to the doctor?
    any possible signs of substance abuse, domestic violence and elder/ child abuse or neglect
  4. Define an embolus and what can it do?
    It the thrombus becomes dislodged and travels into the blood stream, it is know as an embolus. An embolus can be fatal, depending on its location.
  5. What is Alzheimer's disease?
    it is a severly debilitating brain disorder
  6. How may well baby examinations should a baby have during their 1st year and when are they?
    • seven
    • 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 4months, 6 months, 9 months, and 1 year
  7. What is scoliosis and who is most likey to get it?
    • scoliosis is an s curve of the spine
    • young children mostly girls
  8. When does a baby start to get Hepatits B shots?
    starting the day after birth
  9. What do we use to treat fevers in children?
    acetaminophen and ibuprofen
  10. What us Nagele's rule and how do you figure it?
    • it is used to estimate a pregnant women's delivery date
    • begin with the first day of the patients last menstral period, subract 3 months, and add 7 day and 1 year
  11. What is the most recommended treatment for scoliosis?
    Milwaukee brace
  12. Do children born to women who are HIV positive have a greater risk of being infected?
    who a women is HIV positive and remains untreated, her baby has a 25 to 33 % chance of being infected
  13. What prompts a menstrual cycle to start?
    the cycle of preparation for conception
  14. What is HGC and why is it measured?
    • hormone human chorionic gonadtropin
    • it is measured to determine pregnancy
  15. What are the signs of alcohol abuse?
    depressed heart rate, reparation, and blood pressure; slurred speech, odor of alcohol on breath, reduced coordination and reflexes, poor vision and depth perception
  16. What are the signs of cocaine abuse?
    excitation, increased pulse rate and blood pressure, increase respiration and body temperature, dilated pupils, and loss of appetite
  17. What would indicate a sign of neglect in the elderly?
    foul odor from the patients body, poor skin color, inappropriate clothing for the season, soiled clothing, and extreme concern about money
  18. Who is at risk for developing deep vein thrombosis?
    people with poor circulation, vein injury, prolonged bed rest, recent surgery or childbirth, irregular blood coagulation, and use of oral contraceptives
  19. Define thrombus
    a blood clot
  20. What do you need to tell a patient to do to help prevent constipation or diarrhea?
    encourge elderly patients to eat more high fiber foods, such as cereals, fruits and vegtables, and to increase fluid intake.
  21. What is the cause of Atherosclerosis?
    an accumualtion of deposit along inner walls of arteries obstructing blood flow. cause is usually associated witha diet in high cholesterol. Smoking and obesity can also increase the risk
  22. What is a hunched- over posture a sign of? What is a good prevention?
    • osteoporosis
    • prevention includes regular exercise, a deit high in calcuim and hormone replacement therapy for women who are menopausal or post menopausal
  23. Define Alzheimer's disease. Explain the caregivers role.
    • severly dibiliting brain disorder
    • the primary role of the caregiver is to provide comfort and safety to the patient
  24. What disease do we get from deer ticks?
    Lyme diseas
  25. List the symptoms of pneuminia
    symptoms range from coughing, sputum productionm and chest pain to chills and fever
  26. How is rabies transmitted?
    it is transmitted to humans by a bite from a mammal, such as a dog, cat or bat
  27. What are the characteristics of chlamydia?
    discharge and uncomforable urination, although it may asymptomatic, particulary in women
  28. What are the signs of candidiasis and what is used to treat it?
    • severe genital itching, redness and swelling of the vaginal or vulval tissue, llight yellow or white patches on the vagina and vaginal discharge
    • it is treated with an antimycotic ( antifungal) drug
  29. What are the symptoms of genital herpies? Is there a cure for it?
    • blister like sores on the genitalia, difficult urination, swelling of the legs, fatigue and a general ill feeling
    • there is no cure
  30. What are the signs and symptoms of genital warts?
    generally asymptomatic, but have some burning and itching in the general
  31. What are the signs and symptoms of gonorrhea?
    inflammation of the genitalia, with greenish yellow discharge from the cervix, sore throat, anal discharge, swollen glands and lower abdonial pain
  32. What is anemia?
    results from deficiency of iron or vitamins, can also result from loss of blood
  33. What are symptoms of appendicitis?
    loss of appitite, nausia, vomiting, fever and abdominal pain
  34. Know the symptoms of arthritis
    pain and stiffness in the joints
  35. What causes gout?
    metaboloc disease involving acute joint pain most commonly in the big toe
  36. How do children get head lice?
    spread amoung children by head to head contact and by sharing object such as comb and hairbrushes
  37. What are the symptoms of impetago?
    causes inflammation and pustules, which are small lymph filled bumps that rupture and become encrusted before healing
  38. Define infectious conjunctivitis?
    highly contagious streptococcal or staphylococcal bacteral infection of conjunctiva of the eye
  39. Define cerebral palsy
    a birth related disorder of the nerves and muscles, is the most frequent crippling disease in children
  40. What causes Down syndrome?
    a genetic disorder resulting from one extra chromosome in each of the millions of cell formed during the development of the fetus
  41. What is the best apgar rating for a newborn?
  42. What is ectopic pregnancy? What has to be done and why?
    • fertilized egg unable to move out of the fallopian tube into the uterus for implantation
    • surgery to remove the embryo from the fallopian tube before the tube ruptures
  43. Define amenorrhea
    abnormal suppression or absence of menstration
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MA cahpter #39
Medical Assistating