Spanish Grammer Terms

  1. Indirect Object Pronouns (Object in sentence is RECEIVER of action)
    Me (to, for me)
    te (to, for you)
    le (to, for him, it, you-masc. sing)
    nos (to, for us)
    les (to, for them, you-pl.)
    • 1. An indirect object tells to or for whom something is done.
    • 2. An indirecto object may be either a noun(p/p/t) or a pronoun (descibes p/p/t).
    • 3. Indirect object pronouns are used in a sentence to aviod redundancy.
    • (a. before a conjugated verb) (b. attached to the end of an infinitive, if one is present)
    • One verb= Tu (le) escribes una carta (a Marta?).
    • Two verbs= A. Tu (le) vas escribir una carta (a Marta). B. Tu vas a escribirle una carta (a Marta)
  2. Saber vs. Conocer
    Saber: To know a fact.
    1. Facts: Yo se espanol. Yo se donde esta Chicago. Tu sabes todo el vocabulario.
    2. Know how to do something (infinitives) Yo se hablar espanol. Uds. saben bailar tengo.

    • Conocer: Be familiar or acquainted
    • 1. Person: Yo conozco a Jessica
    • 2. Place: Yo conozco Chicago
    • 3. Thing: Alicia conoce la computadora Apple, ella tiene una.
  3. Direct Object Pronouns
    • 1) One verb: yo escribo la composicion. Yo la escribo.
    • 2) Two verbs: yo voy a escribir la composicion. Yo la voy a escribir. Voy a escribirla
  4. Present Progresive
    • Estar + ando (AR)
    • Estar + iendo (ER & IR)
  5. Conjugation: A set of forms of a verb for a specific tense or mood or the process by which these verb forms are presented.
    • Preterite conjugation of cantar:
    • Cante cantamos
    • cantaste
    • canto cantaron
  6. Conjunction: A word used to connect words, clauses, or phrases.
    • Susana es de Cuba y Pedro es de Espana
    • No quiero estudiar pero tengo que hacerlo.
    • I don't want to study, but I have to.
  7. Mood: A grammatical distinction of verbs that indicates whether the verb is intended to make a statement or command or to express a dount, emotion, or condition contrary to fact.
    Imperative mood: Verb forms used to make commands
    Indicative mood: Verb forms used to state facts, actions, states considered to be real.
    Subjunctive mood: Expresses whishes, desires, emotions, doubts, & certain conditions.
    • Imperative mood:Di la verdad. !Comamos ahora!
    • Tell the truth Let's eat now!
    • Indicative mood: Se que tienes el dinero.
    • I know you have the money
    • Subjunctive mood: Prefieres que hablo en espanol?
    • You prefer that I speak en espanol?
    • Dubo que Luis tenga el dinero necesario.
    • I doubt that Luis has the necessary money.
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Spanish Grammer Terms
Vistas Present Progesive, Indirect Object Pronouns, Direct Object Pronouns.....