Directional Terms

  1. Superior
    toward the head or the upper part of the structure
  2. Interior
    away from the head or toward the lower part of a structure
  3. Anterior
    nearer to or at the front of the body
  4. Posterior
    nearer to the back of the body
  5. Medial
    nearer to the midline of the body
  6. Lateral
    farther from the midline of the body
  7. Ipsilateral
    on the same side of the midline of the body
  8. Contalateral
    on the opposite side of the midline of the body
  9. Proximal
    nearer to the attachment of a limb
  10. Distal
    farther from the attachment of a limb
  11. Superficial
    toward or on the surface of the body
  12. Deep
    away from the surface of the body
Card Set
Directional Terms
slide 6