Pharmacology Dr. Brown Ch 7: Endocrine System Drugs

  1. Structures in the pancreas that produces insulin
    Beta cells
  2. Type of hypothyroidism caused by a disease in the pituitary gland
    Secondary hypothyroidism
  3. State of being in heat
  4. A compound that originates outside of the body, a drug.
    Exogenous compounds
  5. Naturally occurring hormone
  6. Part of the estrous cycle that runs from the development of the follicle to lysis of the follicle
    Follicular phase
  7. Part of the estrous cycle controlled by the CL
    Luteal phase
  8. Thyroid condition caused by a lack of iodine and not a malfunction with the thyroid gland
  9. Muscular layer of the uterus
  10. Creation of glucose from amino acids (proteins)
  11. Can cause cancer
  12. Disease treated by sulfonylurea compounds
    Oral medications used to lower blood glucose in diabetic patients
  13. Breakdown of glycogen stores in the liver
  14. Lyses the corpus luteum
  15. Stimulates secretion of T3 and T4
    Thyroid secreting hormone
  16. Hormone secreted by the developing follicles on the ovary
  17. Hormones that predisposes the uterus to pyometra
    • Progesterone
    • Estrogen
  18. Hormone that triggers development of cells that hold the ovum
    Follicle stimulating hormone
  19. Side effects in the mare include bronchoconstriction, colic, and premature abortion
    Dinoprost tromethamine, cloprostenol, or fenprostalene
  20. Used to treat urinary incontinence in spayed female dogs
    Diethylstillbestrol (DES)
  21. Used to bring cattle in the luteal phase of estrous cycle back into estrus; not effective in the follicular phase
    Dinoprost tromethamine (Lutalyse)
  22. Hormone naturally produced by the CL
  23. Hormone that naturally lyses the mature follicle and releases the egg
  24. Form of thyroid drug most commonly used to treat hypothyroidism
  25. Level is decreased in cats with primary hyperthyroidism
    TSH and TRH
  26. DOC for maintaining control of diabetes mellitus in the dog; intermediate-acting insulin
    NPH insulin
  27. Short-term treatment of choice for hyperglycemia in dogs with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus; brings glucose levels down quickly given IV
    Regular or crystalline insulin
  28. Hormone that maintains pregnant state of the uterus
  29. Hormone associated with behavioral signs of heat
  30. Given to help a flaccid, pregnant uterus contract during labor
  31. Given to transitional estrus mares over several days to imitate diestrus, then stopped to stimulate the normal regression of the CL and hopefully initiate the follicular phase
  32. Used to decrease hyperglycemic condition in some cats with diabetes, given orally
    Glipizide; sulfonylurea compound
  33. Sometimes given to mares to attempt to maintain pregnancy, rarely successful other than in mares that are naturally lacking this hormone
    Progesterone compounds
  34. Hormone that directly stimulates the thyroid to produce and release hormones
    TSH from pituitary
  35. Thyroid hormone that actually causes the changes inside the cell
  36. Thyroid hormone that allows local tissue regulation of its thyroid hormone need
  37. Hormone that causes the release of FSH and LH to start the follicular phase
  38. Hormone that causes development of ovarian cells that produce estrogen
  39. Hormone that stimulates the development of the CL from follicular cells
  40. Hormone released by the pituitary when the fetus enters the birth canal, causes forceful uterine contractions
  41. Hormone released by the fetus to begin the steps leading to parturition
  42. A control, not a cure for hyperthyroidism; keeps thyroid from synthesizing thyroid hormones
  43. Compound that destroys the feline thyroid tumor in feline hyperthyroidism
  44. Used to decrease the heart rate of a hyperthyroid cat but doesnt effect the excessive concentrations of T3 and T4
  45. Was used to prevent pregnancy in the dog by suppressing release of GnRH, FSH, and LH
    Megestrol acetate
  46. Prevents a mare from coming into foal heat by inhibiting the follicular phase of estrous cycle, its a progestin
  47. Can cause open-cervix pyometra in the dog 2-4 weeks after administration can also cause aplastic anemia
  48. Long-lasting insulin
    Ultralente, PZI insulin
  49. Used to synchronize the estrus cycle of animals in the lutral phase by terminating the luteal phase and bringing them back into the folllicular phase
    Dinoprost tromethamine
  50. Used to terminate pregnancy in mares; much species variation in its effectiveness
    Dinoprost tromethamine
  51. Excessive production of thyroid hormone
  52. Low production of the thyroid hormone
  53. Decrease in thyroid hormone associated with disease or destruction of the thyroid gland
    Primary hypothyroidism
  54. Thyroid gland is normal, pituitary is also normal but the hypothalamus is unable to produce TRH
    Tertiary hypothyroidism
  55. Procedure used in cats to best treat hyperthyroidism and is the removal of the thyroid gland
  56. Type of diabetes characterized by a decrease in insulin and related to the number of functional beta cells
    Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)
  57. Type of diabetes resulted from a decreased effectiveness of insulin even though the beta cells are capable of producing adequate insulin
    Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM)
  58. Used to describe the noun cycle
  59. Synthesized drugs that mimic progestins
  60. Suppression of blood cell production by the bone marrow, decrease in bone marrow cells
    Aplastic anemia
  61. Reproductive hormones decrease to minimal amounts causing the mare to stop cycling and enter a period called _____
    Seasonal anestrus
  62. Difficult labor
  63. TRUE OR FALSE. Overdose of insulin will result in hyperglycemia
  64. TRUE OF FALSE. Compared with humans dogs are very susceptible to thyrotoxicosis
  65. TRUE OR FALSE. General rule, cats need longer acting insulin than dogs
  66. Levothyroxine
    Use, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Hypothyroidism 
    • Cons: Heart disease, hyperthyroidism, hypertension
    • Side effects: Polydipsia, polyuria, personality change
  67. Methimazole
    Use, how it works, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Hyperthyroidism for cats
    • How it works: Blocks thyroid tumors ability to produce T3 and T4
    • Cons: Liver/renal dysfunction
    • Side effects: Vomiting and anorexia
  68. Radioactive Iodine
    Use and how it works
    • Use: Hyperthyroidism for cats
    • How it works: Kills thyroid tumor cells by radioactivity
  69. Short acting insulin
    Regular crystalline insulin
  70. Intermediate acting insulins
    • NPH
    • Lente
  71. Long acting insulins
    • Ultralente
    • PZI
  72. GnRH analogs uses in cattle
    Stimulate release of LH and FSH and lyse persistent ovarian follicles
  73. Equine chorionic gonadotropin uses and effects
    • Induce superovulation in food animals and to induce estrus in cats/dogs
    • Produced in fetal cells of horses and has FSH and LH effects
  74. Altrenogest
    Use, how it works, and contraindications
    • Use: Control the estrus cycle, help maintain pregnancy, and help with behavior modification
    • How it works: Inhibiting release of GnRH, FSH and LH
    • Cons: Uterine inflammation
  75. Megestrol acetate
    Use, how it works, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Postpone estrus, prevent false pregnancy, skin conditions, behavior in cats
    • How it works: Inhibiting release of GnRH, FSH and LH
    • Cons: Uterine disease, pregnant
    • Side effects: Polydipsia, polyuria, drowsiness
  76. Estradiol cypionate 
    Use, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Urinary incontinence, prevent embryo implantation
    • Cons: Pregnant, breeding males, bone marrow disease
    • Side effects: Pyometra, polyuria, polydipsia, aplastic anemia
  77. DES 
    Use, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Urinary incontinence in dogs 
    • Cons: Pregnant, bone marrow disease 
    • Side effects: Pyometra, polyuria, polydipsia, cancer potential in humans
  78. Dinoprost tromethamine and Cloprostenol
    Use, how it works, contraindications, side effects
    • Use: Estrus synchronization, treatment of silent estrus and pyometra 
    • How it works: Lyse an active CL in diestrus of the luteal phase or contract the uterus 
    • Cons: NSAIDS
    • Side effects: Abortion, CNS effects, vomiting
  79. Oxytocin
    Use and how it works
    • Use: Induce labor
    • How it works: Causes contractions of the myometrium
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Pharmacology Dr. Brown Ch 7: Endocrine System Drugs
Pharmacology Dr. Brown Ch 7 Endocrine System Drugs