Week 1

  1. What is Hein's model of communication?
    • The referent
    • The source-encoder
    • The message
    • The channel
    • The receiver-decoder
    • Feedback
  2. What is the referent?
    the source of the interaction. The thought or idea. A reason for engaging in a verbal exchange.
  3. What is the source-encoder?
    A person who talks to another person.
  4. Factors that affect the way we communicate
    • 1. Our communication skills
    • 2. Our level of Knowledge
    • 3. Our attitude
    • 4. Our socioculture system
  5. What is the message?
    The concrete expression of our ideas and experiences
  6. What are the three types of messages?
    • 1. Message code - how presented
    • 2. Massage content - the expression of the message
    • 3. Message treatment - the manor in which we covey the message.
  7. What is the channel?
    Involves the five senese, touch, hearing, smell, seeing and tasting.
  8. WHat is the receiver- decoder?
    The person to whom the message is directed.
  9. What is feedback
    The receiver-decoder must let the encoder know if massage was succesfully received.
  10. When is communication considered most effective
    when the intended meaning of the sender message is understood by the receiver.
  11. Types of verbal communication
    • 1. Social Conversation
    • 2. Theraputic conversation
  12. Theraputice conversation
    • Professional helping relationship
    • Purposful and goal directed
    • Fee for service
    • There to meet the client needs
  13. Social conversation
    • Spontaneous
    • Family oriented
    • Mutual caring and support
    • Necassary for a meaningful relationship
  14. Types of nonverbal communication
    • Body language
    • Paralinguistic cues
  15. Types of Body Language
    • 1. facial expressions
    • 2. body postion and movement of head
    • 3. hand gestures
    • 4. dress
    • 5. posture
  16. Types of paralinguistics cues
    • 1. Tone of voice
    • 2. pitch
    • 3. loudness
    • 4. pacing of words
    • 5. stumbling over words
    • 6. use of grunts and sighs
  17. What is paralinguistic cues
    The way a person use thier voice in communicating
  18. What is Kinesics
    The study of body movement communication
  19. Touch
    Represents a persons first experience in communicating with another humane being
  20. Meta communication
    exploration of all factors that influence communication
  21. Interpersonal
    is interaction that occurs between two people in a small group
  22. Intrapersonal communication
    "self-talk" is a powerful form of communication that occurs with in an individual.
  23. Denotative meaning
    Individuals who use a common language
  24. Connotative meaning
    the shade or interpretation of a words meaning influenced by the thoughts, feelings, or ideas people have about the word.
  25. Cliche
    • is a saying, expression, idea, or element of an artistic work which has
    • been overused to the point of losing its original meaning or effect,
    • "played out", rendering it a stereotype, especially when at some earlier time it was considered meaningful or novel.
  26. Asserive communication
    a type of communication based on a philosophy of protecting individual rights and reponsibilies. self directive.
Card Set
Week 1
Unit 1