the branch of science that deals with the sructure of body parts
concerns the functions of body parts
chemicals consist of mictoscopic particles
groups of atoms
group of molecules
group of organelles....basic unit of structure and function in organisms
groups of macromolecules....carry out specifi acticites..compesed of aggregates of macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids
group of cells organized into layers or other sructures that have common functions
group of different tissues that interact...complex stuctues with specialized functions
organ systems
groups of organs that function closely together
are made up of organ systems
the sum total of all of the chemical reactions in the body that break substances down and build them up
Requirements of organisms
- 1. Water
- 2. Foods
- 3. Oxygen
- 4. Heat
- 5. Pressure
Characteristics of Life
- 1. Movement-Change in position of the body or of a body part: motion of an internal organ
- 2. Responsiveness- Reaction to change inside or outside the body
- 3. Growth- Increase in bodysize without change in shape
- 4.Reproductive- Production of new organisms and new cells
- 5. Respiration- use of oxygen: removal of CO2
- 6.Digestion- Breakdown of food into simpler forms
- 7. Absotption- movement of substances through membrans and into fluids
- 8. Circulation- Movement with body fluids
- 9. Assimilation- Changing nutrients into chemically different forms
- 10. Excretion- removal of wast
maintenace of a stable internal encironment
negative feedback
- two recptors
- one tells body to start
- other tells body to stop
positive feedback
- recpotors start and dont stop
- ex blood clotting
provide info about specific conditions (stimuli) in the internal environment
set point
tells what a particulat value should be
cause responses that alter conditions in the internal environment
includes the head neck and trunk
includes the upper and lower limbs
cranial cavity
houses the brain
vertebral cavity
contains the spainal cord within the sections of the backbone
thoracic cavity
space above diaphragm...contains the heart,lungs and mediastinum
separates the thoracic cavity into two compartmetns...contains the heart, esophagus, trachea,and thymus
abdominopelvic cavity
space between the diaphragma and the lower portion of the trunk of the body
abdominal cavity
includes the stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, kidneys, and most of the small and large intestines
pelvic cavity
contains the termainal portion of the large intestine, unrinary bladder, and the internal reproductive organs...enclosed by the hip bones
oral cavity
contains the teethand tongue
nasal cavity
located within the nose and divided into right and left portions by nasal septum. serveral air-filled esinusis connect to the casal cavity. these include the frontal and sphenoidal sinuses
orbital cavities
contain the eyes and associated skeletgal muscles and nerves
middle ear cavities
contain middle ear bones
refers to the membrane attached to the wall of a cavity
membrane that is deeper...toward the interior and covers an internal organ
pleural cavity
the space between the parietal and visceral pleural membranes... is a thin filmof water fluids which the parietal and visceral membranes secrete
pericardial membranes
surrounds the heart...a thin visceral pericardium covers the hearts surface and is separted from a thicker parietal pericardum by a small colume of fluid; the pericardial cavity
integumentary system
includes the skein and carious accesory organs, such as hair, nails, sweet glands, and sevaceous glands...protect the underlying tissues, helps regulate body temp, houses a variety of sensory receptors and synthesizes certain products
skeletal system
consists of bones as well as ligaments adn cartilages that bind bones together...provide framwork and protectice shields for softer tissues, are attachments for muscles, and act with muscles when body parts move
muscular system
constist of muscles... by contracting and pulling their ends colser together muscles proved forces that move body parts they also maintain posture and are the main source of body heat
nervous system
constists of the brain, spianal cord, nerves, adn sense organs...coordinates the activities of muscles, monitors organs, constructs and processes data received from the senses, and initiates actions
endocrine system
includes all the glands that secrete chemical messengers called hormones..... hypothalamus of the brain; pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands; pancreas, overies, testes, pineal gland , and thymus...
cardiovascular system
transports substances throughout the internal environment...includes the heart, arteries, veins, capillaries and blood
lymphatic system
composed of lymphatic vessels, lymph fluid, lymph nodes, thymus, and spleen...transports some of the tissue fluid back to the bloodstream and carries certain fatty substances away fromm the digestive organs and into the bloodstream
digestive system
includes the mouth tongue, teeth, salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, and small/large intestine
respiratory system
moves airin and out and exchange gases between blood and the air....includes nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs
urinary system
consists of the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra
reproductive system
- produces whole new organisms like itself
- ~male-scrotum, testes, epididymides, ductus deferentia, siminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands, penis, and urethra
- ~female-ovaries, utertine tubes, uterus, vagina, clitoris, and vulva
anaomical positon
body is standing efect, facing forward, with upper limbs at sides, and palms forward.
body part is aboce anoter part or is closer to head...the thoracic cavity is superior to abdominopelvic cavity
body part is below another body part or is toward the feet....neck is inferior to the head
anterior (ventral)
means towrd the front...the eyes ore anterior to the brain
posterior (dorsal)
toward the back...the pharynx is posterior to the oral cavity
refers to an imaginaty midline dividing the body into equal right and left halves. a body part is medial if ti is closer to this line than another part...the nose is medial to the eyes
towrd the side with respect tho imaginary midline...the ears are lateral to they eyes
paird structures, one which is on each side...the lungs are bilateral
structures on the same side...the right lung and the right kidney are ipsilateral
structures on the opposite side....a patient with a fractured right leg would have to beart wight on the contralateral...inthis case left lower limb
body part that is closer to point of attachment to the trunk than another body part....the elbow is prozimal to the wrist....(proximal tubule..which is closer to filtering stucture inthe kidney
particulat body part is farther from a pint of attacment to ht trunk thatn another body part....the fingers are distal to the wrist ( may also refer to another reerence point suchas decreased blood flow distal to occlusion of a coronary artery)
situated near the surface...the epidermis is the superficial layer of skin
outward or near the surface...describes the location of certain blood vessels and nerves..,. the nerves that branch from the brain and spinal cord are peripheral nerves
lenghtwise plane that divides the body into right and left protions
median (midsagittal)
when sagittal plane passes along the midline
sagittal section lateral to midline
plane that divides the body into superior and inferior portions
plane the divides the body int anterior and posterior portions
epigastric region
upper middle portion
left and right hypochondriac regiopns
lie on each side of the epigatric region
umbilical region
middle portion
left and right lumbar regions
lie on each side of the umbilical region
hypogastic region
lower middle portion
region between the thorax and pelvis