The World That Trade Created

  1. Transportation
    • Ships
    • Suez Canal- 1869
    • China's shipbuilding
    • Railroad- 19th century
    • Steam
    • Relates to change in geography
    • straddle different social areas and historical epochs
  2. Chocolate
    • discovered by Christopher Columbus (1502)
    • Mayans were using it as coins
    • Ascetic priests popularized it in Spain
    • considered Catholic drink at first
  3. Coffee
    • developed 1400 in Mocca
    • became Muslim drink
    • started out slowly as aristocratic drink in Europe
    • started trade by Jean de la Roque
    • seen as medicine
    • slowly used by laborers and then everybody
  4. Opium
    • traded by Europeans for Asians in exchange for tea (1700)
    • led to Opium War
    • initially a luxury
    • 1818- developed into cheaper form: crack
  5. Coca
    • used by Incans
    • used for medical and religious purposes
    • Spanish quest for silver => more coca use by laborers
    • Spanish looked down on coca until 1860 when transformed into cocaine for anesthetics
  6. Tea
    • from China (600 A.D)
    • traded with Turks and Mongols for warhorses
    • never shifted to New World to be grown
    • primarily used as medicine
    • later became national drink in England
    • Europeans traded Chinese tea for opium
  7. Sugar
    • domesticated in India by 300 B.C
    • Sao Tome- revolutionized
    • sugar plantations and slaves were used to produce enough for Europe
    • Haiti became sugar plantation for Europe also
  8. Rubber
    • Henry Wickham brought them over to Europe in 1876
    • originally in Amazon
    • brought much wealth to Amazon
    • Charles Macintosh made solvent for rubber
    • Charles Goodyear discovered process that made rubber impermeable
    • used in cars and bikes
  9. Gold
    • gold rush of California
    • James Marshall found gold and brought to Sutter
    • Mexicans didn't like it because it would bring other people to the civilization
  10. Cochineal
    • used as red dye for fabrics
    • bugs crushed up to create dye
    • Spanish made Indians collect and kill cochineal to create red dye
    • until 1850's cochineal's were the only cause of red dye
  11. Guano
    • bird poop used as fertilizer
    • 1830's Europe traded guano with Peru
  12. Fur
    • in the Tang dynasty (645-908)
    • only owned by elite
    • Russians dominated market for century
    • 1780's Britain and America started participating
  13. Peanuts
    • from New to Old World
    • first in Africa but didn't spread anywhere
    • Spanish brought to Philippines
    • used by many poor people because it replenished soil
    • also, every part was usable
    • in 1900, chemists found dozens of uses of the peanut
    • this is when demand went up
  14. Reaper-Binder
    • device invented by John Appleby (1878)
    • needed twine which resulted in impoverished peasants in the Yucatan peninsula
  15. Potato
    • Spanish soldiers in Peruvian Andes (1550's)
    • grew at high altitudes
    • many grown per acre
    • little labor
    • easy to store
    • entered Europe in two ways: aristocratic and for Indian slaves
    • usually popularized by famines (Ireland)
    • 1700's became field crop
  16. Potosi
    • mountain of silver
    • Incas used silver for temples and jewelry
    • 1545- Spanish were aware of mountain
    • made Incans mine for it
  17. Pirates
    as a result- fuitschip was created to defend against pirates
  18. Ivory
    Belgium king, Leopald, took control of Africa and brutalized natives to kill elephants and take ivory
  19. Silver
    dominated by gold standard
  20. currency
  21. Metric System
    • used to measure with hands, feet, etc.
    • became problem because sizes were different and different countries had different measures
    • sometimes used variations as excuse to not trade
    • 18th century French revolution created and spread metric system
  22. Time
    clocks were different when trading so needed time to be able to tell when to trade and when train would get to certain location, etc
  23. U.S
    • gained half of Mexican territory
    • invested in Mexico => BIG $$$
  24. Packaging
    • cans for soldiers to keep food edible
    • wives found it useful
    • TV dinners, Campbell, etc
  25. Hygiene
    • show sign of "civilized" people instead of savages
    • Cleanliness Institute
    • as result of shows and ads
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The World That Trade Created
History Summer Reading