EO Test

  1. Who does the EO policy apply to?
    • 1) Extends to soldiers and family members
    • 2) Applies on and off post.
  2. What are some of the EO program principles?
    • a. Commanders and leaders are responsible for unit EO
    • b. Promote harmony, do not merely avoid disorder
    • c. Support individual and cultural diversity
    • d. Ensure discipline is not compromised
    • e. Provide Fair and Equal Treatment for all Soldiers and Family Members
  3. What is the socialization process?
    The socialization process is an all encompassing educational process from which values, goals, beliefs, attitudes, and sex-roles are acquired.
  4. What sources influence socialization?
    • a. Nation
    • b. Region
    • c. Family (Most Important)
    • d. Media
    • e. Community
    • f. Peers/Friends
  5. What are values?
    Values are attitudes about the worth or importance of people, concepts, or things. Values influence your behavior because you use them to decide between alternatives. Values, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs are cornerstones of who we are and how we do things. They form the basis of how we see ourselves as individuals, how we see others, and how we interpret the world in general.
  6. What is the definition of attitude?
    Webster's Dictionary defines attitude as a state of mind or feeling with regard to some matter; a disposition. Cannot be seen or touched.
  7. What is effective communication?
    Effective communication is defined as the successful exchange of information between individuals.
  8. What is an effective communicator?
    An effective communicator is successful in establishing an active two-way link with another individual or group.
  9. What are the barriers to cross-cultural misunderstandings?
    • Symbols
    • Signs and Gestures
    • Clothing and appearance
    • Accents
    • Jive & Jargon
    • Lack of Trust
  10. What is effective listening?
    Effective listening is the listening to the words of the speaker and the meaning of the words.
  11. What is active listening?
    Active listening is a process in which the listener takes active responsibility to understand the content and feeling of what is being said and then checks with the speaker to see if he/she heard what the speaker intended to communicate.
  12. What are the methods to test understanding?
    • Parroting
    • Paraphrasing
    • Clarifying
  13. What is effective feedback?
    Effective feedback is defined as a verbal or nonverbal communication to a person or group providing information as to how their behavior is affecting or influencing you (giving feedback). It may also be a reaction by others as to how your behavior is affecting or influencing them (receiving feedback).
  14. How do you receive feedback?
    • Be non-defensive
    • Ask for more information
    • Sometimes you may need to say you do not want feedback
  15. What is intra-group conflict?
    Intra-group conflict is conflict between groups in the same organization or command.
  16. What are stereotypes?
    • An exaggereated believe associated with a category. Characteristics of stereotypes:
    • a. Fixed, rigid ideas
    • b. Associated with a group or category of people
    • c. Not supported by evidence
    • d. Can be favorable or unfavorable
    • e. driven by motive
  17. What is culture?
    Culture is defined as the learned, shared, and perceptual behaviors of a group which have been transmitted from generation to generation through a shared symbol system.
  18. What examples are non-attributes of culture?
    • Race
    • Genetics
    • Ethnicity
  19. What is prejudice?
    A negative attitude or feeling toward certain groups based upon faulty and inflexible generalizations.
  20. Give some examples for acting out prejudice:
    • Disparaging terms
    • Avoidance
    • Discrimination
    • Physical attacks
  21. What is racism?
    Any attitude or action by an individual, group or institution to subordinate another person or group because of skin color or other physical traits associated with a particular group.
  22. What is sexism?
    A attitude of superiority or inferiority becase of gender differences. Sexism is defined as an attitude, behavior, or conditioning that fosters stereotypes of social roloes based on sex or gender.
  23. Define power.
    Power is the potential ability of one person in a relationship to influence the others in the relationship psychologically and/or behaviorally. Without power, discrimination is ineffective; with power, prejudiced individuals can discriminate and maintain the dominance of one individual or group over another.

    • Formal Power
    • Informal Power
  24. Methods to prevent victim focus:
    • Dialogue
    • Assessment and feedback
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EO Test
EO Exam