Chapter 6 w430 exam 2

  1. What is going on at Mattel?
  2. What are the different levels of change ?
    • Many organizations being forced to radically change.PPl focus on most serious challenges.
    • Change on a personal level- patterns of behavior, relationships with others, work procedures ,and job skills
    • Change on an Organizational level- Policies, procedures, structures, manufacturing process,and work flows.
  3. 5 phases of the life cycle of resistance to change? define each. do we always have them
    • Phase 1- Change introduced- only few people see need for change. resistance appears massive.
    • Phase 2- Forces identified- forces for and against change become identifiable. change more understood.
    • Phase 3- Direct conflict- conflict and showdown between forces (life or death of change)
    • Phase 4- Residual resistance- remaining resistance seen as stubborn and can sometime shift balance of power.
    • Phase 5- Change established- resistance to the change is few.
    • First and second are the longest.
    • We dont have them all some get shot down
  4. environmental article in the book and 5 phase of change
  5. What kind of factors affect the success of change ?
    • advocates of change
    • -person leading change program is often most important force for change
    • -degree of change
    • -greater chance of success if change is gradual (time frame)
    • -Impact on culture
    • Evaluation on culture
    • -standards of performance developed to measure change and impact on organization
  6. Change model (4 quadrants) how big are they. and how the apply to tgif, nba, firehouse
    • quadrant1- minor, minor impact on culture
    • -resistance is lowest, success is highest
    • quadrant 2-minor, major impact on culture
    • -some resistance can be expected
    • quadrant 3- major, minor impact on culture
    • -some resistance is likely
    • -good management can overcome it
    • quadrant 4- major,major impact on culture
    • -greatest resistance
    • -success is low
  7. 4 driving forces toward acceptance of change
    • 1-dissatisfaction with present situation
    • 2-external pressures toward change
    • 3-mometium toward change
    • 4-motivation by management
  8. what are the different restraining forces
    • general reasons for resistance
    • 1-disruption of routine
    • 2-disturb existing social networks
    • 3-conformity to norms and culture
    • 4- timing
    • change-specific reasons for resistance (is bigger)
    • 1-uncertainty or fear of the unknown
    • 2-self interest (biggest reason)
    • 3-redistribution of power
    • 3- redistrib
  9. what are the strategies for overcoming resistance to change?
    • 1- education and communication/create a vision/ creating a climate conducive to communications
    • 2-participation and involvement of members
    • 3- facilitation and support leadership
    • 4- negotiations  and agreement
    • 5- rewards systems
    • 6- explicit and implicit coercion/power strategist
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Chapter 6 w430 exam 2